
The Tribulations of Tsukiyama Shuu

In a world where redemption mixes with chaos, Tsukiyama Shuu is granted a rare second chance to amend his past mistakes. Will he emerge victorious, or will the trials prove too difficult to triumph? **DISCLAIMER:** This fanfiction is a homage to the original 'Tokyo Ghoul' series created by the talented Sui Ishida. Support the creation of this story, along with others and the development of graphic novels, on Patreon: www.patreon.com/HeavenlyEnel. Embrace the adventure! Feel free to donate on Ko-fi: Ko-fi.com/HeavenlyEnel. 

Heavenly_Enel · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


In less than an hour Pilot Changee found a private airfield that they had been cleared to land on. The jet pierced the clouds in the azure sky as it began its descent.

"Look all the mountains." Shuu said out loud while through his window.

'I wonder if those mountains house old hermits or something.' Shuu thought. Pilot Changge landed the Jet safely and in good condition this time, he had been praying and crossing his fingers in hopes that no ghoul would come and bruise the beautiful jet he had painstakingly taken care of and maintained.

The jet landed safely and was greeted by an employee of the Tsukiyama family in one of their branch offices in China.

"Good day young master! I am Lee Zhiang. But call me Lee." Lee greeted Shuu as soon as he came out of the jet and he was bathed in the sunlight that rises from this part of the world. Changee soon followed after but waved Lee off and went somewhere else.

"This way sir, let me help you with your things." Lee said eased two suitcases out of Shuu's hands but couldn't move when he noticed that one of the suitcases wouldn't budge no matter how he struggled with it. That suitcase in question contained the weighted bracelets Shuu would later use.

Shuu simply smiled and took one of the suitcases from Lee's hand and moved towards Lee's car. Lee just chalked it up as a suitcase with a faulty wheel that the owner knew how to handle and made for the car as well. After Lee put the suitcase he was carrying in the boot of the car Shuu did the same only this time the car's centre of gravity was lowered. Lee didn't question that as well but waited till they entered the car.

"Ah, young master there are some fine attractions my city has to offer, only if you could eat human food I would have brought you to so many-I mean that doesn't matter we also have beautiful mountain ranges, valleys, streams, there's even a powerful ginseng the locals believe could make a ghoul change their palette to that of humans. Beautiful universities like this one we are passing with beautiful girls and-" Lee droned on but was also trying to be careful in his speech so as not to offend Shuu. He is a human who has worked with Mirumo for years and understands ghouls to an extent of tolerance.

"Unfortunately those would have to wait. I am looking for this." Shuu said as he passed him a note he just scribbled an address on. He couldn't hand him the scroll that contained more than just the address he was looking for. Lee looked at it and almost pumped his brakes.

"Sir, that place has been banned by the government as a site that has nuclear waste. Nobody goes there sir apart from some young crazy conspiracists that usually don't make it back alive." Lee said coldly.

"I didn't come on holiday anyway, take me there or I'll go there myself." Shuu said.

"Sir, it would take us at least one week of constant driving to get there. And what do you intend to do when you get there? Do you know the government watches those who attempt to reach the borders of that place? Someone like you should avoid attention to yourself for your sake and your family's as well." Lee said as he looked back at Shuu with concern.

'Where does Mirumo find loyal people to work for him? I bet this man is only concerned about me thanks to whatever Mirumo has done for him in the past, that man has a talent for people. But he is right, if that is the case then…' Shuu thought with his hand on his chin.

"When we are at least a hundred metres from the location just drop me and leave then." Shuu said.

"Okay, are you with your phone and power banks in case you need to call me for any emergency or food?" Lee asked as he let out a sigh seeing that the boy wouldn't listen to reason and put his eyes back on the road.

"No, I wouldn't be needing that where I am going."

"Forgive me for asking, but are you sane? We have bounty hunters here who help our anti-ghoul agency here in China. They are actually more effective and faster than the agency because of the reward system even though some of the hunters are ghouls themselves, but the agency couldn't care less as long as they keep capturing ghouls alive or dead! What I am saying, is that it is legal to hunt ghouls here for sport and anyone could kill you if you let yourself succumb to your hunger!" Lee turned to park somewhere safe so as to send his point across to the naïve teen in front of him.

"Lee, drive." Shuu ordered this time.

"I only go this far to talk because you are the only child of a man I respect dearly. If you want to throw away your life, let it be known that I tried to stop you." Lee said with a huff and turned the car back into the road.

