
Chapter 5

Changpu was filled with confidence the next morning when he attended school for the final ninth year exams. The girls who had noticed his problem solving and intelligence had strategically chosen seats around him. It was a strange turnaround as his female class mates were always the top scorers in the previous exams - this time after observing his answers which appeared to be 100% correct and really fast solves they were ready to take the greatest advantage. Meanwhile the twins were oblivious everything around them that mattered and focused only on themselves and their large egos.

One by one the exams came and went during the day. As each passed Changpu's confidence grew. He knew every answer and the essays he wrote were superb, his arguments were compelling and backed up with convincing references and a good memory of historical events and articles or excepts from texts. Just who the heck had Changpu become - not just a village boy, he now was now equipped with the mind of a Commander of an Empire.

Finally Changpu and his classmates exams were over - they counted, tagged and sent off to the district education office to be marked.

Just like that - nine years of schooling were over, the school mates left the school grounds together - it was over.

Changpu headed back home again on the way he realised that with his new Commander Wu title that there was probably still loads more education to follow in his future.

Somehow though, the thought of more studies didn't weigh him down, he knew his path was one of distinction and great and worthy battles and that he was probably destined to be a trainee Army, Airforce or Navy officer or perhaps a politician. that's what he thought of when imagined Contemporary Commander Wu. He knew definitely though that it didn't stop at a nine year education.