
The Ultimate Change

A guy from our side of the Multiverse gets dropped into the MCU with a special made watch. Luckily he knows how to use it; okay, so I was lying he knows the basics of the watch he was given.

UltimasPrime · Movies
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

January 9, 2010, Daytona Beach (3 days later)

The past few days have been hectic.

I've been busy doing things, mostly getting ready to leave the state and such. One of the first things I did was getting a good night's sleep after the complicated and busy night.

The very next thing after that was to change to grey matter, using his intellect I searched up the address that the human traffickers were going to take the people to. I couldn't find much, other than that the destination was a Distribution Warehouse and that it was privately owned, but no matter how deep I dug I couldn't find out who owned it.

And I wasn't about to hack into the government database or anything like that, at least till I find a way to make sure my digital footprint can't be tracked back to me.

Anyway, other than that I used the time to add a few custom additions to my motorcycle and one or two to my helmet. I also, from the advice of Alpha Trion, decided to make a small weapon when the Ultimatrix isn't recharged. Using the blueprints that are in the Ultimatrix, Trion helped me pick a small blaster that packs enough of a punch that it knocks out organic's. I used the blueprint of a Null-ray blaster, one of Starscream's signature weapon's, and modeled it to be used by a human sized being. I had to make a few major modifications, the original design was meant to be attached to the users arm and hardwired to the users systems to control it, so I used a design from the internet to shape it into.

And I used a design from Star Wars. Specifically, the Mandalorians and their Autoblaster, a modified blaster pistol. Although I copied the design, I don't have a perfect copy, with the tools I built it with. I only have fifty shots instead of the normal hundred shots, and a range of sixty meters, three fourths of the originals range. Not even comparing it to the original Null-ray blaster that's how far it is away from the real one.

The two blasters use two heavily modified 9-volt batteries that's stored under the barrel and where a clip normally would be inserted to a pistol, once those charges are used up I have to charge it or replace the battery. One of the custom additions to my motorcycle include my blaster.

I also used the phones I took and tried to dig up any more information I could, but that led to a dead end other than a few off-shore bank accounts that I emptied. Using grey matter's intellect I routed the money through more than a few different banks and such, I donated half of the money to charity and kept the rest.

A cool two-hundred grand just for myself. But I did end up setting aside twenty grand and anonymously sending it into Wade's bank account.

Zipping up my duffle bag, I take one last look around the hotel room I called home for the past week. Seeing that I had all my stuff I headed out the door and locked it behind me. Heading to the front office I turn in the key and say goodbye to the lady that first checked me into the hotel, who I learned was named Brittney.

Then I headed to the bus stop, after waiting for ten minutes it arrived and I got on heading to the junkyard.


Opening the front door of the warehouse I walk on through. I see Wade at the front desk with his feet up on the desk watching the tv. "Hey old man, what are you watching?"

He looks up at me. "Criminal Minds, what you got in the bag kid?" Pointing at a brown paper bag in my hand.

Putting it down on the counter and opening it, releasing the smell of fresh food. "Got us some lunch before I hit the road." Taking out a few Styrofoam to go boxes and opening them to show buffalo wings with a side of French fries and onion rings. "I also took a stop at the gas station to get two bottles of coke."

Sliding his drink and food toward him, he dug straight in with a mumbled thanks. We spent the next hour eating and watching criminal minds.

After putting it off for enough, I finally started the main topic. "Hey Wade?" Seeing his nod, I continued. "This isn't just lunch."

He paused for a few seconds, then put down his food and turned his head my way. "This is your going away meal, isn't it?" After seeing the surprise on my face he continued. "I knew you were leaving soon kid, what with your bike being done and so. Just promise me you'll stay out of trouble kid."

Taking a glance at the Ultimatrix. "Trouble always follows me," Seeing Wade open his mouth, I continue onward. "I'll try to stay out of trouble as much as I possibly can, but no promises."

"You're young, it's in your blood, but please try to stay out of it." Seeing me nod, he got up and started walking toward the back of the building. "Are you coming to get your bike or not?"

Scrambling up out of the chair and hopping over the counter, I quickly catch up to him next to my bike under a motorcycle cover. Wade then pulls off the cover and reveals the beautiful bike underneath.

The bike right in front of me just screams masterpiece, all matte black with green green highlights and rims. The front of the bike is a little bit thicker than usual and the tech on the bike looks a little bit more advanced than what they're usually made of.

And sitting on the sit is my helmet that Wade gave to me, with the style and colors matching up. This bike looks like it was done by a professional team of mechanics.

Walking up to it and running my hand along the handle bar, I instantly fell in love with this bike. Swinging my leg over the seat and sitting down. "Oh Yeah."

