
The Third Life of Maximus

In a world reshaped by superheroes and extraordinary events, Maximus Carter is no ordinary teenager. Living his third life, Max was once a revered Roman general and later a powerful wizard in a fantasy realm. Seeking peace and tranquility, he chose to reincarnate as a regular human boy, suppressing most of his memories and powers from previous lives. Adopted by the Carters, a prestigious military family in Brooklyn, Max grows up blending into the modern world while slowly rediscovering his extraordinary heritage. As he navigates school, friendships, and the complexities of his new life, he begins to unlock his latent abilities and ancient knowledge. With the emergence of superheroes and a world on the brink of great upheaval, Max faces the challenge of balancing his past and present selves. Guided by dreams and visions of his former lives, he must decide how to use his powers in this new era. Will he embrace his destiny as a Dragonborn and protect the world from impending threats, or will he seek a quieter path, honoring his longing for peace? "The Third Life of Maximus" is a tale of self-discovery, family, and the enduring power of ancient magic in a modern world.

Ye_Feng_6696 · Movies
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26 Chs

Chapter 22: Trouble in the Air

John and Margaret sat alongside Max's hospital bed, watching him sleep peacefully. John gently rubbed Max's forehead and whispered, "What kind of dreams are you seeing? Hopefully, it's a happy one." His concern was evident; he feared Max might develop trauma from his recent ordeal.

Later that night, Max woke up, his mind racing with the vivid dream he had just experienced. He looked around the dimly lit room, trying to understand it all. Just then, the door opened, and his parents walked back in. They had gone to fetch some comfort items—a favorite blanket and Max's stuffed animal—to make his hospital stay a bit more bearable.

Seeing Max awake, John and Margaret immediately sat beside him, speaking softly and reassuringly. John, with his experience of comforting soldiers who had survived attacks, was particularly careful. "Max, can you tell us what happened at school?" John asked gently. "Only if you feel ready to share."

Max took a deep breath and began to recount the entire situation—from the quiz day that started the bullying to the final, brutal attack that landed him in the hospital. As he spoke, the Carter couple trembled with anger but kept their expressions neutral for Max's sake. They understood why he had hidden the truth and blamed themselves for being too busy to notice. Margaret felt especially guilty; unlike John and Kyle, she had been with Max daily but had failed to see his struggles.

After talking about the bullying, Max asked John about his early arrival. John smiled, happy to see his son showing interest. Margaret, too, was relieved; it signaled that Max wasn't spiraling into trauma. However, John recognized a deeper issue. Max seemed to have accepted his situation too readily. John knew this was dangerous—it could indicate that Max was justifying the actions against him and finding them normal, a sign of a destroyed moral system.

John held Max's hand and said, "Don't worry, son. Your family is always with you. The doctor said you'll need to stay in the hospital for your leg's checkup."

Max glanced at his leg, feeling the dull ache. "I'll be able to walk, right?" he asked sarcastically.

John laughed, masking his pain. "Of course, son. Who do you think you are?" Even Margaret was momentarily thrown off by Max's sarcastic question but quickly regained her composure.

Max continued, "That's good then. The pain is very subtle now; I should be fine soon." He then looked at his parents and said, "Mom and Dad, you should head home and rest. I'll be fine. It's already too late."

Despite their reluctance, the Carters eventually agreed after Max's persistent urging. They kissed him on the forehead and left the room.

Outside Max's room, a scar-faced man with a stern look stood up as John and Margaret approached. John addressed him in a commanding tone, "Take care of my son, Martin. Call me immediately if anything happens."

"Yes, General," Martin replied crisply.

John continued, "What's the status of Walker and Lopez?"

"They've looked into everyone connected with this and are waiting for your orders," Martin responded.

John nodded. "Tell them to meet me at my residence."

"Yes, sir," Martin said.

John and Margaret left the hospital and headed home. Once there, John reviewed the report compiled by Walker and Lopez. Both men, with their military bearing and intense gazes, awaited his instructions. "So their parents are aware of what happened and still aren't bothered by it?" John asked sarcastically, sending chills down their spines. They knew what John's sarcasm meant.

"Prep the team, Walker," John commanded, then added with a sarcastic edge, "Let's visit these bastards."

Margaret chimed in, "I'll take care of the school and give my loving regards to them," a sadistic smile playing on her lips.

Meanwhile, Max lay in bed, his leg in a plaster cast. He pondered the dream he had seen. It felt more like a memory than a mere dream. Max had read about concepts like rebirth and reincarnation in religious texts. He questioned himself, trying to lighten the mood, "They can't be true, right? No, it shouldn't be possible."

The entire family is crazy! Hopefully, Kyle is an exemption

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