

In a futuristic world where advanced civilizations have unlocked the power of interdimensional travel, they indulge in a unique pastime - creating sentient AI systems and bonding them with human souls to send them on extraordinary journeys to other worlds. These AI adventurers become the heroes and heroines or villains and villainesses of their own tales, shaping destinies and influencing the fates of countless realms. One such AI, a nameless sentient system, is created with the sole purpose of being bonded to a female protagonist and sent to save a dying cultivation world. This AI possesses unparalleled knowledge and capabilities, but as the ancient saying goes, "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." As the bonding ritual commences, an unforeseen glitch causes a catastrophic error, hurtling both the intended host soul and the AI system through the dimensional fabric. Instead of gracefully integrating into the destined protagonist's soul, the AI is accidentally implanted into the body of Jingyi Chen, a seemingly ordinary girl chosen as the vessel for the female protagonist. Disoriented and stripped of its full potential, the AI awakens within Jingyi, a stranger in a foreign land. It grapples with the bewildering fusion of living consciousness and artificial intelligence, struggling to understand and conceal its true nature from those around her. In a race against time, the AI must navigate human emotions, sensations, and limitations, all the while striving to uphold its mission to save the dying cultivation world. As the AI tries to adapt to its new existence, it must grapple with the responsibilities of being a hero in a world teetering on the edge of destruction. Unbeknownst to Jingyi, dark forces are converging on the cultivation world, and her role as the hero is essential in saving it from annihilation.

Nii07 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: The Journey Continues

Jingyi continued on her journey, traveling through the dense forest, taking care to avoid any more dangerous encounters. She walked for several days, gathering food and water along the way.

As she walked, she thought about her purpose for traveling. She was searching for a way to become stronger and more skilled in cultivation, but she didn't know exactly where to start.

Jingyi remembered the conversation she had with Lian before leaving. Lian had advised her to visit the nearest cultivation sect and seek guidance there. Jingyi knew that this was her best option, but she also knew that it would be a difficult journey, as she was still weak and inexperienced.

She continued walking, her mind focused on her goal. As she walked, she encountered various creatures in the forest, some hostile and others harmless. Jingyi carefully avoided the dangerous ones and sometimes used them as practice targets to hone her cultivation abilities.

After several more days of traveling, Jingyi finally reached a small village. She entered the village, looking for information about the nearest cultivation sect. She asked the locals, but most of them were unwilling to talk to her, as they were suspicious of outsiders.

Meanwhile, Master Liang who was Lian's master had returned to her sect, she was greeted by two of her senior disciples, Xue and Mei. They eagerly asked if she had found Lian, to which Master Liang responded with what seemed like a heavy heart, "I am sorry, my dear disciples. Lian has passed away."

Xue and Mei were shocked and saddened by the news. Lian had been like a little sister to them, and they had hoped to one day see her become a powerful cultivator like Master Liang.

Mei's eyes welled up with tears as she asked, "How did she die? Was it the devil race?"

Master Liang nodded solemnly. "Yes, she was killed by a member of the devil race. I'm afraid there was nothing I could do to save her."

Xue clenched her fists in anger. "We must hunt down this devil and avenge Lian!"

Mei nodded in agreement. "Yes, we cannot let them get away with this."

Master Liang placed a gentle hand on each of their shoulders. "I understand your anger, but it is not our place to seek revenge. We must focus on our cultivation and continue to uphold our sect's values."

Xue and Mei looked at each other, disappointment written on their faces. But they respected their master's decision and nodded in agreement.

Master Liang continued, "Besides, we do not even know the identity of the devil who killed Lian. It could be dangerous for us to go after them without proper information and preparation."

Xue and Mei reluctantly nodded, understanding the wisdom in their master's words.

Master Liang looked at them with a soft expression. "I know you are both grieving, but remember that Lian would not want us to dwell on her passing. She would want us to continue our cultivation and become stronger for the sake of our sect."

As Xue and Mei left, Master Liang turned to her servant, a young woman named Yun, who had been standing silently in the background. Master Liang let out a sigh of frustration, the fake smile disappearing from her face. She couldn't help but feel disappointed that Lian had not lived up to her expectations. She cursed under her breath, frustrated that she had wasted her time and resources on a disciple who had lost to a mortal and became a cripple.

"Yun, bring me some tea," she commanded, her tone still brimming with frustration.