Hearing Wade chuckle brought me back to the real normal, with my cheeks heating up a little bit. "You don't have to be embarrassed kid, I was like that once upon a time, with this beauty of a Charger that was my first car, nice shade of black with some chrome and a red stripe on the end. Ahh, took my wife on our first date in it to a drive in theater back home."

"What happened to it?"

Wade continued on with a sad face. "Time. Over the years it started slowly falling apart and with this yard being more busy back in the day I didn't have time. I still have it in a garage on the property, just sitting there." Taking a few seconds to pull himself back together he carried on. "Right now's not about me, it's all about you kid. Today you travel the country and get to see all new sorts of stuff."


Wade and I spent the past two hours going over final touches and making sure I had everything I would need. Pushing the bike out front, I put the kickstand down and turn to face Wade.

"Thanks Wade, for all the help and your hospitality while I was here." I say, while offering up a handshake.

Shaking my hand, he said. "Don't need to thank me kid, it was fun having you around. Especially helping to put together that bike and hanging around, really gave me something to do."

Firmly shaking his hand, I replied. "Thank you for all the help. If I'm ever in Florida again, I'll come and visit. That I can promise." Pulling him in for a one-armed hug and then getting on the bike.

Taking a few seconds to start the bike, it turns on with a nice roar and settles into a nice purr. Putting on the helmet, I move my head around a little and tighten the strap a little.

Wade puts his hand on my shoulder, getting my attention. "I'm holding you to your promise on that one, you understand?" Nodding my head and with a smile on his face, he starts walking back to the building, saying over his shoulder. "You have a nice trip kid, see ya around."

Giving him a parting wave, I boot-up my HUD (Heads Up Display). "Pull up Spotify." A small screen taking up my top left corner of the visor up showing Spotify up and the search bar open in my downloaded playlist. "Play Ain't No Rest for the Wicked." I pull out of the junkyard as the guitar starts up.

He was a

He was a

I gun the engine as soon as I hit the road and then the singing began.

I was walking down the street

When out the corner of my eye

I saw a pretty little thing approaching me

She said "I've never seen a man

Who looks so all alone

Could you use a little company?

If you pay the right price

Your evening will be nice

And you can go and send me on my way

I said "You're such a sweet young thing

Why you do this to yourself?"

She looked at me and this is what she said

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked

Money don't grow on trees

I got bills to pay

I got mouths to feed

There ain't nothing in this world for free

I know I can't slow down

I can't hold back

Though you know, I wish I could

Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked

Until we close our eyes for good


It took me about five, almost six hours, to get to Tallahassee. It would have been shorter but I had to stop for lunch and I had to use the restroom, I then had to travel to three different rest stops with the first two being out of service and the third one having a line. From the GPS I noted that it showed that the warehouse was lightly surrounded within half a mile of a dozen or so of trailer homes.

Seeing that it was only five, I located the nearest hotel that was a little over a mile away and drove on over. Getting there, I rented a room for the night and decided to take a catnap till eight.

After waking up and taking a quick shower, I headed out to get dinner. Stopping at a fast food restaurant and getting a burger, fries, and a drink, filling my stomach and it should last for the rest of the night. Hopping on my bike and following the GPS to the warehouse.

A few minutes of riding lead to me being on the edge of the woods surrounding the building, with my bike being hidden behind a bush. Taking a look at the warehouse reveals it to have fifteen loading docks on the side I'm on, with a few semi trailers connected to them. Spread out along the property are a few big rigs and a few more trailers, with a couple trucks and cars parked near the office of the warehouse, left of the loading docks.

Booting up my HUD. "Turn on night vision." One of the upgrades to the helmet was the installation of the night vision and another one being a prototype of macro binoculars that I'm using to check for anyone and cameras.

Looking along the side of the building revealed no one and the only camera's that I could see were watching the front gate and the office door. Turning off night vision, I head to the fence. Reaching into the inside of my jacket, I pull out a hand-held scanner the size of a small tablet and turn it on.

Running it along the edge of the fence for a few seconds and taking a look after a beep. Looking at the screen revealed that the fence was electrified and had a silent alarm. Putting my scanner back, I roll the sleeve of my jacket up a little, to reveal the Ultimatrix selection interface.

Grabbing the dial then twisting it. Looking through all of my options, I stopped on the one I think is best for this. In a flash of green light I felt my bones and body grew taller, as they did that they dissolved and came back together forming into metal, then my body shifted to be on all fours. Flesh turned gray and black, with my blood becoming a luminescent blue. My organs started to shift into gears and such, with a chamber growing in my chest lighting up with a ball of energy, and the Ultimatrix symbol on my chest. I also felt my tailbone lengthen into a tail with a sharp end. My mind changed, like I was hooked up to a computer and my thought process sped up. In all, the change must have taken less than a second, only a blink of time.

