
The Timeless Jungle

Vatsuak_Sama18 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - A New World

Kaizu clung to the treetop, staring in disbelief at his hands. This power was real, but he barely understood it. Getting home felt impossible without guidance. His stomach growled, reminding him of more pressing needs - he was lost, alone, and quickly running out of options.

Determined to take action, Kaizu focused on floating down safely through the branches. When his feet touched the ground, he turned in circles, searching hopelessly for any sign of civilization. A flash of movement caught his eye - a small furry creature scurried up a tree, chattering angrily.

He was not the only living thing out here, giving Kaizu hope of finding help. Following animal trails through the brush, he spotted a circular cleared area covered in exotic purple blooms. In the center, a girl around his age gathered flowers into her skirt, humming softly.

"Hello?" Kaizu called out cautiously.

She spun around, dropping her bundle in surprise. For a long moment they simply stared at each other, equally shocked to encounter another person. Her dark eyes scanned him uncertainly.

"I'm lost. Please, I need help," Kaizu begged, taking a step closer with hands raised. "My name is Kaizu."

The girl tilted her head, considering. "I am Ami. You are far from any village, how did you come to be here?"

Kaizu explained his strange discovery and supernatural jump through space as best he could. Ami listened thoughtfully, unfazed by the fantastical account. She had survived alone in this jungle for many lonely weeks and was no stranger to its mysteries.

"You have a gift, but it will do you no good if you cannot control it. Come, I will teach you to live off the land as I have. Then we search for a way to use this power wisely," Ami said, offering her hand.

Grateful for her kindness, Kaizu relaxed knowing he was no longer alone. Ami proved a compassionate teacher, showing him which plants provided nutrition and medicine. That evening, sitting by a warm fire, she explained how she came to be stranded - her village ambushed by raiders, she alone escaping into the dense woods.

Together they found kinship in isolation and purpose in aiding one another. In the days that followed, Kaizu practiced manipulating space under Ami's watchful eye. Slowly he gained confidence teleporting small distances and levitating objects. Their bond strengthened as true friends, relying on each other's strengths to survive.

One morning, Kaizu spotted smoke rising in the distance. "Do you think it could be people?" he asked hopefully. Ami's smile faded as she peered towards the dark plume.

"Only one way to find out. Let us go carefully - this jungle hold many dangers," she said, readying her makeshift weapons.

Holding hands for guidance and comfort, the unlikely pair began their cautious trek towards the distant sign of life, praying for shelter but prepared to face any threat. Kaizu's powers had stabilized, and with Ami's resilience, they felt ready to discover what lay beyond the forest's edge. The adventure was only beginning.