
Chapter 2: I'm finally Out ^Δ^

In a deepest part of a forest, a unconscious Body of a naked Boy lying in the middle of a pit.

The Boy Open his eyes, and sit.

"Where am I?" he ask himself.

He look to his surroundings but he only see alot of trees, bushes, and grass.

"Trees?" he look underneath him and shock he was siting on a soil, he grab a soil. "I'm out?!" he question him self

"I'M FINALLY OUT!" He shouted.

*Grrrrrr!* his stomach grawl.

"Hu?! I'm starving?!" he ask to himself.

He stand up and climb out from the pit he was in, to search some food to fill his hungry stomach.

After a few minutes of searching he still cant find something to eat but suddenly the ground start to shake due to the impact of a heavy thing Drop from the sky.

because of this the boy lost balance and he untentionally sat at the ground, and he saw a big face full of black scales of a monster with a red eyes staring at him.

"Ah Dragon?!"he was shock in brief period of time.

'ROARRR!' the Dragon Roar

*Grrrrr!* the boy stomach Grawl at the same time.

'This Dragon looks like tasty!' the boy thought while staring at the dragon

The Dragon stop Its Roar because he feel like there is something stange, he feel threatened.

he search his sorrounding but he didn't see any being that can threaten its life except for a tiny ant in front of him.

'wait! why is the ant looking at him like that?' the dragon thought when he saw the expression of the boy infront of him.

The boy look him like he found a tasty food to eat.

The boy open its mouth and everything turns black.

*Burp! * the boy let out a satisfied burp.