
The Ultimate Karma System: Legendary adventure in a cultivation world.

"Kuk HA HA HA HA HA..." Zhu Dingxiang laughed wildly as grieved tears fall from his lifeless eyes. Where did it all begin? What is this insatiable anger that I felt? I, what have I become... "Struggle all you want, Green-Wood Divine Sovereign! YOU CANNOT STOP THE INEVITABLE!" The Devil enunciated every single word with its hideous face. "Are you done talking?" With one hand, Zhu Dingxiang lifted his giant two-handed War-Axe over his shoulder. His black-gold armor was cracking while fresh blood tainted his handsome face. His lonely and heroic figure unleashing a killing intent with unimaginable oppressiveness, Zhu Dingxiang stands straight like an immovable mountain with unrelenting forces. "I will split your body in half and splatter your flesh all over... Ha, Ha Ha Ha!" He charges toward the boundless ocean of enemies unhindered. "I-WILL-SHOW-YOU-MERCY-NO-LONGER!" His deafening roar and determinations shake the soul of all living beings! Each strike of his axe reeks of savagery and pure anger. "The final strike! [WORLDLY CORRECTION!]" THROUGHOUT THE HEAVEN AND EARTH! HE ALONE IS A PREDATOR! THROUGHOUT THE HEAVEN AND EARTH! HE ALONE IS SUPREME! THROUGHOUT THE HEAVEN AND EARTH... HE ALONE IS ABSOLUTE! This is the tale of a man who only seeks a peaceful life. He transmigated from earth to the world of cultivation, have a small cheat and embarked on an exciting adventure. -Disclaimer: I don't own the book cover above so please if the owner is dissatisfied then I will remove it! I will also post character pictures in the comment or paragraphs as a reference, they are all from Pinterest AND i DON'T OWN THEM. -English is my second languages, so there are some grammar and punctuation prob in the few beginning chapter. But please give me your opinions as we start this journey together. -I will try to update at least 1 chapter or 2 a day.! adios.

ChibiSage · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 62: A wild pet has appeared!

The following day

Floating in the endless pink world, Qiuyue doesn't know where she was.

Her body felt incredibly light.

It was as if she is floating along with a warm current of water to an unknown land.

After a long time

Once the rays of morning sunshine peeking through that tiny gap of the wooden window and glaring at the young couple, Qiuyue's eyelids trembled as she finally started regaining consciousness.

'What happened...' She sat up and thought, but something is obviously different from before.

Her skin is much smoother and more refined, and most importantly, she could felt that she has become much more powerful with mysterious energy currently filled her body with life.

"I... Have I broken through? But how could this possible? Am I dreaming?" Qiuyue exclaimed; her voice was greatly shaken as everything is just too unbelievable.

Even with her Human Rank martial spirit, Qiuyue has painstakingly cultivated with all her effort for years but only manages to advance to the Mid of Stage 5 Body Refining. And not to mention that she just broke through yesterday, yet the moment she woke up a day later, her cultivation is at the initial of Stage 7 of Body Refining?

She couldn't believe it.

It's so unreal that she thought everything was just a dream, a wet dream!

However, that thought soon evaporated.

"Hmm? Eek~!" With a twitch, She yelps, feeling something from below.

Looking down, Qiuyue gasps upon noticing that she was currently on top of the naked Dingxiang with his little brother still fully erected inside of her cave.

"H-how can he still be so lively after doing that all night?" She was utterly astonished as her vagina suddenly abruptly tightened and squeezing out another load from Dingxiang, almost waking him up.

"Umn♡~" Qiuyue softly moaned.

Suddenly, she felt that her cultivation just experienced a slight improvement as the familiar pleasant energy infiltrated her body's dept.

She was left speechless.

"Don't tell me..." After removed herself and exposing little Dingxiang to the cold breeze, making it quivered. Qiuyue's eyes glittered with mysterious light as her beautiful slender fingers gently caressing his erect member with care like it's a peerless treasure.



Time passed slowly.

A few hours flew by, and Dingxiang was finally awake from a peaceful and beautiful dream.

He then stretched his body and relaxed as last night was one of the few that he could sleep soundly without being haunted by a nightmare. However, the first he sees once he opened his eyes was Qiuyue lasciviously giving him a blowjob.

'Oh no...my image of her is slowly crumbling...'

Feeling something, he groaned as another stream of milk erupting out inside her little mouth.

"Yue'er? I didn't know you were so naughty, didn't have enough last night?" He said teasingly.

