
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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177 Chs

Chapter 145: Two Small Tailed Beasts And One Big?!

In Naruto's grasp rests a mission intelligence file, documented by Danzo himself, detailing crucial events involving the Senju clan, the Uzumaki clan, White Fang, and some other events.

Naruto couldn't help but wonder why Danzo had kept such incriminating evidence, as it seemed to be a self-inflicted blow to his reputation. However, Naruto saw it as an opportunity.

What was given to Kakashi was detailed information about his father suicide, Danzo's planning of everything, and Third Hokage's approval. All of this is the best evidence.

Naruto's next plan is to release these things little by little.

He believed that there must be people in the village who harbored dissatisfaction toward the Third Hokage. He was convinced that some spies would also seize this opportunity to sow discord and create chaos within the Konoha, lest things remain calm.

The truth is that Naruto had been secretly eyeing those spies who had hidden their identities from other ninja villages.

In the past few years, Root has been in Danzo's hands for nothing.

Therefore, Naruto was determined not to overlook any opportunity to utilize whatever could be of use.

"Since you already have a plan, then I won't say anything extra."

Minato nodded, reassured.

"By the way, Kushina also wants to be revived through Impure World Reincarnation... What do you think?"

Ever since Minato reincarnated and started to help Naruto, Kushina couldn't bear her idle life anymore. She said that she wanted to contribute, so she kept pestering Minato.

"No need. Wait until next month, I'll just resurrect you both then. Besides, your souls won't be purified."

Naruto shook his head and refused.

What could the reincarnated Kushina do? With ample combat powers at his disposal, her help is not necessary. It would be better for her to assume the role of a teacher and guide Karin.


Minato looked at Naruto in surprise.

Although he had fantasized about resurrection, he had no intention of putting Naruto in an uncomfortable position or pressuring him. However, it seems that Naruto doesn't reject them anymore.

"Yes, it is possible."

Naruto nodded.

"Anyway, do me a favor, will you?"

"Say it. What's the matter?"

Minato said happily.

"Help me bring the mask from the village of the Uzumaki clan. I plan to release your soul, and then get Kurama's half-body back."

Naruto said.

He has watched anime and knows how to open the Shinigami space and release the souls that have been sealed away by the Shinigami.

As for the price he needs to pay, he will just use Sharingan's illusion to manipulate the ghoul. If it doesn't work, he can seek assistance from Orochimaru. At worst, he will give him something which he wanted.

"Can you undo the Dead Demon Consuming Seal?!"

Minato looked at Naruto in shock. Could this technique truly be unlocked?

The fact that Naruto could retrieve a soul from the belly of the Shinigami was astounding in itself and even Kushina didn't know the method!

"Let's just try it. There is no loss anyway."

"Also, I will have to ask you to convince Kakashi as well. He should trust you very much."

Naruto said.

"I see, I will do these two things well."

Minato nodded.


After organizing everything, he returned to his home.

"System, what are the potential upgrades for Shouhe's Chakra?"

Naruto remembered that he didn't seem to have asked about the follow-up of Shouhe.

[3,000 pieces of One Tailed Chakra can be upgraded to one-tenth of Shouhe. ]

[10,000 pieces of One Tailed Chakra can be upgraded to two-tenths of Shouhe.]

[100,000 pieces of One Tailed Chakra can be upgraded to complete One Tail, Shouhe.]

"Huh?? Why is there such a significant upgrade available?"

[Because you stored the complete Chakra of Shuohe. Therefore, it could be upgraded this much.]

"You mean.....I will get two small tailed beasts and one big?!"


"What about Kurama?! Why can't it be upgraded?!"

Naruto asked excitedly. If Kurama could also be upgraded, then there is no need to worry about the Akatsuki organization and Ten Tails. Naruto could go and collect all the Tailed Beasts by himself!

[Because you are Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Therefore, no upgrade option is available.]

Naruto forgot that Kurama was in his body. If he stored Nine Tails, wouldn't he be storing himself?!

"Then what should I do?"

Naruto had to ask for help from his system. After all, now the road of storing Nine Tails seemed vague.

[You can store Nine Tails' other half of the body to get the same effect.]

"Other half? It looks like I did the right thing by asking Minato to get the mask just now."

Naruto said reassuringly. As long as there was a way to get more of Kurama's Chakra.

Moreover, he still has one year before the Akatsuki organization officially begins capturing the tailed beasts.

At that time, his clone might be enough.

"Speaking of which, it seems I have left a Shadow Clone within the Kumogakure's emissary group to observe. I hope he can endure till they relay information to the Kumogakure. If successful, I can then utilize the Shadow Clone's location to reach the Eight Tails~"

Naruto thought happily.

"By the way, what about Mount Myōboku's Sage's Chakra?"

[10,000 pieces of Sage's Chakra can be upgraded to Mount Myōboku's complete Sage Mode. ]

"It's okay. The time is not very long. I also don't lack Sage Arts for now."


The next day, a visitor came to Naruto's house.

"Sasuke, what are you doing here?"

Naruto asked curiously.

"Did you forget something?"

Sasuke looked at Naruto coldly and asked back.


"Did you forget that you said you were going to take me to the Summoning Beast place?"

"Ah... I really forgot."

Speaking of which, the Summoning scrolls of Ryūchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest have also been used and a thousand copies have been made. However, these things cannot be upgraded, so they can only be piled up.

Naruto thought that he could just return the scroll of Shikkotsu Forest and Ryūchi Cave.

It was useless to keep it anyway.

Thinking that, Naruto took out the scroll of Ryūchi Cave.

"What is this?"

Sasuke asked strangely.

"Summoning scroll."

Naruto said and opened the Ryūchi Cave scroll.

"Write your name on it with your blood."

Sasuke looked down and saw Naruto's name and Orochimaru's name on it.

"Orochimaru? Is he the guy I met last time?"

Sasuke asked while biting his finger and writing his name.

"That's correct. Since you're here, I will assist you in locating the Summoning beast. However, before we proceed, we must first change our positions..."

Naruto has only written his name on the scroll and has not yet signed a contract with any snake, so he cannot enter the Ryūchi Cave through the reverse Summoning technique. Now he could only use the Summoning technique first, blindly guess who will come, and then sign the contract. After the contract, enter the holy land through the Summoning beast.

In addition, the snakes, toads, and Katsuyu in the Holy Land are really big, and with Naruto's extremely large Chakra, it is possible to summon large creatures. Thus, moving places is a must.

Naruto took Sasuke and came to the death forest through Flying Thunder God.

"What ninjutsu is this!? Can I learn it!?"

Sasuke's eyes lit up, looking at Naruto expectantly.