
The Time-Turner

It's been six months since the war. Hogwarts was now open for a new school year. Hermione was eager to get back to her studies to mend a broken heart while Draco reluctantly returned at the urgings of his mother. Both of them were trying to escape the past and start anew. Then, someone decided to alter the present and create an alternate reality. Strangely, only Hermione and Draco were not affected by this sudden time shift and a strong bond started to form between them as they try to uncover the secrets of the past.

Liza_Aguilar · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

5. The Truce

The Slytherin common room had never been as quiet as it was tonight. Most of the students have already gone to bed; exhausted by the demands of their first day back in school. Only a blonde-headed figure could be seen lounging on the plush, dragonhide couch, staring quietly at the blazing fire in the oversized fireplace. Being situated in the dungeons of the castle, the Slytherin dorms needed the extra warmth to keep its inhabitants comfortable. And tonight, Draco needed the familiar, soothing ambiance of his temporary 'home' in Hogwarts.

He really shouldn't be here. He should be in the dormitory for the Head Boy and Head Girl. It was his rightful place, but he still needed to get used to sleeping in quarters other than the one in the Slytherin dorms. Owing to the fact that not all of his former classmates have returned for their N.E.W.Ts, their dormitory had enough space to spare for one more occupant. And his roommates for the past six years, Zabini and Nott, were more than happy to indulge him. They didn't want him spending too much time in the company of the Gryffindor 'Bookworm', did they? Who knows what she'd do to him? Although they were not really fond of her, they still held a grudging respect for her spellcasting and knowing how Draco seemed to push her buttons all the time, they feared he'd be returning to them in the form of a ferret again. And this time, perhaps permanently!

Draco slouched farther down the couch, his long legs spread before him towards the fire, while his thoughts were (ironically) on the Bookworm that he was trying to avoid. He really couldn't understand why she always seemed to cause so much havoc to his temperament. One minute he would be calm and sane, but the moment she walks into the room, his senses would come alive, attuned into everything she's doing!

At first, he thought that it was because she annoyed the hell out of him (he really couldn't stand her Know-It-All attitude and Goody Two-Shoes mentality!) but after that night in Malfoy Manor, where she was tortured by his deranged aunt, Bellatrix, he really wasn't too sure anymore. Now, his ambivalent feelings about Granger were starting to take form, and it scared him!

"What are you still doing up, Malfoy?"

Zabini's voice cut into the silence and Draco almost jumped from his seat. He tossed his head and glared at his friend.

"What are you, my nanny? Mind your own business, Zabini," Draco sneered.

Zabini shook his head and jumped onto the empty space on the couch, his eyes narrowing at his blonde friend. Draco has become more reclusive since after the war, avoiding his friends at every turn, preferring to brood for hours on his own. Of course, it could be because of what happened to his family, but Zabini felt that there was more to it than Draco was letting on.

"Come on, Draco. Spill!" Zabini said, nudging Draco's leg with his bare foot. Draco grimaced and brusquely shoved Zabini's feet off of his leg.

"Knock it off, Zabini, or I'll hex you into oblivion!"

"Alright, alright! Geesh, you're such a girl!"

"Damn it! Will you just let me be? I've had enough nagging for one day, okay?"

"Aha! I knew it! The Bushy-haired Bookworm has gotten into your nerves again, hasn't she?" Zabini chortled.

"When did she ever not?" Draco mumbled.

"Look, Draco. You have to act cool towards her. Don't let her see how much she affects you," Zabini said, putting his feet down and scooting closer to Draco.

"And who told you that she has any effect on me?" Draco countered, his left brow raised arrogantly.

"Hmm...yeah, you're right. She doesn't affect you at all. Not one itsy-bitsy, tiny bit," Zabini chuckled.

"Shove it, Zabini, or I'll really hex you!" Malfoy growled, his hand moving down his pants pocket for his wand.

"Damn! She's really got you worked up this time, hasn't she? What were you trying to do, anyway? She seemed pretty upset at you, too."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I heard her screaming at you before she stormed out of the Great Hall earlier this evening, so I figured you must've have said something to upset her," Zabini said, shrugging.

"You heard that?"

"Everybody heard, Draco," Zabini smirked.

Draco raked his fingers through his blonde locks. Merlin! Now everyone's talking about us for sure! Damned woman couldn't even keep her voice down!

"What did you say to her, anyway?"

"Nothing! She was just being her usual Holier-than-thou self," Draco replied, scowling back at the fire.

