
The Uchiha Who Woke Up In... Where?

He was once a very talented Uchiha, so much so that it made even the members of his clan afraid of him! It was said that he would be the next Madara, but then, when he left to buy some groceries, a mirror appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and people say that when he touched the mirror he disappeared forever, no one knows what really happened. Hello, Mina-san, this fic isn't to be taken seriously. It's one where a random talented Uchiha will travel to another world as Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also, I haven't decided if there will be Harem or not. OBS: The story follows events from the manga specifically, so if there are any divergences regarding how it happened in the anime, it's not my fault. Also, I don't like canon that much, but I'll stick to it until the story gets to a point of more freedom, until then, the story will diverge based on the protagonist's abilities and actions. So if he chooses right, the story will go from that even if it isn't part of the canon. Don't blame me if it gets weird... Cough... there may be some crossovers with other animes, I'll let you guys decide from a list of options I shall provide at the end of the Mafia part of the story. :) Edit: Feel free to use the contents of this fanfic to make your own version of it you feel like doing it

Daoist_C_Dreams · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The duel

Tsuna woke up with a frown on his face, his whole body crying in pain as he tried to move a single muscle!

What the hell happened!?

[Physical level: Early Genin]

What!? How did I become stronger so fast!?

Tsuna read those words with an astonished face, he didn't even notice the song in the background and hard cold floor beneath his sweating back. How long has it been? 7 no, maybe just 6 days since he came to this world... and he... he somehow achieved the Genin level already! But how was that possible?

He tried to focus on his memories but there was a song in the background that made him frown.

"... Tell me quick, ain't love a kick in the head?~"

"What the hell?" Before he could make head or tails of the situation, he noticed the hour in the wall clock and quickly stood up, he grabbed the uniform in the closet and rushed to the bathroom.

Reborn who had been sleeping peacefully in his bed, smiled after Tsuna left, he too stood up and went to prepare himself, thankfully he prepared countless hideouts throughout the city where he could take baths and much more.

By the time Tsuna had finished eating his breakfast and left his home, Reborn was there, cleaned and dressed like a mafia hitman.

"Ciaossu." Reborn waved his hand as Tsuna jumped above him making him slightly stunned for a second.

"Sorry, no time to talk, late for school!" Tsuna cried as he sped through the street with a toast in his mouth.

Reborn's eyes became sharp as he watched him running. Each step of his carried a sense of purpose and used energy to the utmost degree of efficiency, his movement patterns were definitely that of a very experienced individual...

In his memory, Reborn couldn't remember a single person who was so skilled in movement skills, with such ability... someone like Sawada Tsuna would be able to sneak on him. Just as he thought, there was a mystery surrounding Tsuna, it seems that he has been hiding secrets both from his parents and everyone around him.

Smiling Reborn followed him.

When they arrived a scene Reborn had witnessed yesterday continued to play out. How will Tsuna deal with this?

"Oh, it's the no-good Tsuna!"

"Yeah, do you think he will fight Mochida-senpai?

"Who knows? I'm just joining in for the fun!"

Tsuna... Kyoko looked at him with a worried look on her face as he stepped inside the Kendo Club's Dojo. Many classmates of his and students of other classes had gathered today to see the fight. Tsuna who also had the goal to become famous and respected smiled at the scene, today he would make the first step to his goal by defeating Mochida fair and square. Even if he tried to cheat, he would show that guy the meaning of absolute power!

"Oh! So you actually came, I thought you would run away from the fight Hentai Tsuna!" Mochida smirked at his 'opponent'. "God may forgive a piece of shit like you but I won't! I shall smite you!"

Heh! Look at this fool, all confident and prideful! Mochida thought. Unfortunately for him, the armor and shinai that we prepared for Tsuna have enough weight to it that two people can barely carry it. The judge is also one of my friends, no matter what happens, he won't raise Sawada's red flag!

"Mochida, isn't it?" Hearing Tsuna's words, everyone was stunned.

"Wait, there's something wrong, why isn't Tsuna shaking with fear?"

"Yeah, that too, but also, why is he wearing this sport jacket?"

"Why do you guys care so much about this? Just look at his face! Isn't he too confident?"

People were stunned by the way Tsuna was acting, it didn't fit him at all! It was almost like someone else was here because this Tsuna was way too cool!