With a quiet cry of a lion, but to me it is my form's name, Ravage. Walking about thirty feet away from the fence, I turn around and take off running. Once I was ten feet away from the fence, I put all my speed into my servo's and such. With a mighty push I was off the ground and flying over the fence, with gravity catching me mid-way through pulling me back down.

Hitting the ground with my paws landing in sand, barely making a sound and running to hide behind a trailer. Peeking my head around the corner and waiting for a minute, showed the ghost was clear. Lowering my body closer to the ground, I slowly walked to the shipping docks, staying in the shadows and way out of the camera's view. Pressing my body up against the wall and then flexing my paw out in front of me with my claw's popping out.

Taking a look from my claw to the garage door, I let a predatory grin cross my mouth.

Using my claw I cut out a three foot by three foot opening in the door, figuring that opening the door would alert everyone here. Squeezing my body through and staying in the corner, I poke my head over the crate that's next to me. Taking a look around showed that the place was packed with crate's and that the trailers hooked up to the dock were open. They appeared to be filled with what looks to me like vehicle parts and tires, I even see a track that looks like it belongs on a tank.

Focusing my hearing and listening lead to me hearing what sounds to be a few people in the office area of the building. Using my body's natural agility and speed I slithered in between the crates toward the offices.

Stopping in front of the door separating them from me, I took a peek through the small window on the top of it.

The office looked like it had been transformed into a lounge. There was only one desk in the corner with a guy sitting at it. The rest of the office had a couch, coffee table and a flat screen tv on the wall. Two guys were sitting on the couch, one of them asleep and the other watching what sounds to be an action movie.

Taking a few seconds to plan what to do I came up with two ideas. Option one lures one of them into the storage area and then surprises the others or option two, using my twin heavy machine guns set to stun and just getting it over with. With just a thought I had the machine guns pop out of my back in stun-mode. 'Option Two it is.'

Using my head I tap the door and wait. A second later I hear the office chair move and the desk guy walk to the door. Timing this out, I wait till the guy is a few steps away from the door and burst through the door, pouncing onto him.

"Ahhhh." Is all I hear as I hold him down with a second and third joining a second later. Looking up revealed both the guys awake and reaching for pistols on the coffee table.

Not giving them a second, I aim my machine guns at them and fire, hitting them in the chest and knocking them back onto the couch. The guy under me continued to scream, so I head-butted him, knocking him out.

Heading back into the storage area I try to find straps, finding some on top of a crate I head back while changing back to myself to tie them up. Using another one I then strap them to the couch, extra tight.

Walking over to the desk, I sit down in the office chair and hop on the computer. Seeing that it was unlocked, I started going through their files.

There wasn't much on here other than a manifest of what's in the warehouse and where the last shipment came from an address from Will County, Illinois. Other than that the manifest was huge, it included military grade vehicle armor, tires, pieces of tanks, ton's of computer parts and many more goodies.

Looking through the computer also brought up the schedule, with it reading the next shift won't be here for another ten hours. Saving the address to my phone and hopping off the computer, then making sure the guys are secured, I head to the door separating me from the storage area.

Fanning my head side to side a smile appears on my face as I reach for the Ultimatrix, turning the dial till I see the alien I want. Pushing down on the dial and in a flash of green light I shrunk down to less than a foot and turned gray, with my head growing sideways and such.

Rearing my head back and crying out my form's name as proudly as I could. "Grey Matter"

Using my forms Enhanced Jumping, I hopped onto the closet crate to me and then hopped onto a crate twice the size as the one I was on. Looking down at all the crates filled with tech goodies as if it was heaven. "Mech won't mind, would they?" I ask myself as I take a running jump and then dive into a crate that is open, crackling to myself all the way down.


Over the past 5 hours I have ripped every crate in the warehouse open. Using grey matters intellect I created a blueprint of a vehicle that I can use as a traveling home, small workspace and such. Then using Upgrades technological possession and molding with all the required parts and some not required parts, I slowly over a period of time using the blueprint made the vehicle with some input from Alpha Trion.

The final product was a twenty foot long, eight foot tall and nine foot wide monster of a box truck. With military grade off-road tires typically found on a military cougar and the same armor type. This truck has two rear axles and one up front, bulletproof glass for the windshield and such. The engine was a Caterpillar C-7 Diesel I6 330 HP (243 kW), at least before I did some tinkering with it. Using parts and tools I turned it into a Hydrogen-injected internal combustion engine, if this was used in a three and one quarter ton vehicle it could potentially get it up to a hundred and fifty miles per hour.

But since this monster weights two, almost three, times that it could only get up to a hundred miles per hour. With the truck having four doors up front and two in the back, I also came across a tank turret from a M1 Abrams with the normal barrel and ammo. Installing that was at first tricky, but then I turned the top foot of the truck to rearrange itself to display the turret and an automatic reloading system in place.

