
5. Searching For Hope...

I wake up with a knock on my truck window.

Did I fell asleep?

Glenn sadly smile at me.

I open the door.

"We are busy making a grave for Otis, we need some help."He say walking back to the girls busy making a grave.

"Okay, give me a sec, "I say going to the backseat to get a outfit for the day.

I put on a short jean,Tank top with my combat boots.I put one of my extra daggers in my boots.I brush my teeth and put up my hair in a high ponytail with a army cup and my dog tags around my neck.

I walk up to the group that was busy with the grave.

"Hey, I didn't get the chance to introduce myself . I'm Melody." I introduce myself to them.

"I'm Meggie and this is my sister Beth and Patricia" Meggie introduce them.

"It's nice to meet you all"

"You too"

We hear a motorcycle approaching.

They are back. I didn't realize that I was smiling when I see Daryl stop not so far away from us.

Glenn nudge my shoulder and smiling and give me knowing look.

We walk to the group that just arrive saying our hello's.

I smile at Daryl and nod my head at him as a hey. He responds the same but with a smirk on his lips.

"How is he?" Carol ask Lori.

"He'll pull through, thanks to Hershel and his people. Melody And Shane." Rick answer her.

"We'd have lost Carl if not for him."

Yeah right and this Otis man had to pay the price but no thanks to Otis.

"Thank God. We were so worried. How'd it happen?"Carol ask giving Lori a hug her while we greet everyone.

"Hunting accident. That's all... Just a stupid accident."Rick answer happy his son is alright.

I walk up to the group that was standing around the grave. I stand behind Daryl and listen to Hershel.

"Blessed be God, father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his span of years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, now more than ever, our most precious asset. We thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in Grace."

"Shane, will you speak for Otis?"Hershel ask Shane.

"I'm not good at it. I'm sorry."He answers obviously guilty. So he did kill Otis.

"You were the last one with him. You shared his final moments. Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning." Patricia beg him with tears in her eyes.

"Okay. We were about done. Almost out of ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping. It was bad. Ankle all swollen up. "We've got to save the boy." See, that's what he said. He gave me his backpack. He shoved me ahead."Run," he said. He said, "I'll take the rear. I'll cover you."And when I looked back... If not for Otis, I'd have never made it out alive. And that goes for Carl too. It was Otis. He saved us both. If any death ever had meaning, it was his." He say 'sadly' but I don't believe his bullshit.

Everyone starts to walk away to mourn their lost.

"How long has this girl been lost?" Hershel ask Rick while we gather at one of the cars.

"This'll be day three, "Rick answer him.

"County survey map. Shows terrain and elevations." Meggie open a map Infront of us.

I stand in front of Daryl studying the map.

"This is perfect," I say glad that we can finally do this right.

"We can finally get this thing organized. We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams." Rick say reading my mind.

"Not you. Not today. You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out. And your ankle... Push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody." Hershel says to Rick and Shane.

"Guess it's just me. I'm gonna head back to the creek, work my way from there."

"I'm also hear you know. I'm excellent in tracking so I'll will join you, If you don't mind."


I roll my eyes at him because of his attitude.

"I can still be useful. I'll drive up to the interstate, see if Sophia wandered back." Shane say to Hershel.

"All right, tomorrow then. We'll start doing this right." Rick say listening to Hershel.

"That means we can't have our people out there with just knives," Shane said to Rick.

I'm excellent with knives it's sad that they suck with it.

"They need the gun training we've been promising them."

"I'd prefer you not carrying guns on my property. We've managed so far without turning this into an armed camp." Hershel says strictly.

"All due respect, you get a crowd of those things wandering in here... " Shane complain about us not being armed.

"Don't you think it's better without guns. Guns attract them, the sound will bring them to us and this is not our property to get bossy over." I say glaring at Shane.

"Look, Melody is right we're guests here. This is your property and we will respect that. First things first: Set camp, find Sophia."Rick order.

He put his gun in front of us.

"My guns is in my truck I will get them when the meeting is over. I'm good with knives anyway." I say looking up at Rick.

That's why his the leader.

"I hate to be the one to ask, but somebody's got to. What happens if we find her and she's bit?"Shane ask. Well his got a point there.

"I think we should all be clear on how we handle that."

"You do what has to be done," Rick answer him.

"And her mother? What do you tell her?" Meggie ask with sadness in her eyes.

"The truth," Andrea answered without emotions.

What wrong with her. Sophia is just a child.

"I'll gather and secure all the weapons. Make sure no one's carrying till we're at a practice range off-site." Shane look at us

"I do request one rifleman on lookout. Dale's got experience."