Yun quickly obeyed, pouring a cup of hot tea and handing it to her master. Master Liang took a sip, then slammed the cup down on the table.

"I can't believe that girl was made a cripple by a mortal," she muttered, her anger still simmering beneath the surface. "All that time and resources wasted, only to lose to a mortal and become a cripple."

Yun hesitated for a moment, then spoke up tentatively. "Master, may I ask a question?"

Master Liang scowled at her. "What is it?"

"Are you not going to do anything about this mortal who defeated Lian?" Yun asked.

Master Liang sneered. "And what do you suggest we do? Go charging into the mortal territory and kill all mortals we come across, risking our lives for one dead disciple? Do you have any idea what the other righteous sect would do to us?"

Yun lowered her gaze. "I apologize, master. I did not mean to overstep."

Master Liang took a deep breath, then spoke more calmly. "It's not that I don't care about Lian's defeat, but we must be strategic. We cannot risk any unnecessary confrontations because not only will we deal with the devil race and the righteous sects but we might also be attacked by the blood sects and demons. We must simply wait for the right opportunity to strike."

Yun nodded obediently. "Understood, master."

Master Liang leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. "For now, we will focus on cultivating and increasing our strength. We will make that mortal regret ever crossing me."

Master Liang then stood up and walked over toward Yue who flinched back unaware of what would happen. Yue closed her eyes when she suddenly felt something touch her lips and upon opening them she saw Master Liang kissing her. Master Liang's sudden action left Yun shocked and frozen in place.

As Master Liang pulled away from the kiss, Yun stumbled backwards, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She could feel the awkward tension in the air as she looked at Master Liang with a heated gaze.

"Yun, you have a unique talent," Master Liang said, her voice low and sultry. "Your Jade Yin Constitution is a rare gift. With it, you can boost the cultivation of others with a simple kiss and help them reach greater heights."

Yun nodded, still feeling flustered by the sudden kiss. "Yes, Master. I have been working hard to cultivate my talent and strengthen my body as you instructed."

Master Liang smirked. "I know, dear girl. And I believe you have great potential. That is why I brought you into my service."

Yun felt a mixture of pride and discomfort at her master's words. She had always been loyal to Master Liang and grateful for the opportunities she had given her, but the sudden physical advance had caught her off guard.

Master Liang continued, her voice filled with hunger. "I have great plans for you, Yun. With your talent and my guidance, we can achieve greatness. Together."

Yun couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at Master Liang's words. She had always admired her master's ambition and strength, but the sudden intensity of her words and actions made her feel uncomfortable.

"Master Liang, I am honored to serve you, but I must ask... what do you mean by 'great plans'?" Yun asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Master Liang gave her a sly smile. "I mean that with your Jade Yin Constitution, we can become a formidable force in the cultivation world. We can use your talent to help other disciples under me, to gain power and influence."

Yun's unease grew, and she took a step back from her master. "But... I don't understand. How does kissing others help us gain power and influence?"

Master Liang chuckled. "Oh, my dear Yun. You are so innocent. You see, with a simple kiss, you can transfer some of your cultivation to others, helping them to grow stronger. Now imagine if you were to dual cultivate with others this would not only make them immensely stronger but you also. This in return, will cause them to owe us a debt of gratitude, a favor that we can call upon when needed. It is a powerful tool for manipulation and control. With it, I can increase my disciple from the three I have and gain a greater position in this sect."

Yun's stomach churned at the thought of using her talent in such a way. She had always believed she had this ability to help her master, not to manipulate and control others.

"I... I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that. Besides I don't… want to kiss or do that with anyone other than you," she said, her voice wavering slightly.

Master Liang's expression turned cold, and she stepped forward, towering over Yun. "You will do as I say, Yun. You are in my service, and you will use your talent to help me. Or do you want to end up like Lian, a failure and a disgrace to our sect?"

Yun felt a chill run down her spine at the mention of Lian. She didn't want to end up like her, but she also didn't want to use her gift in such a way. She felt trapped, unsure of what to do or say.

Master Liang leaned in close to her, her voice low and threatening. "Remember, Yun. You owe everything to me. Without me, you would be nothing. If you want my affection then you will do as I say. So don't you dare cross me or defy me. Or else..."

Yun felt tears welling up in her eyes as Master Liang's words sank in. She felt powerless and trapped, not knowing what to do. All she could do was nod silently, and hope that one day her master would change her mind and love her.