
The Three Faces of Null

"This is a story of how an entire race will be continuously played with like pieces on a chessboard by a being so powerful that stars weren't even considered a torch to him, and black holes were simply trash bins to him. How and why would anyone inquire the wrath of such a being upon themselves? Witness the struggle, the pain, and suffering they would go through to finally set themselves free from his wrath. This is my first book ever, so I would like to hear your opinions and thoughts on the novel."

Tempest12e · Fantasy
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79 Chs


The free day was put to good use as I woke up much earlier than usual, my mind and body prepared to quickly revise all of what I did yesterday. "I am as prepared as can be," I thought to myself.Breakfast was brought to me, although since Kiko wouldn't be bringing me food, it came from another source. I heard the sound of the top of the hall ceiling opening, and although it was always pitch black and I could never see through it, food would fall out of the darkness. An incredible smell entered my nose, and my blank face turned to one of pure joy as food rained from the darkness.

After I had finished eating and rested, Kiko appeared and announced that it was time. I followed her calmly, my mind filled with dark strategies on how I would confront the poor old gizzer I was about to face. We walked through several long corridors with multiple twists and turns, making it clear that if I wanted to find my way back to the white hall, I would get completely lost. Despite the maze-like nature of the place, a wide smile formed on my face. Finally, we arrived at a door, which slowly opened. However, as I saw my opponent, confusion washed over me.

"IQ120," he stated.

While I was perplexed, his face displayed surprise, then deep understanding, and finally great disappointment as he uttered heavily, "Of course, it is my turn."

"IQ120," an adult Huma, stood in front of a cell. She was the same adult who had accompanied Kiko when she first met Miret.

"What is it now?" he replied begrudgingly from inside his cell.

"We have found another one, one that should give you the battle and satisfaction you seek before he surpasses you," she replied.

"You know, that sounds very similar to what you said last time. How many have failed at that? I have fulfilled all you wanted, yet you haven't fulfilled mine. Remember, you promised!" he shouted.

"I know we promised, but if we said there was nothing else we could learn from you, we all know that's a lie. Do you want to die that badly?"

"What is there to live for in this awful world?" he said.

"You haven't even gained a bit of life back, and here I thought that the new special subject caught your attention. Maybe he would serve as a reason for you to persevere and live on," she replied.

"What is the point of living for the dead? The person that said that to me is long dead. So I guess that was fate teaching me that if you won't live for them, you might as well join them."

"Do I live for them?" he asked himself. "I try to kill myself every time, well not as often as before, but does that mean I live for them? No! I, who seeks to join them, can't."

"Who said he was dead?" she asked.

"Don't try to lie to me. Do you realize how many months have passed since the starter experiment began? It should have ended a long time ago. Most likely, with his stupidity, He is dead and buried six feet under. You would have gotten whatever information you consider worthwhile from his corpse and disposed of it in your garden. You Humas are never the ones to waste anything, huh?"

"True, we would never waste. Even a corpse can serve as nutrition for plants. Tsira, you can believe whatever you want, but Miret is alive."

"Miret," I replied.

"That is the name of the new special subject… Prepare for your last fight."

Hi everyone

I am making image representation of each chapter, You can find on YouTube, Tiktok and Instagram

my username name for all three is



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