

Anon is sitting outside the castle near a waterfall, alone. He is drinking his wine and puffing smoke from his cigar.

"What a lovely moon," Anon spoke as he looked at the sky.

'Is she looking at me?' Anon wondered as he turned his eyes toward his right a bit and noticed Faith standing at some distance from him.

She was standing near the carriages with her soldiers.

"Hahaha... and do you know what he said after that?"


"It's my grandmother, you idiot..."


The soldiers were laughing and having a good time, but Faith had a very sad expression on her face as she observed Anon looking toward the moon.

'How lonely... He looks so heartbroken. I should talk to him, but what if I break his heart even more? I shouldn't talk to him, but I can't control my feelings...' Faith thought as she looked at Anon.

"Commander... Why are you standing there? Come on over here. I am telling jokes." One of the soldiers spoke.

"Huh...? No, no, you guys enjoy. Listen, I am going to take a stroll... you guys be alert, okay?" Faith spoke.

"Yes, ma'am." All of them spoke at once.

After this, Faith started walking toward Anon, who was pretending to be sad and lonely.

After a bit of walking, she reached near him. Gathering all of her strength, she finally spoke up, "Hi."

"Hmm...? Oh, you. Hi," Anon spoke as he smiled toward Faith.

"What are you doing here, out alone? You should be with the Queen, right?" Faith asked.

"She said I can eat my food and then come back to her room. Since I skipped my food, I am sitting here to admire the beauty of this moon," Anon spoke.

"Can I sit here?" Faith asked.

"You are the commander; you can do whatever you want. Sit wherever you want, eat whatever you want, or break the heart of whichever guy you like," Anon spoke in a taunting manner.

"Mr. Jule, I am sorry that you had to take this punishment. Please, can I make it up to you in any way?" Faith spoke as she felt the guilt crushing her soul.

"Yeah, you can. Just don't fucking crush the heart of the next guy that you date. Cheers..." Anon spoke as he stood up from his seat and drank the last bit of his wine. He put down the glass of wine near Faith and started walking back into the mansion.

"Mr. Jule... Please—" Faith stood up as she tried to stop Anon, but she sealed her lips because her heart was feeling more and more guilty with each second.

'Yes, Yes... the more I scratch on your injury, the more it will hurt,' Anon thought as he smiled and continued to walk toward the Queen's VIP room.

"Umm... excuse me. Where is Elven Queen's VIP Chamber?" Anon asked one of the maids.

"Please come with me, Sir," a maid spoke as she started guiding Anon toward a new hall.

Anon followed the maid, and after a while, both of them stopped in front of a room that had huge wooden gates and a golden plate on the door that said 'Queen Fiona'.

The maid turned around and left immediately.

"Thanks..." Anon spoke as he opened the door and entered the room.

As soon as he entered the room, he noticed that Fiona is sitting on the sofa, and in front of her was Derein.

Behind Derein stood two girls; they had swords but they weren't soldiers or bodyguards. They had a smile on their faces... it means they were someone close to her.

'They are Derein's daughters,' Anon immediately understood.

"Is he the gentleman you were talking about, Miss. Fiona?" Derein asked with a smile.

"Yeah, he is the one," Fiona answered with a smile.

"Well, guess you didn't teach him knocking manners... Madam Queen," one of Derein's daughters spoke up with a smile.

"Anna, is that your way of talking?" Derein immediately scolded her.

"S-Sorry, mother," Anna apologized immediately.

"I am sorry; he is new in his job. Doesn't know too much about being a butler, but believe me... he is very strong. I mean really strong. He used a sacred howling skill yesterday... you must've heard him, from here," Fiona asked as she bragged about Anon.

"Oh, that was you?" Derein asked with a shocked expression.

"Yes, that was really cool. He tore through the heavens with his voice," Fiona bragged even more; she wanted to let Derein know that she has someone strong on her side.

"Well, that's good for the Elves," Derein replied as she looked at Anon with a smile.


Suddenly Anon winked at Derein.

'Wait... did he just wink at me?' Derein wondered as she looked at Anon with a confused expression.