"Well, I do need your number anyway if you still want to give it." Shuu said with a defeated smile and wrote down his number in his journal. Three days passed and Lee handed Shuu a few plastic bags containing dried food for him that one would pass as beef jerky. Lee had sustained Shuu that way for the majority of the trip until they stopped at an empty road with a car in front of them.

The car had four men around it with guns and a woman in front of the car that had its headlights on with a huge silver briefcase cuffed to her arm.

"Stay here, let me handle this. Since you said you'd be gone for a long time I figured I'd buy a ton of dried… meat from a well-known supplier here." Lee said as he left the car with a briefcase in his hands, a pair of dark shades, and a hat to protect his identity as well and approached the lady with the silver suitcase. They greeted each other and showed each other the contents of their suitcases slowly, the lady nodded and looked back at one of the men with guns. One of the men behind came forward with a small key in his hand but checked the contents of the case first then unlocked the lady's cuffs and exchanged cases with the man and watched him leave for his vehicle it was only until Lee drove away that they took their eyes off him and went their way.

"You didn't have to uncle-lee." Shuu said as he examined the briefcase and surmised that he could eat well daily for at least thirty days with the amount that was inside, he was happy but soon that smile faded. Lee was all too familiar with that look, he remembered that look on his father Mirumo's face when he cursed at the fact that he couldn't digest human food no matter how hard he tried.

They would always have to feed on humans, he (Mirumo) had accepted that when he was beaten and exhausted running away from some bounty hunters in China when he was younger. A group of hunters found and tasted the food that he ate secretly in the hotel and it was of course human flesh. He was hunted relentlessly on that cold rainy night. He found shelter from the rain and his pursuers and hid in a shed where he met a boy his age sleeping on hay in the shed, he could easily just have killed him, nourished himself, and left the country but instead, he chose to rest at the corner of the shed. His wounds didn't look like they would heal at all but was sure that he would die. Lee pretended to be asleep the whole time but regulated his breathing ever since he saw red eyes glowing over his body when Mirumo approached him at first.

'It's a ghoul! It's weak, if I report it now, maybe my masters would give me more than bread and sugared water to eat from now on, maybe I can start eating in the main house instead of in the shed or the horse stables.' Lee thought as drool began to draw on his mouth and his stomach growled. The shed was dark but both individuals could see each other as clear as day. Lee immediately got up and tried to run outside but was immediately pounced on by Murimo who took a bite from his skinny shoulder. Mirumo stopped after he realized the boy in front of him barely had any meat on his bones but covered his mouth to muffle the scream that was about to be released by the boy.

"What the hell? You are skinny for your age, this is a well-to-do mansion, don't you eat well enough?" Young Mirumo asked the boy as he stood up with his arm stretched out towards the shaking boy.

"What do you mean by that? You attacked me first and you are asking why I am skinny?!" Lee complained.

"I wouldn't have attacked you either way if you hadn't run out to report my presence, of course, I'd have to protect my identity." Young Mirumo said as Lee took his hand warily and got up. He could now see the features of his attacker clearly as lightning struck the earth and illuminated the shed. He saw a rough handsome face with dark purple hair that ran down his shoulders, his torn corporate attire dyed in his own blood but a wild flower in perfect condition in his breast pocket. What a character!

From a look, Mirumo could already tell the abuse Lee was going through.

"I am no white knight, but if you let me leave here without any being wiser I'd repay this kindness." Mirumo said and handed Lee a handkerchief to stop his bleeding. The two began to talk about a little of themselves and Mirumo's suspicion had been right. It disgusted him that a well-to-do family couldn't even show their wealth in the plumpness of their servants but instead fed them stale bread and sugared water daily. Mirumo offered to rid Lee of the hell he was going through right now since he needed nourishment badly and something to throw his pursuers off. Lee immediately understood what he meant and rejected the idea. Mirumo understood what kind of human he was, nodded, and left the premises.

Or so Lee thought until he woke up the next day with authorities surrounding the house asking the servants that slept in the stables, garages, and sheds about the ghoul attack on the main mansion. Lee saw all of this and denied any connection or witnessing but understood who it was.

A year later Mirumo came back for Lee in the same household that had had different masters and offered him a managerial position at an electrical train company in that side of town. Lee didn't miss that chance and became one of the youngest millionaires overnight in his country.

Months later,

"I guess all ghouls aren't just psychotic murderers." Lee cheered as he toasted an early anniversary with Mirumo in his office with expensive wine.

"Well some of us are like you said but you don't understand, we all want to be human. I guess we love humans so much that we eat them! Cheers my friend." Mirumo said with glee.

-------------------------To be Continued-------------------

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I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the little story about Mirumo's character.

More than 1,9k words by the way.