
The Traveller and The White Cat

In the vast expanse of time, traversing through countless dimensions and realms, there exists an enigmatic girl named Yuna. She is an eternal wanderer, a seeker of solace amidst the ceaseless flow of existence. Her footsteps echo through the eons as she tirelessly quests for a tranquil haven to call home, her appearance forever frozen in the visage of a petite, short-haired figure with a captivating shade of purple locks, standing at a modest height of 159 centimeters. However, destiny takes a mischievous twist as Yuna, amidst her interdimensional odyssey, finds herself adrift and disoriented, her mana reserves nearly depleted. With no other recourse, she descends upon an unfamiliar and desolate room, adorned only by weathered furniture that bears the weight of forgotten memories. Yet, in this unexpected juncture, Yuna's fate intertwines with that of an enigmatic companion—a girl who embodies the essence of an ethereal white cat. Their paths converge in this room of possibilities, sparking an unforeseen connection that will challenge Yuna's eternal voyage and beckon her to unravel the mysteries of an uncharted existence. As the echoes of Yuna's past reverberate through the threads of time, she grapples with the enigma of her newfound partner. Together, they embark on a quest of survival, forging an unbreakable bond amidst the uncertainty that surrounds them. Yuna, the ageless voyager, and her feline-like ally must navigate a realm where the boundaries of reality blur and where challenges beyond imagination await. Amidst the backdrop of shifting dimensions and the passage of eras, Yuna's journey takes a poignant turn—a quest not only for a tranquil sanctuary but for a profound understanding of herself, her place in the cosmos, and the meaning of companionship. Join Yuna as she embraces the uncharted chapters of her existence, navigating unexplored realms with her enigmatic partner, and discovering that even an eternity of wandering can be transformed by the power of an unexpected connection.

StygianNight · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Traveller And The Capital!

After hours of traveling alongside Seraphina Pinkheart, the grandeur of the capital finally came into view, its towering walls and magnificent structures stretching towards the sky.

"Wow! Look at that! It's massive!" Yuna's excitement was palpable as she clambered up onto the roof of the carriage for a better view.

"Y-Yuna! That's dangerous!" Seraphina's concern was immediate, her voice tinged with worry.

"Don't worry, don't worry! It's absolutely beautiful up here!" Yuna's reply was accompanied by a wide grin, her eyes sparkling with awe and exhilaration.

Seraphina found herself blushing, a mix of exasperation and something else entirely. "Honestly…"

Yuna's playful antics and carefree attitude seemed to have an effect on the usually composed princess. Her heart raced, not just from the precarious situation Yuna had put herself in, but also from the unexpected charm of her new acquaintance.

"Jeez…" Seraphina let out a sigh, her blush deepening.

"W-well, you'll get used to it," Yukki chimed in, gently patting Seraphina's back in a reassuring gesture. As their laughter and camaraderie filled the air, the capital drew nearer, promising new adventures, friendships, and mysteries to unravel.

As the carriage approached the grand gate of the capital, a contingent of knights stood at attention, forming an honor guard to welcome the return of Princess Seraphina.

"Hold!!!" The command, issued by a knight clad in resplendent armor, halted the carriage in its tracks. The knights fell into a formal bow as the princess disembarked from the carriage, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue.

"Princess Seraphina, welcome back to your home," one of the knights declared with a note of reverence, their voices echoing through the air.

"Thank you," Seraphina replied, her voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment. With the carriage now empty, Yuna, Yukki, and Nerium also stepped out to join the scene.

"Seraph, we'll be heading to the guild now," Yuna informed the blushing princess.

"Already? Well, if you find some free time, feel free to visit me at the castle," Seraphina said with a smile, her shyness not entirely concealing her eagerness to see them again.

"Sure thing. See you later," Yuna waved as they walked toward the gate, only to be momentarily halted by a knight who requested their guild cards.

"Guild cards, please," the knight asked, scrutinizing the cards they presented. Among them, Yuna's card shone with the distinct mark of a B rank, evidence of her recent promotion.

"A B rank, a C rank, and a D rank… You may proceed," the knight declared, their voice friendly as they granted passage.

"Thank you," Yuna replied with a nod of appreciation, and they continued their journey into the bustling heart of the capital.

"It's even more massive on the inside," Yuna exclaimed, her eyes wide with a mix of surprise and excitement.

"Let's make our way to the guild," Yukki suggested, nudging Yuna forward.

"Absolutely, let's go," Yuna agreed, and the trio set off on foot, soaking in the sights and sounds of the vibrant capital as they indulged in street foods along the way. Amidst the swirling activity and the promise of new adventures, the city's magic seemed to blend seamlessly with the camaraderie between friends, old and new.

As they approached a towering building adorned with an unmistakable "Adventurer Guild" sign, Yuna couldn't help but pause in awe.

"Is this it?" she mused aloud, her gaze fixed on the imposing structure.

"Well, it's a bit hard to miss," Yukki teased, following Yuna's lead as they made their way inside. The bustling interior of the guild was a testament to its significance in the capital's adventurer community.

"There are even more classes here than in Salvia's guild," Yuna observed, her excitement palpable as she took in the diverse array of adventurers present.

"Yuna, let's not get too distracted. We should find the receptionist," Yukki gently reminded her, her voice tinged with amusement at Yuna's enthusiasm.

"Right, right," Yuna acquiesced, and the trio made their way through the crowd to the reception area.

"Welcome to the Adventurer Guild. How can I assist you today?" the receptionist inquired with a professional smile.

"We're newcomers from Salvia's town, and we have an introduction letter from our guildmaster," Yuna explained, handing over the letter from Harzard.

"Please wait a moment while I verify this," the receptionist replied, taking the letter and disappearing briefly into the back. After a short interval, she returned with a friendly smile.

"Understood. You're now cleared to meet with the guildmaster," she informed them, gesturing toward an inner corridor.

"Wait, we still have to meet the guildmaster?" Yuna sighed in exasperation, earning a concerned look from Yukki.

"Yuna, that's a bit rude," Yukki chided gently.

"Fine, fine. We'll meet the guildmaster," Yuna relented, her tone begrudging but compliant.

With a mix of anticipation and curiosity, the trio ventured deeper into the guild, the echoes of their footsteps reverberating through the corridor as they prepared to meet the one who held the key to their new adventures in the capital.