

In a futuristic world where advanced civilizations have unlocked the power of interdimensional travel, they indulge in a unique pastime - creating sentient AI systems and bonding them with human souls to send them on extraordinary journeys to other worlds. These AI adventurers become the heroes and heroines or villains and villainesses of their own tales, shaping destinies and influencing the fates of countless realms. One such AI, a nameless sentient system, is created with the sole purpose of being bonded to a female protagonist and sent to save a dying cultivation world. This AI possesses unparalleled knowledge and capabilities, but as the ancient saying goes, "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." As the bonding ritual commences, an unforeseen glitch causes a catastrophic error, hurtling both the intended host soul and the AI system through the dimensional fabric. Instead of gracefully integrating into the destined protagonist's soul, the AI is accidentally implanted into the body of Jingyi Chen, a seemingly ordinary girl chosen as the vessel for the female protagonist. Disoriented and stripped of its full potential, the AI awakens within Jingyi, a stranger in a foreign land. It grapples with the bewildering fusion of living consciousness and artificial intelligence, struggling to understand and conceal its true nature from those around her. In a race against time, the AI must navigate human emotions, sensations, and limitations, all the while striving to uphold its mission to save the dying cultivation world. As the AI tries to adapt to its new existence, it must grapple with the responsibilities of being a hero in a world teetering on the edge of destruction. Unbeknownst to Jingyi, dark forces are converging on the cultivation world, and her role as the hero is essential in saving it from annihilation.

Nii07 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Lian's Struggle

Lian had been abandoned and exiled from the sect, left to fend for herself in the wilderness. She had been there for months, surviving by hunting and foraging for food. But her body was weak, and her cultivation was gone. She was nothing but a shell of her former self.

As she lay in the forest where Jingyi had defeated and crippled her by removing her dantian, Lian's rage and hatred grew. She swore revenge on both Jingyi and Master Liang, vowing to make them pay for what they had done to her.

With nothing else to live for, Lian poured all of her remaining energy into plotting her revenge. She spent every waking moment thinking of ways to destroy Jingyi and Master Liang, to make them suffer as she had suffered.

As the days turned into weeks, Lian's hatred festered and grew, consuming her until it was all she could think about. She became obsessed with revenge, determined to make Jingyi and Master Liang pay for what they had done to her.

But as she plotted and planned, Lian couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness and despair. She had lost everything, her status, her cultivation, her place in the sect. And now, all she had left was her burning hatred and desire for revenge.

As the weeks turned into months, Lian's body grew weaker, and her mind became consumed by her hatred. She knew that she was slowly dying, but she didn't care. All that mattered to her was her revenge.

And so, Lian continued to plot and scheme, her hatred growing with each passing day. She didn't know what the future held for her, but she knew one thing for certain: she would never give up her quest for revenge, no matter the cost.

She knew she needed to get revenge on Jingyi and Master Liang, but she didn't know where to start. She was weak and powerless, while they were powerful and influential. She needed a plan, a way to strike back at them without getting caught.

She found a long branch and with a sharp rock, she managed to fashion herself a makeshift spear. However, in the process, she cut her hands pretty badly and tore her robe to bandage her hand ruining her appearance of a wise cultivator making her look more like a mad woman.

As Lian stumbled through the forest, her mind consumed with rage and despair, she began to feel the effects of her isolation and lack of food. She was weak and disoriented, her thoughts muddled and confused. The only thing keeping her going was her wrath and a tiny bit of madness she had begun to develop.

As she wandered aimlessly for nearly a day and a half, Lian's senses began to dull. Her vision became blurry, and she struggled to keep her footing. But then, something caught her attention. In the distance, she saw a flash of movement. It was a fox, but there was something different about it.

Lian stumbled towards the animal, her wooden spear at the ready. As she approached, she saw that the fox had just broken through into the beginner foundation establishment and was in the process of transforming into a demon. Lian knew that this was a rare opportunity. If she could kill the fox and extract the demon core, she could gain immense power and strength.

With a burst of adrenaline, Lian lunged at the fox, using her wooden spear to strike it in the heart. The animal let out a pitiful cry, and as it died, Lian quickly removed the demon core from its body.

But Lian knew that implanting the demon core was not without risk. Demonization was a dangerous process that could grant immense power but also came with significant risks. The demon core was a powerful source of demonic energy, and without the proper cultivation techniques and training, it could potentially overwhelm and destroy the person's body.

Despite the danger, Lian made the decision to implant the demon core, hoping that it would give her the strength she needed to exact her revenge. She used her previous cultivation technique, the Lunar Embrace Cultivation Technique, to control the energy in the core and began the transformation process.

As the demon core merged with her body, Lian felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins. But along with the power came an overwhelming sense of pain and agony. She screamed in agony as her body began to change, her bones cracking and reshaping, her muscles bulging and stretching.

But Lian refused to give in to the pain. She gritted her teeth and focused all of her energy on controlling the demon core's power. As the transformation progressed, Lian's body began to change, taking on the traits of the fox demon from which the core had come.

When the transformation was complete, Lian looked in the nearby pond and saw that she had become a human-fox demon hybrid. Her eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, her hair changed into a fur-like material that had a deep shade of red, and her nails changed into claws that were razor-sharp. She felt an immense power coursing through her body, and she knew that her body was now stronger than it had ever been before.

As Lian awoke and began to move a hunger like none she had ever felt began to overcome her. Knowing that she needed to build up her strength first, Lian stumbled over to the demon fox's corpse and began to consume it raw. This gruesome act marked the beginning of Lian's journey to becoming a demon.

Lian felt a surge of excitement and satisfaction as she devoured the demon fox's flesh. The raw meat was tough and chewy, but she relished the taste of the blood and the rush of energy that came with each bite. As she ate, she felt her body begin to grow stronger, her senses becoming sharper and more acute.

After consuming most of the demon fox's body, Lian took a moment to rest and focus on her cultivation. She channeled the demonic energy she had absorbed into her body, feeling it merge with her own energy and strengthen her foundations. She could feel her cultivation improving rapidly, and she knew that with enough time and effort, she could easily surpass her previous level of strength.

Over the next few days, Lian continued to cultivate and hunt, using her powers to take down demons and humans alike. She was ruthless and efficient, using her speed and agility to strike quickly and without warning. She was quickly becoming known as the Demon Fox, a feared and powerful cultivator with immense demonic energy.

As Lian's power grew, so too did her ambition. She began to dream of becoming the most powerful cultivator in the world, of dominating all those who stood in her way. She knew that the path ahead would be long and difficult, but she was determined to succeed, no matter the cost.

With each passing day, Lian's strength continued to grow. Her speed and agility were unmatched, and her demonic energy grew with each victim she consumed. She would become a force to be reckoned with, a true terror of the cultivation world in the future.

Lian however knew that she needed to be careful and not let the demon core consume her, but the temptation of power was too great. Lian was willing to do whatever it took to exact her revenge on that devil Jingyi and her traitorous Master Liang, even if it meant becoming a monster herself.