
The Uchiha Who Woke Up In... Where?

He was once a very talented Uchiha, so much so that it made even the members of his clan afraid of him! It was said that he would be the next Madara, but then, when he left to buy some groceries, a mirror appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and people say that when he touched the mirror he disappeared forever, no one knows what really happened. Hello, Mina-san, this fic isn't to be taken seriously. It's one where a random talented Uchiha will travel to another world as Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also, I haven't decided if there will be Harem or not. OBS: The story follows events from the manga specifically, so if there are any divergences regarding how it happened in the anime, it's not my fault. Also, I don't like canon that much, but I'll stick to it until the story gets to a point of more freedom, until then, the story will diverge based on the protagonist's abilities and actions. So if he chooses right, the story will go from that even if it isn't part of the canon. Don't blame me if it gets weird... Cough... there may be some crossovers with other animes, I'll let you guys decide from a list of options I shall provide at the end of the Mafia part of the story. :) Edit: Feel free to use the contents of this fanfic to make your own version of it you feel like doing it

Daoist_C_Dreams · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Yamamoto Takeshi (1)

[A/N: Publishing today because I'm occupied with my original work and I want to use the entirety of tomorrow to focus on it. I haven't published it yet to English readers, but if you want I can start translating it to English, just a warning though, it's shonen, isekai, and has echi, so yeah, don't mind me.]

Tsuna and Gokudera walked out from a formal clothes store wearing suits, Tsuna being who he is, he can't stand to not wear something that raises his status even if it's only in a visual way.

"See, Hayato, people are already looking at us with respect." Tsuna smiled seeing how many girls walking on the street would turn to look at him for a moment with blushes on their faces before gulping and continuing on their way.

"Eh... I don't think the clothing is the reason behind this, Juudaime..." Hayato's eyes were twitching as did his best to keep smiling.

"Hm?" Tsuna gave him a quizical look.

What Hayato meant is that Tsuna's new look was what was attracting so many girls' attention, his new hairstyle was simply too exotic and handsome for people of this day and era. Only some individuals of the far-away past would have this kind of stylish hairstyle since it was never that popular.

The reason why it worked so well on him is due to Tsuna's having changed his routine and diet, now that he only eats healthy food and trains a lot, his physic improve a great deal even though it has been less than a month since he started, with his naturally cold face, he was now someone that could easily attract girls, just like Hayato himself. With the suit to complement this set of features, he was a true girl's magnet.

"Uh... y-you is right, Juudaime, the clothes do make the man! Hahaha... Haha..."

"Pfft! I knew you would understand, now that we are ready, let's go to that store we saw on the way, what was their name again? Kendō to Iaido no Bunka? Ah, yes, that's the name."

The store he was talking about was on a corner of the city that was slightly far from his home, almost an hour away by foot. On the surface, it looked shabby and old, the kind of place that was probably a popular store forty years ago, and that now is only a relic of the past.

Once inside the first things they saw were the many shelves where Katanas, Wakizashis, Bokutos, Iaidos, Shinais, and more could be found, not only that, there were also mannequins around wearing Samurai battle gear, Kendo training gear, etc.

It was truly a place for Otakus of the sword way, it's a pity that such a specialized store was being left to rot in this place.

"Who?" An old voice came from inside.

Tsuna turned towards the direction of the voice and raised a brow seeing an old man walking towards him, at first glance, there was nothing interesting about this man, his old face slightly covered by his banded Samurai bun hairstyle was full of wrinkles, by the depths of his eyes was something that Tsuna rarely saw ever since he came to this world, those were the eyes of someone who has blood in his hands.

"Good day mister. I'm looking for a good sword, a Katana that I can trust with my life."

Despite Tsuna's respectful tone, the man snorted after he heard him. "Humph! What could a brat like you know about good swords or trusting your life to them? Do you think your kids can make fun of me? Do you even know what is living for the sword? Back in the day, my grandfather and father had to fight against their own people just to keep their right to bear their swords! Even I could only do so by bending my knees to the emperor and joining the army! So don't you dare speak so lightly of the word- cough... cough!"

Tsuna and Hayato gulped as they heard the man, what a strong personality... Seeing how he was heavily coughing, they became worried, but before they could approach him a familiar voice reached their ears.

"Grandpa! Are you okay!?" An athletic young man rushed from outside and held the old man with worry on his face. "Do you need me to call an ambulance?"

After a few seconds, the old man managed to recover from the coughing crisis and waved his hand to calm the young man. "I'm fine, Takeshi, are you doing here? Don't tell me that my unfilial son sent you to make me give up on keeping this store! I already said, this smith was raised by my ancestors and I shall die keeping their legacy alive!"

Takeshi? Yamamoto Takeshi? Tsuna was surprised to hear this name, Takeshi was the most popular boy in his classroom, he was very athletic and had many friends, although he was a genius in baseball he was good enough to be one of the best players in volleyball and basket as well.

"So it's Yamamoto-san."