Then once I was finished with that I used grey matter's intellect to create a small supercomputer, nothing out of science fiction, more along the lines of a laptop for a Galvan and a supercomputer for a human.

And then hooked it into the truck and created a few crystal architecture data chips, from ripping apart more than I want to admit computers, for storage and such. They look as if the center of it is made up of a small blue crystal with lines of code running through it, with a black rectangular casing protecting it. One of these could hold the whole human internet history and still have space on it.

Seeing as that's all I can do without a proper workshop and lab, I then used upgrades technological possession one last time combining with all the tech and vehicle parts that I didn't use to break them down into their atoms and reshaping them into ammunition for the turret.

Finishing that and loading the ammo into the back of the truck, I tapped the Ultimatrix symbol and turned back into myself. Doing one more check around the warehouse and coming up with nothing new, I checked the time and noticed it was two in the morning. With nothing else here and already having my next target location, I decided to bug out.

Which led to me hopping into the truck and ramming right through the doorway, creating a small explosion of concrete and steel garage doors. With a drop of three feet and hitting the ground with a loud thud and the squealing of the axles leading to a small drift heading toward the front gate.

Just now remembering about the camera facing it I adjusted my heading to ram the gate and the pole the camera is on. Leading to a satisfying mess and setting off the silent alarm as I burned rubber. Booting up my HUD. "M1 recall system online." With that said my helmet sent a signal that turned my motorcycle and had it come to me. It isn't advanced enough to pull any fancy moves such as a wheelie, but it can drive itself back to me using a tracking beacon installed in my helmet.

Pulling a usb wire out of a small notch in the dashboard and having Trion reconfigure a small part of the gauntlet into a port . Plugging it in and setting the GPS to Illinois, saying to Trion. "I'm going to take a nap while you're in charge of driving."

Giving me a nod with his Hologram head, I lean the driver's seat back and try to get comfortable. Within a minute I'm out and sleeping.


Turning over in bed to get the sunlight out of my eyes just to get more in my eyes from that direction. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't in my hotel bed, but the inside of a truck.

With a start I lurch upward in surprise with the memories coming back to me. The raid and the creation of my new vehicle. "Ah, You're awake."

"Morning Trion." I say as I brush my hair back in place and stretch my arms and legs out. Taking a look in the side mirrors and not seeing my bike I ask Trion. "Where's the bike?"

"I pulled over when the motorcycle caught up and deployed the ramp you installed last night and had it drive itself into the truck, then retracted the ramp. After that I continued on the plotted route to Illinois for the past five hours." He explained as I got out of the seat.

Seeing that the wire could go for ten or so feet I walked into the back of the truck and started my work out. First starting with eight reps of squats; then moving onto eight reps of Lunges and then planks for a few minutes. Finishing the workout with a few reps of cross crunches; then doing about sixty to seventy push-ups and finally twenty or so of high knees.

After that I head back up to the front and take a seat taking a look at the GPS. " Ten hours till the destination. Right now I can go for some breakfast, probably one of those big breakfasts from McDonald's or something."

With that said it led me to stopping at a McDonald's along the way at an exit. When I brought the truck into the parking lot of the place everyone I could see was paying attention to the truck, which made me nervous cause I wanted to stay off of Shields radar as long as I could.

So I hurried along ordering breakfast and hitting the highway as fast as I could. Wolfing down the food and leaving the bag of trash in the passenger seat I head to the back of the truck, while making sure Trion is securely plugged in.

As I walk into the back of the truck with the motorcycle in the very back almost up against the doors, I head to the workbench to the left, so technically on the right side of the truck.

Putting my right hand down flat against the metal, a blue holographic box formed around my hand. With a darker blue beam of light running along my hand to get my handprints.

With a small ding the holograms started to rearrange themselves and increase in size, until it settled into three holographic monitors and a keyboard. Having Trion upload the schematics of the Cloaking Projector and the type of holograms that the cybertron's used to display things, like the one Prime uses to show the war of Cybertron.

"Alpha Trion, if I transform would the cable still be connected and let you drive the truck?"

Taking a few seconds to think. "Yes it would still be connected to the truck but you would have to watch your movement and not mess with it."

With the okay I needed I brought up the Ultimatrix and quickly selected the alien I need for this. Pushing down on the dial and in a flash of green light I shrunk down to less than a foot and turned gray, with my head growing sideways and such.

Rearing my head back and crying out my form's name as proudly as I could. "Grey Matter"

Hopping onto the workbench from the floor, landing on the table the holograms shrank and multiplied into six small monitors with each showing a different blueprint surrounding me. With a devilish smile on my face and cracking my knuckles. "Let's get to work."

To Be Continued...