
I’m the New CEO?!

Good morning Scottsboro, Alabama, it looks like it's going to be a good day today, so go put some sunscreen on and go out and have fun...

I jolted awake when the radio turned on and I quickly turned around to see what the time was. It was 9:30 AM, and I had two hours to get ready to get to work. Oh, shoot, where are my manners, my name is Corynn Sarah Johnson, and I'm the heir to my family's company. The company is the number one producer of sports gear, Johnson's Sportswear and Equipment is the name. I don't want to be the heir, and I thought that since we are Christians that my family wouldn't approve of me being into women instead of men. I was shocked to find out that my family was okay with that, and that actually made me not judge all Christians and think that they all think that way. I was born in the year 1996, on February 6th. I had asked my family if there was any way that instead of me being the heir if my brother, Floyd Rowen Johnson, be the heir. They said that he can be the heir if he wants it. We all looked at him and he said that he didn't want that type of responsibility as he knows that he isn't the most responsible person in the world. He said that because of the fact that he is still more of a child, that there was no way that he can handle the stress, but he also said that he knows that I am the only one who can. That made me realize that he was right, he was only eighteen years old.

I just got done with getting dressed and was walking out the door when I got a call from my dad. All he said was that as soon as I got to the company, I was to go to his office. Apparently he needs to tell me something important. So, I locked my door, and headed off to get some coffee and to eat at the office. After twenty minutes of driving I arrived. I locked my car and headed in saying hello to everyone. I arrived at my dad's office and knocked waiting for the okay to enter. After a while he gave me permission to enter and I did and sat down.

"Hey dad, what's up," I asked my dad.

"Hey kiddo, nothing really, except that, I have decided to go into retirement and let you start as the owner now," he replied. I was about to refuse until I noticed the exhausted look and bag under his eyes, and knew that he needed to do this so he could stay healthy.

"Okay dad, I hope I'm ready," I said, with a doubtful face. I was doubting my ability to run this company successfully. He looked at me with a reassuring smile and stood up. I stood up to get to work, until I heard my dad call me back.

"Where you think you're going kiddo, you got work to do as the new owner," He said to me smiling. I looked at him shocked and confused. I thought he meant in a few days, so I can finish all of my paperwork.

"Uh, dad, wouldn't you want me to finish my paperwork first," I asked to make sure this is what he wanted.

"Well kiddo, that is up to you," he told me, " you can either finish the paperwork as the owner or pass it down to the new manger."

I looked at him and realized that my choice was right in front of me. My best friend, who has worked as hard as me, has always told me that the day I do take hold of the position of CEO and I choose her, that she'll take over the paperwork.

My best friend, her name is Wanda Ruby Sanders, knows that to get anywhere is through hard work. She was dropped off at an orphanage with only her name and date of birth. We met in elementary school, and we just hit it off. From that day forward we have acted like siblings. Throughout our schooling, I even ended up at the same college as her, I had helped her study. When we graduated from college, I helped her get a job at my family's company. I always knew she would become the next manager after me, so I offered to teach her on how to manage everything on our off days.

"Okay dad, I know what to do, why don't you take off and do what you want to do," I told him, "I'll call you and tell you how I did."

"Spoken like a true leader, you'll make this old man proud," He told me, smiling proudly. He then proceeded to leave, before informing me to meet him at the mansion to discuss more stuff. I nodded at him and he left me alone. I sat down in my new chair and picked up the phone.

"Can all personnel please report to the meeting room," I called over the intercom. I then proceeded to walk to the meeting room that was across the office. I waited for thirty minutes until all of the employees piled into the room. My best friend was the first one, and to seem more professional decided to sit across from me then by me. After the last one had taken his seat, I began.

"Early this morning I received a call from my father, and he informed me that he had something important to tell me," I told them looking at each of them in the eye.

"Hopefully it was to fire her, so I can take my rightful place as CEO," one woman said in what she thought was a whisper. I whipped my head towards her so fast that some of the people there were afraid that I got whiplash.

"What was that," I asked firmly towards the woman.

"Nothing ma'am," she replied nervously.

"I thought so," I told her," anyway, back to the point. The point is that my dad has stepped down and made me owner of the company."

"WHAT," the woman from earlier shrieked. She then glared at me. Everyone else then applauded and congratulated me.

"As the new owner of the company, I have decided to make some changes," I said and looked at each of them one by one until I landed on the woman, "starting with you. I have heard of complaints about you and I have taken upon myself to look through your file."

The woman now looked nervous, like she was caught with something that she shouldn't have.

"And guess what I find out about you," I asked her, "I found out that you were fired and arrested for embezzling from your previous job."

The woman now was shaking and trying to plead her case, but I wasn't listening to her as I was just starting to get into my role of responsibility. I continued with my stare never leaving hers.

"How you were never found out is beyond me, but I won't stand for this, but not only that, you are very abusive towards your coworkers," I commented to her, "and I will not let this stand no more, so for this day forward, you are fired."

She was gaping at me like a fish out of water, before trying to attack me. Unfortunately for her, I have foreseen this and called for security ahead of time. They came in and escorted her out of the premises. Everyone cheered and thanked me for getting rid of her. I then quited everyone so I can continue. After a few hours of talking, I dismissed everyone so they could get back to work.

"Wanda can you please stay back," I called out to her. She nodded and sat back down.

"Yes ma'am," she asked.

"Wanda, I wanted to know that now that I am the owner, if you still wanted the manager position," I responded. She looked shocked at first, then excited.

"Yes, I still want it, thank you so much, I won't let you down," she said. After I got my answer I handed her the paperwork that I had to work on when I was manager, and she got on with her work. I sat back with a satisfied smile. I walked back to my new office and called my dad. I told him everything, and he said that I was showing promises to the company.

After that I just worked on paperwork, answering phone calls, emails, and looking through company policy. By the time I was done, it was now closing time. I exited my office and locked the door, and as I was leaving I said goodbye and had a nice day to everyone that was finishing up their own paperwork. Now that Wanda was manager she now has to close the building after all the employees have left. Her boyfriend always picks her up after work, so when I left the building I saw him. I went over to him. I gave him the heads up that Wanda was now the manager when I was promoted to CEO. He was shocked for a while, then excited and said thank you to me. I told him that she will probably be manager even if I wasn't CEO, she was a really hard working woman. I told him goodby and got into my car and drove home. Twenty minutes later I arrived home. I unlocked the door and stepped in. Then the most bizarre thing happened. A bright light appeared and dropped an unconscious woman on my floor. Judging by the clothes she wasn't from here. I quickly picked her up and put her in one of my spare bedrooms. I then went to bed and I didn't even know what adventure will await me tomorrow.