"Oh? Ah, Tsuna, good to see you! Are you here to buy something from grandpa?" Takeshi turned to Tsuna with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if your grandpa will want to sell us anything." Tsuna scratched his cheek as he looked towards the old man.

"Humph! You can buy whatever you want, but I won't help you choose." The old man smirked and sat down on a stool.

Nodding he ignored the man and started looking around the store together with Hayato.

There were many swords that one could choose on the shelves. But Tsuna didn't want to be careless when making his choice, a true weapon is one that won't fail you no matter the situation in which you find yourself. It must not only be strong enough to cut through your enemies, but it also needed to be sturdier to the point of enduring hard clashes and deflections, he couldn't waste his time with a sword whose blade would get dull after just a few strikes.

After looking for a while he stopped in front of one that drew his attention, it was at the back of the store, the handle of the weapon was mostly black with white stripes attached to it, the guard was slightly bigger than usual but the material was so good that one as experienced as him could instantly tell how strong it was. The weird thing is the color of the blade, it was silver but...

"Why is it changing color in the light?" He couldn't understand the weird phenomena when the light of the sun shined on the silver blade, instead of reflecting the light, it instantly darkened that part of the blade to the point of making it pitch black.

The Saya of the katana was also weird, there were words engraved on it, but despite the similarities with Japanese, it wasn't from any language he had seen before. Even though that was the case he wasn't too worried about it, it wasn't like this had a curse or something, right?

He took the sword to the counter where the old man was sitting on his stool.

"That's what you want to buy? Are you sure? Didn't you see how dirty and lackluster it is?" The old man visibly flinched when he saw the sword as if he wasn't expecting someone to even consider it.

"It's your best sword even if it's left to dust, why would I bother buying anything else when you have this?"

"C'mon grandpa, don't be too hard on Tsuna, he helped our class quite a lot recently, just let him buy whatever he wants." Takeshi patted his grandpa's shoulder making his face sank, but he kept his composure.

"Fine. Twenty-five grand, no more no less, take or leave it!"

Hearing his words, Hayato and Takeshi gasped.

"What the hell! How can a sword be so expensive! Are you trying to scam us?"

"Grandpa didn't you said you would sell him the sword, why are you making it difficult for him?"

The both of them couldn't understand this price, on the internet one would be able to buy swords from famous masters with prices like this, but Tsuna simply smiled after hearing his words, he wasn't sure about how one would convert money from the Land Of Fire to this world, but he would need to kill an S-rank missing-nin in order to get enough money to buy a sword of this quality there, and that only if someone was willing to sell it.

The old man frowned and was about to lash out at the two but stopped after hearing Tsuna's words. "You got yourself a deal, old man. Here, I'll pay in cash."

"W-wait Tsuna, you can't possibly buy this sword for so much!" Takeshi didn't know what to do, he didn't want to see his colleague getting scammed and by his grandpa at that!

"That's right, Juudaime! You can't be serious about buying this rusty thing."

The old man who was now calm, looked at Tsuna with a raised eyebrow, he wanted to see what he would say about that. After all, so many years had passed and he had never seen anyone who could notice the real value of this sword. It would be no exaggeration to say that if he was willing to do so, there were means to sell this sword for more than a million grand.

"There's something special about it even with this appearance, I might not be sure for now, but my instincts had never failed me, even if he asked for the forty thousand we just got in the morning I would have spent everything to get this."

"Juudaime..." Hayato lowered his head for a moment, but when he raised it again there was blind admiration on them. "As expected of Juudaime! Always making correct judgments, if you said it's a good weapon, then it must be so, I have never doubted you! Hahahaha!"

"Well, if you really think so." Takeshi smiled and forgot everything.

The old man however stood up and looked at Tsuna's eyes with a serious face. "In respect to your ability, I shall introduce myself, I'm Yamamoto Keiji. But be careful kid, this world is much more complex than most people think it is on the surface. This thing your hand was used by Oichi-sama to kill a mao, even if she died in order to do it, that doesn't change the fact that this is a tainted blade. It'll make those beasts that hide in the dark wary of you, and it may attract unwanted attention towards you, I'm speaking of sorcerers of the worst kind, are you sure want to buy this?"

There was no doubt that he was telling the truth, but honestly... "Heh, grandpa, this sword now is meant to drink the blood of humans, besides, I do not fear what exists in the dark, rather, whatever is using my domains must be wary of me... Hahaha! Farewell, Takeshi and grandpa, I hope to see you some other day."

Keiji didn't say anything and just shook his head with a sigh. Seeing the weird glint in Takeshi's eyes, he snorted and said. "Go, it's your fate anyway, just like my little Ryougi..." The last thing he said was so low that Takeshi couldn't hear it.

"Thanks, grandpa, I'll come back tomorrow to visit you!" Takeshi patted his grandpa's shoulder one last time and left after Tsuna.

Also, I'm retconning the quest part of the system, forget that shit...

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