
The Tyrant Of The Seven Seas

Celestiel Balahan, first born princess of Icartha is forced to be wed to the cold hearted and infamous Sebastian Blackbeard, the tyrant of the seven seas, king of Calabran and pirate King. She is a broken angel, obsessed with the idea of true love. Unfortunately, fate has more than she asks planned out for her. Sebastian Blackbeard, a man of logic, cursed from birth. He desires only one thing...for this curse to be lifted, even at any cost. A man with a vision. A woman with delusions. Bound together by fate, marriage and the sea. The tides are bound to be unpredictable...ain't it? Character art (Celestiel) belongs to @ronamii_art Character art (Reagan and Leonore) belongs to @LoveStorybookFairy Do follow them in pinterest. Thank you!

Mazoooooooooooooo · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Chapter 71: Her Mother's Memories II

Elaine looked shocked, as she felt so. Her hazel eyes stared at the sitting figure of her mother.

When she didn't speak, the older woman on the bed leaned forward. Her eyes were blank on her, as though she didn't know what to think or feel about Elaine.

"I'm sorry...," was all she offered next. Her voice had come out of her throat sounding rather sad and anguished for her. It was as though she had seen something she could neither explain nor bare.

Elaine forced a smile unto her face, stalking to sit at the edge of her mother's bed. Her eyes keenly followed her.

"What are you saying, mother? That is a little terrifying," she laughed it off, reaching out to place her hand on her mother's forehead. Unlike previously, it was no longer steaming hot, meaning her mother's high fever had reduced, thankfully.

She let out a relieved sigh. "Are you hungry, mother? I have been working all day but I can whip up a mushroom soup right now-"