"Strange. Granger's been pretty civil with all of us since we've switched sides. She's starting to be friends with some of us, actually."

Draco snorted and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "That'll be the day," he grumbled.

Zabini sighed. He wasn't getting anywhere with Malfoy. He knew that his friend was hiding something, and he wouldn't rest until he at least had some idea about what it was. Time to change tactics.

"It's true! Just ask Nott. The freak is now gushing about her like a lovesick fool!"

Zabini smiled inside when Draco's head whipped in his direction, his eyes now a stormy gray and blazing with something akin to fury. Damn! Draco's smitten, too! Well, I've always thought that there was more to his professed 'hatred' for Granger than met the eye. And the idiot isn't even aware of it! Zabini almost chuckled as a sinister plan began to formulate in his mind. This will be fun to watch! Let's see if he'll bite.

"But, hey! Everything's changed after the war, right? Even the teachers are encouraging cooperation and friendship amongst the houses. So, Nott could actually ask Granger out and no one would even say a peep. I think it would be good, too. I'd have to start encouraging Nott about this. We, Slytherins, need to get off our high horses and start mingling with the mortals, don't you know," Zabini continued, keeping his eyes on his friend whose face had now turned a sickening greenish shade. Gotcha!

"Don't be such an ass, Zabini. Nott wouldn't do such a thing!" Draco spat at him.

Zabini feigned drowsiness by yawning loudly. "Maybe you're right. But we wouldn't know, would we? As I said, things are different now. Anyway, we have an early class tomorrow. Got to turn in for the night. Try to be nice to Granger, will you? For all you know, she might soon be dating one of your bestfriends," he said, tapping Malfoy's shoulder as he rose to his feet and headed back to their room leaving Draco glaring at the unsuspecting fireplace.


Hermione sat in front of a sumptuous breakfast feast at the Great Hall but she couldn't even bear to lift a measly piece of toast. It wasn't just because she had barely slept last night, but more because she could not get over the feeling of guilt that had lodged inside her chest after Harry's confession.

Who would've thought that Draco and his mother would do something as selfless as that? And to think that she'd been nothing but awful to Draco since they had gone back to Hogwarts. He'd tried to talk to her on the Hogwarts Express but she brushed him off without even a thought.

Well, actually, she would've brushed off anyone who approached her then. She had purposely availed of her privilege (as Head Girl) to sit up front primarily because she was avoiding Ron. She was so messed up during that time that she would've snubbed even Professor McGonagall herself had she the misfortune of even venturing near her. Still, it didn't excuse her abrasive behavior.

And now the guilt was eating her up whole making her even more miserable than she was when she'd arrived. The only way her conscience would be eased was if she apologized to Malfoy, but deep inside she knew that that was next to impossible. Her pride wouldn't let her.

Besides, this was Malfoy for Merlin's sake! The boy who had tortured her since she first set foot in Hogwarts, the one who ridiculed her every chance he got, the one who called her Mudblood (among other things) at every turn! How could she even dream of apologizing to such an ass!

Okay, granted – he's changed a bit. He no longer strutted with that infuriating smirk pasted on his face. In fact, he seemed to be always brooding now, his eyes downcast and avoiding contact. There's also an air of uncertainty about him, like he was always second-guessing himself.

But not when he's around her!

His confidence seemed to get to a certain high when he's annoying her. He's changed, yes. But his attitude towards her hasn't.

And that's why Hermione was in such a dilemma. How could she pacify her grief-stricken conscience without looking like a jackass in front of Malfoy? There must be some way to gain her much needed peace of mind that did not involve self-humiliation!

Her thoughts were halted when she felt someone elbowing her. And lo and behold! The object of her torment was suddenly sitting beside her, materializing from thin air!

"Malfoy! What are you doing here?" she blurted out before she could stop herself.

"Good morning to you, too," he replied, smirking as he piled his plate with toast, fried eggs, ham, and a few bits of bacon.

Hermione grimaced as she realized how rude she sounded. Another point against her. My, isn't she starting early today!

"I'm sorry. You just startled me," she mumbled.

Draco gave her a sideways look, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Did I just hear the great Hermione Granger mumble an apology to the nasty Slytherin sitting beside her?"

Hermione pouted and ignored him completely, turning her attention to her breakfast plate instead. She speared a sausage and sliced it into tiny strips. Then, she took a piece of toast, smeared it with butter and carefully placed the sliced sausages on top. She then folded the toast with sausage filling and was about to bite into it when she noticed the horrified look on Malfoy's face.

"What?" she asked, annoyed by his expression.

