
The Truth Untold.

A girl that has control over anything around her is what Lauren thinks she is. A brat is what others see her. But deep inside she wants some thrill in her life. Something that would make her excited to wake up every day just for it. One day, She knows she wants some thrill in life but she didn't expect it to turn out this way. The more she thought about it, The more she gets curious about what's inside Pandora's box.

Royal_mint · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


The board meeting is busy and boring as ever. So Chris didn't pay attention much, especially if it's just the same matter.

They are just discussing the model they hired And Chris is not interested.

"Sir, The model we hired is from America. She is professional in what she does. More than that, She also works for her own. Which add up why she's the best among the rest." The board member said. "This is her form, you can check and tell us if you don't like it." He added.

Chris turned to him and gave a blank stare. "If you think she's good enough to carry the company's name. Then so be it. Just don't disappoint me." He sternly implied.

The board nodded as a response. "Yes, Sir." They answered in unison.

"One more thing. I will not allow any more delays about this launch. One more problem I'll eliminate one of you." Chris straightly said as he stands up from his seat.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go ahead. You guys discuss this. I need your report tomorrow afternoon." As he said that, He left the conference room with Rachel catching up.

When he returned to his office. That's when he realized that it's already late. He checked his phone, seeing a ton of missed calls coming from her mother.

Yikes! Mom called.

"Hello, Mom? Why did you call?" He asked.

"Why? can't I check on my son?" His mother replied making him chuckle. "Come on, Mom. You know that's not what I meant."

"Hmph! Now I can't even call you." Her mom whined. Chris can't help to chuckle at how her mom is behaving.

"Are you done? It's already late, Christopher." She nagged making him scratch his nape.

"Yeah it just ended, I'll be home soon. Don't worry." He assured. Her mother just hummed in response and finally say her goodbye.

He ended the call and turn his gaze on his left. He saw Rachel, busy preparing her things. When he remembers what time it is, He walks closer to her. Chris was hesitating at first. In the end, He decided.

"Rachel, come. I'll take you home." He asked softly making her secretary squint her eyes.

"It's okay, Sir. I'll just take a cab." Rachel refused as she fixes her bag on her shoulder.

Chris shows a blank face. And steal the bag from her. "Hey! That's my bag." Rachel exclaimed making him chuckle.

"I know, I'm not taking it tho. Come, Whether you like it or not. I'll take you home." Chris insisted as he pats her head.

He knows how hard it would be for her to go home by herself. He just wants to make sure she arrived home safely.

Rachel accepted her defeat at his persistence. She knows she can't do anything about it. So she just followed her boss.

They are now heading to the parking lot, which means they have to face the employees' eyes as they pass every level.

"Do you really need to carry my bag? I'll come even if you don't hold it." Rachel asked.

Chris smirked and turn around raising her bag. "You think I'll believe that? Nah, it's better to be safe than sorry."

Rachel didn't notice that she softly laughed at how childish her boss is.

With how Chris is holding Rachel's bag, It can't help that they have rumors coming around the company.

And as much as Chris wants it to come true, All he can do is hope. Hope that someday, he can face his fear.

They arrived at his blue porché. Chris opened the door for Rachel which She happily accepted. Chris ran to the other side and get in to start the ignition.

Soon they set their way out of the building.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward, no one dares to speak. only the sounds coming from the radio is heard.

Chris is busy thinking about how to lift the atmosphere while Rachel is worried about why he's being dense since this afternoon.

Rachel was staring at his boss in her peripheral and she could see he is still the same. So she cleared her throat to catch her attention.

"Care to tell me why you're not yourself?" She asked making the latter startled.

He didn't expect the question that he keeps on running away from earlier.


Lauren arrived at their house. The driver thanked her when she gave her full bill. The servants welcomed her as they open the gate for her. She greeted them with a smile and so were they.

When she got inside she catches her mom in the kitchen, busy cooking. She sneakily got closer and hug her from behind.

"Momma I'm home." she whispered making her mom startled.

Lauren laughed at her mother's reaction. while the old woman just shakes her head in disbelief.

"You naughty kid, you almost gave me a heart attack!" She exclaimed making her daughter laugh even more.

"Hahaha, Not even close, Ma." Lauren appealed. She drops her bag at the side of the counter and gets herself a drink.

"So how's school?" Her mother asked.

"It's..tiring. But good." Lauren answered.

Her mother stopped slicing vegetables to face her daughter.

"Is this an interview? Why are your answers like that?" Her mother asked. Making her snort.

"Hehe, it's really fine. just a lot of things happen." Lauren replied.

"Like?" She asked. Lauren sighed as she tries to fix her words in her mind.

"Well... Our teacher said we will have a test before the holiday. Then Allyson asked to have a group study. So we did, But I think they planned that." Lauren explained.

Her mom's forehead furrow, absorbing what her daughter said. "Planned?" she asked.

"Hahaha, it's a long story, Mama." Lauren stated.

"Oh, I have all night, young lady." Her mother replied making the brunette groan.

"By the way, Laura. You need to come with me to the grocery store tomorrow." Her mother added.

"What? Why can't you just let the maids do it? You're just tiring yourself, Ma." Lauren replied.

"I know, but I'm more at state if the products bought are right." She explained.

"But why me?" Lauren whined.

"Don't go whining at me, young lady. You have been missing here a lot. If you don't come with me I'll cut your allowance." Her mother scolded. Making her groan.

"Alright, fine." Lauren agreed in defeat.

"Good! Now change your clothes cause we are eating." Her mother replied happily.


Both of them eat their dinner in peace. Lauren has no choice but to answer all the questions her mom has for her. As if she been away for weeks.

After the question and answer portion with her mom. Lauren kissed her mom goodnight and went to her room.

She lay in bed and close her eyes for a while. But after a while, It automatically opens.

"Right, I need to study. Even a few scans are fine." She stands up and goes to her study table to read some books.

She doesn't want to brag but... She doesn't need to read much. She just needs to scan the book to remember it.

After that, Voila! Ready for take-off.

She got bored, She's not sleepy either. So she scans her room. Hoping she can do something.

Her gaze stops at the big box at the top of her cabinet. Due to curiosity, She drags the chair there and stands in it to reach the box.

The box is old, it looks like it gets stocked for a few years. She blew the dust off, making her sneeze three times.

"Okay, that's a wrong move, Achoo!" She sneezed.

She let her nose calm down for a bit then she goes back to what she's doing.

She opens the box, revealing a bunch of books and pictures.

The pictures are vintage, Showing two kids playing at the playground. She smiled when she realized that the girl is her.

The boy is facing the opposite side, so she can't see his face.

"Maybe it's Kuya." She stated. "But why is it here? shouldn't it be displayed?" She asked.

Lauren took out all the things in the box, When a red thread caught her attention.

The red thread looks like a bracelet with a small sign on it. it's full of dust so you can't read it properly.

She goes took a cloth to clean the bracelet. "Wow, it looks cool." She put in on her wrist and stare at it.

"infinity... " She stated as she realized what's the symbol is.