Suddenly Anna unsheathed her sword and pointed it directly at Anon's face.

"You dare wink at my mother? Don't you forget your limits, you lowly thing," Anna shouted.


Her other daughter also withdrew her sword and pointed it toward Anon.

"Your children are really furious, Derein," Fiona spoke as she mocked Derein with a smile.

"Both of you, swords down," Derein ordered, but none of them listened to her.

"I said, swords down," Derein shouted again.

"You should hear orders from your mother, Luv," Anon spoke up as he touched Anna's sword and started vibrating it at such a high frequency that it broke down into nothing but powder.

"What the...? How did you do that?" Anna asked with a furious expression.

'Luv? Wait... Oh My God... It's Him. He is Anon.' Derein immediately understood as the memories from the battle started rushing into her mind.

"See? Isn't he strong?" Fiona bragged with her bragging face.

"Ahem... please allow me to go to the restroom." Derein spoke as she started walking toward the exit door, but as soon as she came across Anon, she blinked back at him.

"Mother should we come with you?" Both of her daughters asked at once.

"No, you are too big to follow me around. I will go alone," Derein spoke up as she exited the room.

"Uhm, I think I forgot something very important to me in the buffet room. I will come back in a moment," Anon spoke up as he exited the room as well.

"O...Kay?" Fiona spoke as she noticed that Anon has already gone, before she even gave him the permission.

As soon as he exited the room, Derein hugged him tightly.

"Where were you for the last two months?" Derein asked. 

Derein and Anon are standing outside Fiona's VIP room.

"What are you saying? You didn't identify me from the face? Didn't your butler show you the face of the Elf he captured for me?" Anon asked with a shocked expression.

"No, I wasn't that interested in looking at an Elf's face," Derein replied.

"Hmm...? So, you don't like this face?" Anon asked as he pointed toward his face.

"Well, you might be the first and last elf whose face I like so much that I want to kiss it," Derein spoke as she smiled.

"Well, can't say no to that..." Anon replied with a smirk.

"So, what have you been doing in the Elven Kingdom for the past 2 months?" Derein asked with a smile.

"Well, I am taking control over the Elven Kingdom... Slowly," Anon spoke.

"Really? How many men do you have under you, from the Elven Kingdom? Can we invade and win?" Derein asked with an excited expression.

"No, Luv. War won't bring you anything other than corpses and destruction. Let me handle it my way," Anon spoke.

"Ugh... I just can't stand those fucking Elves... living their peaceful lives as if they didn't kill my daughter and husband. I want to fucking erase them..." Derein spoke with a very angry expression.

"Yep, that's exactly what the elven girl sitting inside the room wants to do with you guys. Wait, I have a gift for you. You will like it..." Anon spoke as he opened his inventory and started searching for something in it.

"Hmm...? A gift? I don't think you can surprise me with anything; I am a queen, Anon. There is nothing in this world that I can't—" Before Derein could've completed her sentence, Anon pulled out a blood-stained bag from his inventory.

"Found it... here." Anon spoke as he handed over the bag to Derein.

"What is... this?" Derein spoke as she opened the bag and looked inside it.

Tears started falling from her eyes; she looked at Anon with a wide smile and spoke, "Thank you, Sir Anon. I never received a gift more soothing than this one..."

"Maid..." Derein called out loudly.

"Yes, My Queen." A maid immediately came and bowed down to Derein.

"Here... put this thing in my room and don't even let anyone touch it. Do you understand?" Derein asked with a very serious expression.

"Y-Yes... ma'am." The maid took the bag from Derein's hands and immediately left for her room.

"Where is Arthur? I thought you guys got married?" Anon asked.

"We did, and in the knight style. Clashed our swords, until both of our bodies fell down to the ground. Under the shining moon, we exchanged our rings. Now, he is basically the king of two kingdoms, mine and his.

I am also the Queen of two kingdoms now. He is out in your kingdom, in order to eliminate a dragon."

"A what?" Anon asked with a shocked expression.