"Our people would feel safer, less inclined to carry a gun." We look at Hershel. He give in and nod his head.

"Thank you," Rick says grateful to Hershel.

"That stuff you brought, got more antibiotics, bandages, anything like that?" Meggie ask us.

"I have a few thing in my truck that may be useful. I will get it for you when the meeting is over, alright?" I ask looking at Meggie.

"I should make a run into town to get more just in case something happens,"Meggie say looking at me and then at her father.

"Not the place Shane went?' Rick ask worried.

"No, there's a pharmacy just a mile down the road. I've done it before." She says looking at us.

"See our man there in the baseball cap? That's Glenn, our go-to-town expert. I'd ask him along just to be cautious." Rick explain to Meggie and Hershel.

Hershel nod his head.

I walk with Meggie to Glenn. She has to follow me to my truck so I can give her half of my medical aid supplies.

"I hear you're fast on your feet and know how to get in and out. Got a pharmacy run. You in?" Meggie ask Glenn smiling at him making him nervous.

Poor Glenn. His so shy it's funny.

He was about to answer when Dale walk up to us.

"Uh... Miss, what's the water situation here?" He ask Meggie.

"Got five wells on our land. House draws directly from number one. Number-two well is right over there. We use it for the cattle but it's just as pure. Take what you need. There's a cart and containers in the generator shed behind the house."She explain to Dale pointing at the direction where the wells is.

She look at Glenn "I'll go saddle your horse then."We walk away.

"I think he likes you."I laugh at the way Glenn face looked when she talk to him.


"Yes, he definitely likes you now that I think about it,he is only nervous around you."

We laugh together.

First we stop at my truck.

I give her my second medical aid bag with painkillers, bandages, stitching supplies, etc.

"Thank you so much." She say smiling at me.

"No problem."She turn around and walk to the house to put it away.

I take my duffel bag with my gun's and walk to the RV where Shane and Andrea is.

Great the lovely couple.

When I arrive at the RV I put the bag on the table in front of Shane.

"Give up our guns?"Andrea ask us.

"You heard Rick. We're guests here Blondie." I answer getting annoyed.

"And you're okay with it?"She glare at me but the question was for Shane.

" I don't recall being asked. Now lay down your weapon."He answers her with an attitude.

"Please take care of my guns they mean a lot to me, "I ask Shane ready to walk away.

He nod his head and turn his attention back to Andrea.

I walk to my truck getting my back bag. My machetes around my waist,My daggers around my wrist and my bow and arrow.

I see Daryl getting ready to leave. I walk behind Rick.

"Daryl. You okay on your own?"

"I'm better on my own. I'll be back before dark."

"Hell you are, I'm coming with you." I walk past Rick to Daryl.

"Hey. We got a base. We can get this search properly organized now." Rick says to us.

"You got a point or are we just chatting?" Daryl ask getting annoyed.

"My point is it lets you off the hook. You don't owe us anything."He answers looking at the both of us.

"We'll be back soon" I yell at Rick following Daryl to the forest.

We walk awhile in silence. I love the forest. I did training in the forest at our summer house. I snap out my thoughts when Daryl stops in front of me. I look at him confuse. I follow his eyes. in front of us is a farmhouse. I hope she is in there. We slowly walk to the farm house back door.

"One, two, three " He whisper at me counting down. When he got to three I open the door. He quickly walk in. I walk behind him looking around covering his back.

I point to the kitchen. Letting him know that I'm going in that direction. He nod at me letting me know it's fine.

I walk in and smell something weird. In the trashcan is a half-eaten fish can. I whistle at Daryl getting his attention. He quickly walk in to the kitchen and look at me.

He smell it making the juices go out,he throw the can back in the trashcan. We look around. My eyes fall in a closet. We walk slowly and inspect it. There is a blanket with a pillow. The space in the closet is just enough for her. She must be close.

"She must have been here." He say exiting the door that goes outside.

"Sophia" I yell out.

I see Daryl kneeling down in front of white pretty flowers. I walk to him and look at them. White flowers are so pure. He pull out the two flowers. He stands in front of me. I look up at him.

I bit my lip to stop me from smiling. He put some of my hair behind my ear that fell out my ponytail.

He put one flower behind my ear. I look him in his breathtaking blue eyes. There is so much emotions in his eyes.

"Daryl..." I was about to say, but he stop me with his lips against. He kiss me so gentle touching my cheek. I grab his neck deepen the kiss.

