
The Uchiha Who Woke Up In... Where?

He was once a very talented Uchiha, so much so that it made even the members of his clan afraid of him! It was said that he would be the next Madara, but then, when he left to buy some groceries, a mirror appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and people say that when he touched the mirror he disappeared forever, no one knows what really happened. Hello, Mina-san, this fic isn't to be taken seriously. It's one where a random talented Uchiha will travel to another world as Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also, I haven't decided if there will be Harem or not. OBS: The story follows events from the manga specifically, so if there are any divergences regarding how it happened in the anime, it's not my fault. Also, I don't like canon that much, but I'll stick to it until the story gets to a point of more freedom, until then, the story will diverge based on the protagonist's abilities and actions. So if he chooses right, the story will go from that even if it isn't part of the canon. Don't blame me if it gets weird... Cough... there may be some crossovers with other animes, I'll let you guys decide from a list of options I shall provide at the end of the Mafia part of the story. :) Edit: Feel free to use the contents of this fanfic to make your own version of it you feel like doing it

Daoist_C_Dreams · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

President of Liteno TV

"Oh, Mr. President-san, how are you? Did you have a good holiday at the beach?" The biggest hoodlum poked the frail rich middle-aged man with his finger, throwing him back with each poke until the man had his back leaning on the wall of a building.

"Please, don't kill me! I have a wife and a son waiting back at home for me!" There were tears in the man's eyes as he lifted his briefcase to partially cover his face.

The hoodlums laughed at his actions. Does he really think that this would stop them from doing whatever they want?

Tsuna observed the situation from the entrance of the alley, only part of his head could be seen coming from the side of the building, Hayato was smart enough to not make an appearance since he himself hadn't made a move yet, fortunately.

One of the guys cornering the man suddenly punched him in the guts and the man fell on the ground with a pained expression on his face, he held his belly and pushed both his legs close to it as if to protect himself from any other attack there.

"Listen here you stupid, aren't you afraid of the Red Dragon? Do you think just because you have the money you can do whatever you want in our territory? Aren't you afraid that something might happen to your Aki-chan, huh? Hehehe!"

"W-what!? How could you know her!" The man started to shake with fear, those guys even knew the name of his wife! Could they have been tracking him all this time? Is he being extorted?

Tsuna raised a brow hearing their words, looking at them again he started to take notice of some common details. The hoodlums were all young men between 15 to 18 years old, they were wearing similar styles of clothing, all of them with many drawings of dragons and phrases about never giving up, facing the enemy without cowardice, and so on.

Is this Red Dragon some gang?

"If you know what's best for your wife and son, you better start being generous with Dragon-senpai, otherwise, you'll get more than just this beating."

"What?!" Before the middle-aged man could react, the trio started kicking him with all their strength, again and again in many places.


Tsuna got out from the corner of the alley and rushed at them.

Noticing his approach, they stopped beating the man, and one of them went towards Tsuna already preparing to beat him down as well.

When the two met, he threw out a punch, but Tsuna was quick to evade his strike and throw one of his own.

"Damn you!" The young man who now had a broken nose took a few steps back and covered his face as blood dripped from his nostrils.

"Aagh!" Another cry came from the back.

He turned to look and was surprised to see that one of his friends was on the ground holding his low parts with tears in his eyes. Hayato made use of Tsuna's actions to sneak attack the one at the back with a critical hit.

Good hit, Hayato!

"Fuck! Are you retardeds tired of leaving!? The Red Dragon doesn't fear anyone in Nanimori! The one on the middle turned to Hayato and started to attack him."

"Yeah! So what if you broke my nose, I'll fucking kill you kid!" Being the strongest and biggest of the group, Tsuna's opponent thought that he had just been taken by surprise, that with his ability he would be able to easily retaliate.

The man shaking on the ground just watched with fear in his eyes as he wailed in pain.

Although Tsuna could take care of the three on his own, he didn't want to show off too much for those strangers, he had no information about his enemies, so it would be for the best if they underestimated him.

The rest of the fight was smooth sailing, after evading some of his strikes, Tsuna returned a few of his own with the same amount of strength that his enemy used, and after a few minutes, they had all been knocked out.

"Hahaha! You did well Haya- eh!? What the hell is wrong with your face?"

Tsuna was about to congratulate Hayato only to notice that he had a purple circle on his right eye!

"Hahaha! Thank you, Juudaime! It's my honor to be able to help you! As for this, it's merely a scar from the war, don't worry, men like us need to be proud of the marks left from our battles!" Hayato had a serious face as he clenched his fist and said those words.