"Hehe! Who cares that he is confident, he is still the no-good Tsuna!"

"That's right! Besides, did you saw him purposefully speaking senpai's surname without honorifics?"

"What a disrespectful guy! Mochida-senpai, beat the crap out of this Hentai!"



The Kendo Club members rallied together to fan the flames of conflict even more.

"Humph! Even if you are so disrespectful, I can't be harsh with a kohai, I'll be kind and make things easy for you, so long as you score a single ippon, it's your win, if you can't do it, then I win!"

"Haha! What a kindhearted senpai!"

"True, true! Look at this great advantage that he gave to no-good Tsuna."

"Truly a hero of the masses!"

Some girls and boys in the crowd praised their senpai after they heard his words.

Mochida smiled as he pointed the shinai towards Kyoko. "The prize of course is Sasagawa Kyoko!"

His next words, however, irked the ire of the girls and Tsuna himself!

"Pri-prize!?" Kyoko was shocked by Mochida's words!

"Eh!? What a jerk!" Hana held Kyoko's hand after she heard those words, how could he treat Kyoko like... like...

Before she could finish her thoughts, Tsuna's loud and clear voice resounded in the Dojo with the fury and rage of a dragon. "TAKE BACK THOSE WORDS RIGHT NOW!" His aura flaring up so hard people had trouble breathing at that moment.

In the eyes of those kids, Tsuna right now looked like death itself, his figure so imponent and imposing that it reminded them of those school kings from other districts!

"W-what!?" Mochida took a step back as sweat dripped from his face.


It wasn't Mochida's fault, really. The problem is that this time it wasn't Tsuna that he offended, it was Madashi himself.

A long time ago, Madashi, his sister, and his parents were captured by slave traders of the land of mist, being just weak Chunin who hadn't woke up the Sharingan, they couldn't fight back against the slavers.

He was only five years old back then, and before he was rescued by Fugaku, he witnessed with his own eyes as his sister was sold in an auction and treated as an object right in front of him, she was only thirteen by then, and was a simple civilian without training.

They defiled her body and did all sorts of dirty things with her right in front of him after they had killed his parents. This trauma left a deep impression on Madashi who swore to do anything in his power to end this kind of thing. That day was also the day when his sister and his parents died, and this caused his Sharingan to directly awake as three tomoe Sharingan.

That same hellish scene he saw as a kid was burned in his retina, it was something that he saw every time he used his Sharingan, the faces of despair and pain of his loved ones that died right in front of him!

Even if it was only careless words they brought back the worse within Madashi and he might even kill this guy if he loses control!

"H-humph! I don't know what you think I am, but this acting won't save you, wear your armor and take wield your shinai, we shall duel after that!"

Seeing how the conflict escalated, the girls were slightly flushed as they looked towards Kyoko, it felt like a fairy tale, with a prince defending the honor of his princess, they were all slightly jealous of Kyoko, to think that there were two boys in the school that liked her that much.

Kyoko who started blushing with embarrassment couldn't help but frown as she saw the mischievous smiled of her best friend who kept poking her with her elbow.

"Hehe, it seems that they really like you, Hime-sama..."

"S-shut up, Hana! This is j-just a misunderstanding!" Kyoko pouted in anger while Hana grinned as if she had just heard the best joke of the day.

Tsuna who was unaware of this had already worn the armor and was holding the Shinai in his waist. Iaijutsu was one of the many sword arts he learned with his master in the land of iron.

The difference between kendo and Kenjutsu derived techniques wasn't something to be scoffed at, while the Japanese sword techniques eventually forgot the real way of the sword, and became something just for show or simply training the body, Tsuna was now embodying the true way to use a sword, meaning that his sword was one that could kill.

Seeing Tsuna's stance, the members of the Kendo Club smirked, they thought that he was done for, but the truth is that they just weren't experienced enough to notice what that stance meant. If the club supervisor was here, he would have been sweating right now, because he would have recognized that famous stance anywhere.

The Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Technique!

Of course, it wasn't the same one that he would know, giving the difference in the origin, the style was adapted in a different way over the years.

"Hahaha! Let's fight, I won't hold back!" Mochida stepped forward and swept Tsuna with a slashing motion from above.

Hearing his words everyone scoffed at Mochida, they thought he would be playing fair, but they all saw how heavy the armor and the shinai were, now he is even saying that he won't hold back? Isn't he blatantly cheating?