Hearing Dingxiang, Qiuyue blushed as her heart skipped a beat. However, she still licks clean of his precious milk that was spilling off her heart-shaped lip, not willing to waste a single drop.

"Honey, you are finally awake? It's not that, and also, my hips are still sore because of you. But's your... y-your thing that helped me breakthrough by two minor stages, so I wanted to confirm if it's real."

As Qiuyue continued to talks, her volume decreased so low that it's almost a whisper.

'It's not my fault, and your semen just tasted so great and so magical that I'm getting addicted, hmmm!' She thought to herself and looking a little frustrated, unknowingly displaying another new side of herself.

While taken back by her words, Dingxiang thought that it makes sense. After all, he possessed the Wood-Origin Physique and cultivating with pure nature Qi. It didn't come as a surprise that his semen contains a high concentration of pure lifeforce that could help her experience a short period of explosive rises in strength.

In fact, every single part of Dingxiang's body can be considered as an extremely precious and sought-after elixir if discovered by others.

'Oh boy, imagined those old monsters at the end of their lives who were desperately looking for ways to extend their times happened to discover the secret of my body, ho ho ho...'

'Tsk! I should be more careful in the future.' As Dingxiang thought it's pointless to think about that any longer, he turned his attention to something else.

"Sorry, sorry, your hubby was only joking! As an apology, how about..." Seeing her spouting, Dingxiang revealed a wolfish smile then hugged her from behind with his tails.

Although they already did it so many times last night, Dingxiang was still feeling somewhat embarrassed, but he tried to make it as natural as possible.

"W-wait, wait, I still have to practice." (Qiuyue)

"Screw that! You can practice later! Besides, isn't this also a form of practicing?"

Trailing his fingers through her moist cave, Dingxiang picked Qiuyue up into the air and piercing into her hole with one thrust.


Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!*


Before long, they moved into the bathtub, and the mating pair carried on as erotic moans soon follow.


[Side story]

Meanwhile, at the exact times when Dingxiang was busying himself with the baby-making matter, an intruder was slowly making its way to his courtyard!

In the back garden

One could hear the childish voice of a little girl singing. Something so pure and beautiful; that innocent voice carried full of happiness, a spell that could melt away the evil in one's soul.

"♪ Twinkle twinkle little stwar ♪

♪How I swander what you are♪♪

♪Up above the warld so high♪♪

♪Wike a diawond in the sky♪♪♪..."

Under the watchful eyes of Little White, Xiao Jie happily sang the Twinkle Little Star song that her master taught her days ago.

While waddling around the garden full of flowers and spiritual plants that Dingxiang casually planted, Xiao Jie holding a small watering can and carefully water the plants.

"Huh?" Just as Xiao Jie was about to go back into her bedroom to eat breakfast.

Something suddenly attracted her attention.

"Bunny!" Xiao Jie suddenly stopped her step, her big eyes widened, and she cried out in excitement!

Not far away, the soil becomes uneven as a plump of dirt moving around, leaving a trail of ruined flowers. Sometimes it would bump into the large rock, but then it would change direction and continue heading toward the White Cloud Lotus planted in the small pond.

Arrived next to the pond, the intruder poking a hole and finally revealed itself. It was a spiritual beast that closely resembles a giant guinea pig, big eyes, a small curled tail that looks like a rabbit's, a one-meter tall plumpy body covered by luxurious yellow fur with artistic brown stripes on its back.

There's no mistake; a wild giant guinea pig with yellow fur!


[Species: Plumpy Yellow Rodent.]

[Bloodlines: Early-stage Mortal Rank.]

[Cultivation: (Early-Stage) Rank 1.]

[Innate ability: Treasure-seeking nose.]

[Description: A low rank and uncommon breed of spiritual beasts known for their cowardice, but are in very high demand for its unique and valuable innate ability.]


"Pi!!!" Hearing the sudden shout of Xiao Jie, the Plumpy Yellow Rodent was so shocked that it didn't even bother to look at the source but swiftly trying to jump back into the hole.

However, before it even moved an inch, a sharp crystal-like claw suddenly reached out and pinning it to the ground.

"No! Bunny!" Before Little White was about to end the poor rodent's life, Xiao Jie tugged her white fur with a pleading expression.

Snorted, Little White retracted her claw and flicking the Plumpy Yellow Rodent aside before going back to rest under the blooming peach tree. However, even after Little White going away, the plumpy rodent didn't even dare to move and could only cry pitifully with a snotty nose.

"Pi! Pi! Pi!"

(╥ ω ╥)

A wild pet has appeared!

ChibiSagecreators' thoughts