Unfortunately, Tsuna could just flinch at what he said. Sigh... Hayato's really lacking in close combat, he would have to train him later.

"Ahh, forget it. We have more important things to discuss for now." Hayato looked towards the middle-aged man on the ground, his cold gaze making the man gulp in fear.

* * *

"So basically, those guys have been threatening you for some time because you're the president of Liteno TV?"

Tsuna asked as he leaned his back on the chair inside the cafe. It was just a small cafe, but a fairly comfortable and cozy one, the reason for that being...

"Is there anything else you need-nya? Customer-sama?" A beautiful girl wearing maid attire with cat ears in her head leaned towards Tsuna, her red face and seductive smile making him flush red as he made sure to appreciate her revealing clothes!

"Thank you, Nyanyan-chan, but we don't need anything for now..."

Seeing his drooling face, the girl showed a beautiful smile and leaned a little bit more, showing her even more of her white peaks. "Is that so? That's a pity-nya, if you had asked for more, Nyanyan would have been able to stay a little more with Customer-sama."

"Cough!" Tsuna shook his hands to send some air towards himself as he tried to recompose himself. "T-then, I'll have a coffee."

"Right away-nya!" She kissed him in the cheeks, making him almost drown in his feelings.

"Juudaime! Hold on! You can't pass out now!" Hayato shook Tsuna to prevent him from passing out.

Between Tsuna and the President of Liteno TV and him, Hayato was the only one that could endure the enticement from the cat-maids.

It wasn't Tsuna's fault though, coming from a very conservative world, even those beautiful kunoichis he had seen in battle always used standard ninja gear, and the woman on the street and stores always used those common robes and tunics like everyone else, this sort of clothing was simply too exciting for someone who spent all his life in such a serious world!

Drinking a cup of cold water, Tsuna recovered from that embarrassment and put on a serious face as he looked towards the President.

"Fujimura-san, I would like to make a proposal for you."

"Cough... eh, please say what's on your mind..." After Fujimura saw those two fight against the trio, he didn't have the courage to speak up against them, all he wanted at the moment was to go back home in one piece.

"Heh!" A sharp glint surged in Tsuna's eyes as he looked at Fujimura. "If you want, we can take care of Red Dragon and make them stop harassing you permanently, however..."

"Uh... please, go on..." Fujimura gulped as he spoke.

"Since you said so..." Tsuna smiled. "Giving their familiarity with you, it shouldn't be wrong to say that the police can't solve the issue and that they try to attack you or the people of your TV station quite often, isn't that right?"

Seeing how Fujimura shook with his words, Tsuna almost laughed at how easy this man was to read and continued. "A quick look and I could tell that your employees are paid between a thousand to seven thousand dollars, considering you have only a hundred in this place, the Red Dragon must make at least between sixty to a hundred thousand dollars by stealing from you guys."

Sweat ran down Fujimura's face and he had to use a napkin to clean it.

"So, the deal is basically like this, for forty thousand a month, we will make sure that no one tries anything against you or your employees, so long as you accept, all you have to do is make a call and we will act against the responsible. How is it? I'd say that this will not only increase your company's reputation, it will also make more people apply for jobs there, as I'm sure that those many job advertisements I found on the internet from Liteno mean that you're severely understaffed due to the situation."

Fujimura was trembling but he managed to look at Tsuna in the eyes. "C-can you guarantee the safety of all of my employees including myself?"

"Yes, just dial this number when something happens, I'll ask you some questions and act right away. For today, however, I'll just go after information on Red Dragon, the operation will commence tomorrow."

"W-what about other gangs that may try to attack us, will also take care of them?"

"Sure, so long as you pay. Oh, and speaking of that, the first payment must be done tomorrow, otherwise..." Tsuna's eyes became cold as he pierced the metal table with the wooden chopstick.

Hayato who observed from the side couldn't help but look at Tsuna with awe, to think that Juudaime was so competent! In a single day, he made forty thousand dollars!

Seeing how fearful was the expression on Fujimura's face, Tsuna showed a small smile to calm him a little before continuing. "Well, you can go now. I'll see you tomorrow, Fujimura-san, make sure that your receptionist is aware of my identity when I go to your office tomorrow, I don't want to have any problem in the way."

"Y-yes!" Fujimura bowed slightly and quickly left the maid-cafe.

"Customer-sama, here is your coffee."

"Oh! Thanks, Nyanyan-chan!" Tsuna smiled towards the girl.