They could already picture Tsuna being defeated with a single movement, but the truth was totally different from what they expected!

*Paah!* The tip of the bamboo sword struck the floor making a loud sound, Tsuna who had been at that place just a few seconds ago, stood on the side coldly gazing at Mochida.

"D-damn it! My hands slipped right now, you won't escape this time!" Mochida went for a piercing attack towards Tsuna's head.

Gulping everyone now watched with some expectations, could Tsuna be the real deal?

And just as they hoped, Tsuna avoided the straight attack by a strand of hair!

"Woow! Did you guys saw his reflex? Man, that was awesome!"

"I can't believe it! Turns out that Tsuna knows how to fight!"

"AHHH!" Mochida cried in anger and started using slashes to try and hit Tsuna who simply used his elusive footwork to avoid getting hit at the last second.

His movements were refined and so mesmerizing that they looked slightly like a dance in their eyes. Besides, doing it once was one thing, but doing it multiple times was something completely different!

Slowly, everyone started to realize that Tsuna was on a league of his own, even after several minutes had gone by, he, unlike Mochida, wasn't even sweating and could still carry on fighting despite wearing such heavy armor and sword.

Mochida who was extremely angry at the moment, completely let go of the technique to try and hit hard and quick, his movements became lackluster and they lost all refinement they had previously.

Seeing this, Tsuna frowned and decided to stop this joke. The hand that had been resting above the handle now firmly grasped around it and drew the sword in a slashing way, deflecting Mochida's attack.

This action by itself greatly surprised the Kendo Club Members as they could understand the significance of such a movement much better than their classmates who simply cheered at the sight. What made everyone startled, however, was how the arc motion of the sword continued before quickly changing directions and finishing in a direct attack at the head!

The strike was so powerful that they gasped when the sound of the sword cracking reached their ears and Mochida was sent flying by almost three meters!

Hitting the floor heavily, Mochida who now laid on his back passed out.

He who wasted almost a hundred movements didn't even touch Tsuna, who needed a single one to parry his slash and counter-attack at the same time.

And to complete this outstanding exhibition of skills, Tsuna proceeded to do the sheathing movement of a proper Katana, almost as if he was a Samurai!

"H-he won!"

"Congratulations Tsuna!"

"Hahaha! I knew he would win!"

The judge who was standing motionless could only suck a mouthful of air, the flags to signal the winner had lost all meaning now that Mochida had passed out.

Reborn watched all of this with a smile on his face. Truly befitting of a mafia boss, and to think that he didn't even need the Shinuki Dan to ignite his dying will.

Still, unlike others might think, this event proportioned Reborn with a lot of useful information, now he knew more than ever the level of skill of Tsuna and the places that he desperately needed improvement, in his mind, the no-good Tsuna that he discovered was written off as being just a character that he had been playing intentionally for some unknown reason, the confident, violent, dangerous and skillful Tsuna was the real one.

Haha! His outstanding abilities even explained his horrible grades, who would have time to score an A in a test when you're learning to kill people with a sword and move like the wind? Still, no Mafia boss could be a dumbass, by the time he was finished with Tsuna, he would have created a monster that mastered all civilian and underground arts.

"Hey, hey! Kyoko-chan! It seems that Tsuna won. How is it, are you his now? Should I warn the other boys to stay away from Tsuna's girl? Hehehe!"

"Knock it off, Hana!" Kyoko blushed at what she said, even if she showed anger in her face, there was something weird in her heart as she looked towards Tsuna. Was it love? Maybe? For now, all she knew is that she admired him because Tsuna reminded her a little of her older brother, maybe Tsuna was just as strong as him.

As he calmed down, the gloomy atmosphere that had surrounded Tsuna disappeared. The cheerful aura of the crowd managed to calm him down.

He succeeded in his first step, he became the center of attention, everybody respected him much more than before. Tsuna, however, was too dense to remember the reason why this all started, he could only think of the glory he gained from the battle with a big smile on his face as he felt everyone was patting him on the back and shouting words of praise to him!

Meanwhile, outside of the Kendo Club, watching by the entrance, a silver-haired boy stared at Tsuna with cold eyes. "So this is Sawada Tsunayoshi, the tenth generation boss candidate of the Vongola."