
The Time of Space Itself

An orphan boy that wishes for a new life to forget about the traumatic past given to him by the fate of the gods. See through his life and relationships to find out what he will do to achieve his dream.

Ej_Lovely_Boy · Action
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Start of a new day, year, and life.

As a child, I always thought of myself as a bright and productive child, but when my parents died in a fire, it changed a bit for me.

I become motivated less to do much. my parents had always given me everything I needed, wanted, and such things. Though now, it's just nothing.

I, Tulio Hernandez Fierro, was taken in by a small orphanage back then during that moment. Being adopted or fostered by a family was hard, but most were compelled to mostly foster me, which I could say the least was great, and I had been accepted.

The fostering times would usually be up to 4 to 7 months. I would enjoy it, and most were alright families. The best one I ever had, though, was the Mohican family. they were caring, loved having me, was fun, their kids were nice to me, and everything. I really felt at home with them. sadly, I had to leave eventually.

Eventually, a family came to look to adopt a boy. I was one of their choices, but they ended up picking Marco, a close friend of mine. I watched as he packed, and eventually, he left waving goodbye, but I did not return the same gesture; I was just hurt by the fact that the one person that stayed with me for so long is gone.

I waited and waited to be adopted by at least a good family or couple. Though all the waiting always turned into nothing for me, until I turned 17....