
The Timeless Jungle

Vatsuak_Sama18 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - A Strange Find

Kaizu woke to the sounds of birds chirping in the forest near his home. Another boring summer day was beginning, with nothing but chores and homework waiting for him. As the youngest child with two energetic siblings, he often felt invisible at home.

He decided to escape into the forest for a while, hoping some fresh air and quiet would lift his mood. Wandering down a seldom used trail, Kaizu daydreamed about adventures in exotic lands. Perhaps he would discover hidden treasure or fight off ferocious beasts. Anything to escape this sleepy village.

Rounding a bend, something caught his eye amongst the fallen leaves - a dull metallic sheen. Brushing away debris revealed a small black cube nestled in the dirt, so smooth and flawless it couldn't be natural. Fascinated, Kaizu picked it up to examine the mysterious object.

Instantly a blinding flash overwhelmed his senses. When it faded, Kaizu found himself somewhere new entirely. Towering trees blocked out the sun, strange noises echoed in the dense foliage. Panic set in as he realized the thick jungle was completely unfamiliar. How did he get here? Where was home?

Heart pounding, Kaizu searched frantically for clues. Thorny vines and gnarled roots made the dense undergrowth nearly impassable. A thunderous roar shook the leaves, much too close for comfort. He had to hide, now. Dashing behind a wide trunk, Kaizu spotted a gap just big enough to squeeze into.

Inside the small hollow, Kaizu curled into a ball, shaking. What was happening? One moment relaxing in the forest, now lost in some dangerous primeval place. Had the cube done this to him somehow? He pulled it from his pocket to examine it again but another bellowing roar made him jump. Taking a shaky breath, Kaizu steeled his nerves and peered out of his hiding spot.

In a small clearing not far off, an enormous furry beast pawed at the dirt, snorting angrily. It reared up on hind legs, spreading massive clawed arms to intimidate a smaller creature in its path. Terrified, Kaizu watched helplessly, certain he would meet the same fate if discovered. Then instinct took over - he didn't want to die here alone.

Focusing intensely on the cube, Kaizu pleaded internally for it to help. In a flash, his hiding place disappeared, replaced by dense branches high above the forest floor. He clung desperately to his perch, trembling at what just occurred. Somehow, impossibly, the cube allowed him to transport through space in an instant. Did this mean a way home was possible too?

This strange object gifted extraordinary abilities but at what cost? With danger lurking in every direction and no way to control its powers, Kaizu faced frightening uncertainty. Still, a glimmer of hope emerged - if he could master this gift, perhaps adventures awaited after all.