
Chapter 1: The Legend Of The Forbidden Forest.

In the Village of Celo, there was a six years old girl and a middle age man wearing a tattered clothes, sitting on a big rack.

"Father Can you tell me again the story of the legend of the Forbidden Forrest?" A six years old girl ask to the man.

"Do you really want me to tell you again the story of forbidden Forrest my Baby?" the man ask.

"*Mmm* Yes father! I really want to hear, Please!" the little girl answered while looking at his father with a pleading eyes.

"Hahaha! Ok!" the man said, and look at the forbidden forest the kilometer away from the village of Celo.

"Long time ago, the world was full of Joy, Happiness, and Peace, every people leave freely without worries. until one day A god descend from the heaven, he order every one to build a tower that can be use as a bridged and a key to open the gate to the heaven, so that every one can become a god and leave forever." The man stop and look at his daughter.

"Then? father, what happened?" the girl curiously ask.

"Hahaha! The tower was finished... 'I will now start to open the gate' said by the god, the people who helped to build the tower cheered and shout with happiness and joy. a white pilar of light produced by the tower, pearce the heaven and a mysterious golden light engulfed every thing, and the heaven Open, the gods descend from the heaven into the mortal world and destroyed the tower. legend said inside of the forbidden forest lies the ruins of the Tower Called The 'Tower Of Babel'."

the man look at the sky, the sun shine brightly in the sky.

*Weng! *

A mysterious pilar of light descend from the heaven and everything engulfed into darkness for a single breath of time, its like the day become night for a short period of time.


the light stroke into the deepest part of The forbidden forrest and the ground shake.


In the churh of the Holly City of Empire of Light far far away from the village of Celo, ther old man sitting in a trone like seat staring at a man Kneeling in front of him.

"My lord a news from the Archbishop of the church in the kingdom of heist, There was a mysterious pilar of light stroke from the Sky into the deepest part of the forbidden forest." said by the man.

"A mysterious pilar of light in the Forbidden forest eh! here my command, send Three Holy Knights and 12 priest to Investigate the pillar of light." said by the old man sitting in the trone like seat.

"Yes my lord! " said by the man. the man stand up, bow and leave to execute the command of the old man.

"A mysterious pillar Of light from the heaven, It's been awhile since a new god was born. I need to pray! " the old man said to himself, and stand up and went to a room behind the trone.

In the room there was altar, the old man kneel and pray.

"Oh god hear my prayer send me your angel to send you my message!"

A light in a humanoid form with one pair of wings in its back appear infront of the old man.

"Pope what is your message to our god? " the light in a humanoid ask.

"There was a mysterious pilar of light appeared from the Sky and stroke into the deepest part of the Forbidden forest." the pope said.

After the pope said the message the light in a humanoid form disappeared from his sight.