The kiss turns from gentle to passion. My whole body is craving Daryl touch. He pull away too quickly.

He look me in the eyes and grin at me.

"We should go." I nod my head to shock to talk. Why is he doing this to me. He makes me crave him and then he pulls away.

We start to walk back to the farm in comfortable silence.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize that we are almost at the farm.

We walk straight to the RV where Carol was. We walk in to see the RV clean. I follow Daryl inside. He stops in front of Carol. She was busy stitching something up.

"I cleaned up. Wanted it to be nice for her.

For a second I thought I was in the wrong place.

She scoffs.

I wish I can bring her baby girl back to ease her pain.

"A flower?" She ask in shock.

"It's a Cherokee rose," Daryl answer her.

I stand behind him with my arms fold listening to their conversation.

"The story is that when American soldiers were moving Indians off their land on the trail of tears the Cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much 'cause they were losing their little ones along the way from exposure and disease and starvation. A lot of them just disappeared. So the elders, they said a prayer; asked for a sign to uplift the mothers' spirits, give them strength and hope. The next day this rose started to grow right where the mothers' tears fell. I'm not fool enough to think there's any flowers blooming for my brother. But I believe this one bloomed for your little girl."

She laughs. Whipping of her tears.

I walk pass Daryl and give Carol a hug. Trying to make her feel better.

"She's gonna really like it in here," I say giving her a small smile. I walk to the RV door. Daryl holds the door open for me.

He is so sweet but I can see he still has his guard up.

"That was nice of you Dar, and the story was sad but nice. " I smile at him.

He nods his head. "Hey I'm going to see how Carl is doing. I'll catch up with you later." I say to him looking around to make sure no one is watching. I walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks for the flower" I say walking to the farm house.

I knock at the door. Meggie open it up. She smile at me.

"Why are you knocking?" She ask confuse.

"It doesn't mean if the world went shit that I forgot everything my parents learned me must also go to shit," I answer her.

She laughs at me and open the door for me. I walk up to the room Carl is.

I see him already looking at the door.

"Hey kid, how you feeling today?" I ask check his temperature on his forehead.

"I'm doing great, thank you for saving my life Mel."

"It wasn't just me kid but your welcome."

I hear footsteps behind me. I look and see Rick enter the room.

"Hey Melody."

"Hey Rick, I'll leave you two alone," I say leaving the room.

I walk pass Meggie that was on her way to go out.

"Hey, can I ask you something? Can I take a shower I smell like shit?" I ask her.

She laughs at me.

"Sure, just don't swear In front of my father he doesn't like that."

"Sure, no problem sorry for the swearing I'm just wired like that," I say walking out to get my clothes and toiletries.

I pick a black sports bra, match black lace pantie, a short with a oversize T-shirt with the band black veil brides on. I love the band.

I walk back to the house. I feel eyes on me. I don't have to look to know who it is.

I walk in to the bathroom. Striping out my clothes and get in to bath. I shave, wash my body and hair.

I get out the tub, dry myself of and put on same cream on my body. I put my clothes on and braid my hair. I brush my teeth and exit the bathroom.

When I walk out the house I see everyone in the group around a fire heating up some canned food.

It's already dark and I didn't put up my tent.


I sit next to Daryl. Carol give me a plate with meat and beans.

"Thank you" I say giving her a smile.

I was almost finish when Dale look at me.

"Hey Melody, we don't really know a lot about you. Tell us anything about yourself." He ask looking curiously at me.

"I was wondering when you guys are going to ask me"

"My name is Melody Smith, I'm the only child. I'm 25 years old. I study medicine and did good in it but my passion was the army my father was a Sargeant and he always helped me to train. I'm not always a friendly person but I will do everything in my power to protect you guys." I say looking serious at them.

They nod grateful at me.

Everyone finished their food and when to their tents.

I stand up to go to my truck when I feel a hand on my wrist. I turn around and see Daryl looking at me.

"Where is your tent"

"I didn't put it up yet"

"You can sleep in mine"

"It's okay Dar I can sleep in my truck"

"No, I don't mind sharing my tent with you"

His eyes sparkle with the moonlight shining on them making my heart beat faster.


We walk to his tent. He take of his boots and vest. He climbs in his sleeping bag holding the other side open for me. I take off my boots and t-shirt leaving me in a sports bra.

I climb in next to him feeling his heat immediately. I cuddle to him so naturally.

His body tense up for a second and then relax.

"Goodnight Dar"

"G'night Mel"


Hey my awesome weirdo's

Thanks to all my Readers

Hope you like it.

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stay safe