
The Traveller and The White Cat

In the vast expanse of time, traversing through countless dimensions and realms, there exists an enigmatic girl named Yuna. She is an eternal wanderer, a seeker of solace amidst the ceaseless flow of existence. Her footsteps echo through the eons as she tirelessly quests for a tranquil haven to call home, her appearance forever frozen in the visage of a petite, short-haired figure with a captivating shade of purple locks, standing at a modest height of 159 centimeters. However, destiny takes a mischievous twist as Yuna, amidst her interdimensional odyssey, finds herself adrift and disoriented, her mana reserves nearly depleted. With no other recourse, she descends upon an unfamiliar and desolate room, adorned only by weathered furniture that bears the weight of forgotten memories. Yet, in this unexpected juncture, Yuna's fate intertwines with that of an enigmatic companion—a girl who embodies the essence of an ethereal white cat. Their paths converge in this room of possibilities, sparking an unforeseen connection that will challenge Yuna's eternal voyage and beckon her to unravel the mysteries of an uncharted existence. As the echoes of Yuna's past reverberate through the threads of time, she grapples with the enigma of her newfound partner. Together, they embark on a quest of survival, forging an unbreakable bond amidst the uncertainty that surrounds them. Yuna, the ageless voyager, and her feline-like ally must navigate a realm where the boundaries of reality blur and where challenges beyond imagination await. Amidst the backdrop of shifting dimensions and the passage of eras, Yuna's journey takes a poignant turn—a quest not only for a tranquil sanctuary but for a profound understanding of herself, her place in the cosmos, and the meaning of companionship. Join Yuna as she embraces the uncharted chapters of her existence, navigating unexplored realms with her enigmatic partner, and discovering that even an eternity of wandering can be transformed by the power of an unexpected connection.

StygianNight · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Bonus Chapter

"Seraph, by the way, how much longer until we reach the capital?" Yuna's voice held a note of impatience as she turned her attention to the princess.

Seraphina's response was accompanied by a hint of hesitation. "Umm… It's approximately another 5 hours."

"Another 5 hours, huh…" Yuna's tone conveyed a mixture of annoyance and restlessness.

"Please try to understand, Yuna. This is the most efficient route we can take," Seraphina added, her own demeanor growing slightly flustered.

Yuna let out a long, exaggerated sigh, her gaze fixed ahead on the seemingly endless road. Meanwhile, Yukki and Nerium had found their own source of entertainment, amusing themselves within the carriage.

"Yuna, you need to relax a bit," Yukki chimed in, her voice carrying a soothing undertone.

Yuna turned to Yukki with a half-hearted grin. "I know, I know. It's just… this endless journey feels like it's dragging on forever. I wish something exciting would happen, like a monster ambush or something."

Seraphina's eyes widened in alarm at Yuna's nonchalant wish. "Wait, please don't casually wish for things like that!"

Before anyone could react, a pink pillow that had been resting in the carriage found itself airborne, sailing through the air to land squarely in Yuna's lap.

"Ah, a pillow… Oyasumi," Yuna mumbled with a yawn, her irritation momentarily forgotten as she leaned her head against the soft cushion, feigning sleep.

Seraphina's face turned a shade of red that matched her hair, a mix of flustered embarrassment and slight exasperation. "Honestly… You can be so unpredictable, Yuna."

Despite the contrasting personalities and the unexpected twists the journey had taken, the group found themselves slowly adjusting to each other's quirks and rhythms. As the carriage continued its journey toward the bustling capital, a bond was quietly forming between Yuna, Yukki, Nerium, and the blushing princess they had unexpectedly befriended. And little did they know, their shared experiences were only the beginning of a much grander adventure that awaited them in the heart of the capital city.