"That is so barbaric, Granger. Even for you," Draco muttered as he sliced the ham and forked the tiny piece into his mouth.

"Barbaric? Why, pray tell, is it so barbaric?"

"Well, for one, you're not supposed to fold your toast. Secondly, you don't mix butter with sausages," Draco replied, waving his fork in front of her.

"Who said so?"

"It's common table etiquette, Granger. Even a four-year-old knows that."

Hermione huffed and proceeded to repeat the process of buttering, sausaging, and folding. She took a big bite and smirked at Draco, challenging him to call her out on it.

Draco just shook his head and turned his attention back to his food, a slight frown creasing his brows. Why is she purposely trying to annoy me?

After Hermione had finished her sausages and folded buttered toasts, she dabbed her lips with her napkin and turned to Draco.

"Why are you eating here, Malfoy? Why aren't you sitting at the Slytherin table?"

Draco finished drinking his pumpkin juice before answering. "As you can see, Granger, there are no more exclusive house tables. They're all mixed now."

Hermione turned her gaze toward the table that the Slytherins used to monopolize. And indeed, she saw a couple of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs eating and chatting with the Slytherins there. She even saw Parvati Patil, a Gryffindor, sitting beside Blaise Zabini, totally engrossed in whatever Zabini was regaling her with.

"Okay, I didn't notice that," she murmured.

"You seem to overlook a lot of things lately, Granger. What's going on with you?"

When she turned back to Draco she saw him looking at her with narrowed eyes, a slight smirk adorning his pinkish lips. Hermione's breath caught in her throat. Damn! He is a handsome devil, isn't he? After mentally kicking herself for even thinking such a disgusting thought, she cleared her throat and replied in her haughtiest tone, "It's none of your business, Malfoy."

"Suit yourself, Granger. I couldn't care less, anyway," Malfoy retorted, picking a couple of strawberries from the fruit platter before him.

Hermione wanted to slap herself again. Marvelous, Hermione! Another point to add to your guilt list! Keep it up and you'd soon find yourself groveling before Malfoy asking for his forgiveness!

"Okay, this is getting a bit tiresome, don't you think?"

"What is, Granger?"

"This. Us, bickering like kids all the time. Aren't you getting tired of it?"

"What do you suggest, then, Granger?" Draco said, turning slightly to face Hermione.

"Look, seeing as we'd be working closely together for the entire year, not only because you're Head boy and I'm Head girl, but also because we're partners in Potions class and would be doing projects together, don't you think a little peace between us would help us deal with this school year that much easily?" she was practically breathless at the end of her statement.

Draco lifted his brows, waiting for her to continue. When she did not, he asked, "And?"

"I suggest a truce. Let's try not to act like eleven-year-olds."

"I'm not the one acting like an eleven-year-old," Draco muttered.

Hermione rolled her eyes. This is hopeless. And to think that I felt guilty about how I'd been treating him! Serves you right, Ms. I-can't-live-with-my-conscience!

"Fine. Let's keep on acting like children, then. I'm game if you are," she snarled as she started rising from her seat. A soft, warm hand curled around her wrist and pulled her gently down.

"Wait, I'm sorry, okay? That was uncalled for," Draco said, his stormy gray eyes latching on to her soft, brown ones.

"Did I just hear the high and mighty Slytherin prince apologize to a Mudblood?" Hermione said, smirking at Draco as she sat back down.

A couple of seconds passed before Draco's face broke into a genuine smile. "Did you just crack a joke, Granger?"

A bright blush spread across Hermione's cheeks. "Don't push it, Malfoy."

Draco chuckled as he raised both hands in mock surrender. "Okay! Okay! I won't say another word!"

Hermione nodded then put out her hand in front of Draco. "A truce, then?"

"A truce," Draco replied, taking Hermione's proferred hand. He would never admit it to anyone, but his heart soared during that short moment that he held Hermione's hand. For how could he admit to something that he couldn't even understand?

But there would be time enough to think back on that. He was in no hurry. Somehow, he had that strange feeling that this was just the beginning.

The beginning of what? Well, only time will tell.

And time, indeed, will – in ways that neither of them ever dreamed of.


So...the plot thickens, eh? What is this thing developing between the two? We're soon getting into some deep waters to wade in, so hang on tight! I will try to update as often as I can, but will post at least once a week. Send me a PM in case I forget! :)

As always, comments, suggestions, and even violent reactions are always welcome. Don't forget to vote, my dears! It would really mean a lot to this Potterhead!

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