
The Beginning

The year is 1940, and Greece is at war. Italy has invaded us and we are not happy with them. Though even then I was never happy here. These people, even my own family, would never let me be myself. Anyways, here I am, running towards the enemy, and they seem determined to end us as we speak. I won't let that happen though, I will fight until my last breath, then maybe I can find peace with myself. Woah, I think I got a hold myself for a moment there. Let me introduce myself, my name is Lorraine Helen Athans, and I disguised myself as a man to help fight the war. I also did this to get away from my judgemental family. So now that I got that out of the way, back to fighting.

I was about to shoot an oncoming Italian when there was this bright light, then I was gone off the battlefield. Damn it, I knew what this meant. I have been summoned by the gods and goddess. You see my family and I still held onto our Hellenic polytheists, and because of that, w e get visits from them. All of the religion, except for Christianity, does this where if you still believe in your gods and goddess they come forward to show you that they are real or summon you. There could be many reasons why you are summoned, either you need to do a job for them, you are new in the belief and have reached the age of 13 to show you their existence, or more importantly, you were being banished. I was praying that they just needed a job done, but knowing my luck, that probably isn't the case. After the bright light went away, I looked around and saw not only all of the Olympians, but my family, and that is when I knew that this was about my sexuality. I looked towards Zeus and bowed respectfully.

"Lord Zeus, do you need something," I asked, still bowed down. He looked at me apologetically. You see, I happen to be the favorite of all of the gods and goddesses, including Ares.

"Hello dear Lorraine, I'm sorry to inform you that, because of so many complaints from your family, everyone of us have no choice but to banish you," he explained, but continued to speak, and what he said shocked and enraged my family.I have a feeling why. I should explain that if a family member complains to the gods and goddesses too many times, especially about different things then the gods and goddesses will have no choice but to banish them. " Though instead of banishing you to Tatarus, we have decided to banish you to the future. Seventy-seven years into the future to be exact," he told me smiling, winking at me to say that he is on my side instead of my family. I know that they would have wanted me banished me to Tatarus, but the gods and goddess banishing me to a different time era is a big fuck you towards them.

"If I may ask, why am I being banished," I asked professionally.

"Well, your family has made too many complaints that we have no choice, they have complained about your sexuality, your refusal to your arranged marriage, your deployment to the army, and many more" he explained while rolling his eyes. That confused me on why they are so against me loving other girls when our gods have slept with other men back in ancient times. I nodded and before I knew it, I was surrounded by bright light again as I was whisked away from my time era. Thus sending me to my new adventure, to where I can finally be happy to be who I am.