

When the child regain his consciousness he found him self in the middle of a huge library, wherever he look he can only see nothing but alot of shelves that full of Books.

He don't know where he is right now or how he get in this place nor how to go out, he don't know what to do. time goes by the child got bored and found him self reading.

The child didn't feel hungry nor tired, he didn't sleep, he just read and read, book after book, shelf after shelf, he totally lost the track of time. the child didn't go old, it's like in this place the time was stop.


The child close the book. he finished reading every single book inside the library.


All the books inside the library shine up, the child was totally atlost, untill a strage and mysterious black book appear in front of him, floating and enveloped by a golden light, the Black Book openned itself. and the child found himself in the world of darkness.

I'm sorry if my composition of words are so poor, But I will try my best to make it clear next time.

Bro_Mikecreators' thoughts