"A dragon... didn't you hear about it? They started appearing more often after the hill broke down last year... it was around the time you had that race. Do you remember, now?" Derein asked.

"Ah... that hill, that transformed into a valley, right?" Anon spoke.

"Yeah, that one. They say that the Fallen Dragon King has risen again due to the hill break, and he defeated the current ruler of the dragons. He forced them to reproduce at a very high speed in order to produce more soldiers." Derein explained.

"Ah... really? So, are they attacking humans, now?" Anon asked.

"No, they are searching for demon tribes in the forests of the west... they want to eliminate every last one of them, that's why their king signed an agreement with us... No human will go into the dragon domain, and no Dragon will come into the human domain.

If any of the party breaks the deal, the rule-breaker should be killed directly. No trials, no problem listening, nothing... just instant death.

That's why Arthur is a bit busy nowadays... he stands with his forces on the boundaries of the Kingdom, and whenever any dragon crosses the line... he kills them instantly." Derein spoke.

"I see... that's one difficult job huh?" Anon spoke.

"Yes, he only comes home for 2 months and spends 10 months on the borders." Derein answered.

"Well, that's Arthur for you." Anon spoke as he smiled at Derein.

"So, what do you want in return for that gift? Ask anything; I will give it to you." Derein asked with a smile.

'Yep, the right moment has come, and I don't have to waste my favor as well. I can use it later to sleep with her... hehehe...' Anon thought as he smiled in his mind.

"Well, now that you asked. I do need something," Anon spoke.

"Ask, anything... if I can give it... I will give it, without wasting one second. Even if it's my body. Just say the word..." Derein spoke.

"I don't want your body, Derein. Not for now, at least," Anon replied.

"Hmm...? Oh, I understand now. You want to marry my daughters, huh...? You naughty boy. Don't worry, you have my permission... you can have both of them too.

When do you want to marry them?" Derein asked with an excited expression.

"Wow... that's one good thing that I heard from the morning, but no, and don't distract me again and again by giving me perverted thoughts about you or your daughters," Anon replied as he cleared his mind.

"So, what do you want then?" Derein asked.

"I want you to kiss me." Anon spoke.

"Wait... isn't that, what I just said?" Derein spoke in a confused expression.

"No, Luv. You have to understand this, I want you to kiss me in front of a specific girl, okay? I am this close to taking over the Elven Kingdom and if you do this... I guarantee you. I will enslave the whole fucking Elven Kingdom in just 10 days," Anon explained with a smile.

"You are not kidding, are you?" Derein asked with a serious expression.

"I am not. If you kissed me in front of her... I will really be able to take over the Elven Kingdom," Anon spoke.

"I will kiss you in front of anyone you want, as long as you can take over these Elves... just tell me who is she?" Derein asked with a passionate expression.

"Well, she has blue hair and blue eyes. She is standing near the carriages... I will tell you when to kiss me, don't worry," Anon spoke.

"Wait... are you talking about Faith? The chief commander of the White Elves?" Derein asked.

"Yeah, you know her?" Anon asked with a surprised expression.

"Yes, I do. She comes with your Elven Queen every year," Derein explained.

"Ah... Okay," Anon spoke as he nodded his head in understanding.

"We should go back inside or my daughters will come out searching for me," Derein spoke.

"Yes, and one more thing, you have stupid daughters, do you know that?" Anon spoke as he started walking towards the door with Derein.

"Yeah, I know. They are adopted, can't do anything; their mother was a very brilliant warrior.... but now they are my daughters, and they love me so much. I can ignore their fat minds, in front of all that love; they keep me going when Arthur leaves," Derein spoke as she entered inside the room.

Anon waited a bit before entering, and after exactly 30 seconds passed, he entered inside.


Everyone looked at Anon with a smile, and he looked back at everyone with a confused expression.

'Wait... Is something wrong here?' Anon thought as he looked at Derein and saw her smiling at Anon.

"Mr. Jule, these two young ladies want to test out their skills with you. Can you please do the honors? It will just be a really short match," Fiona spoke as she looked at Anon with a wide smile.

On the other side, Derein's daughters also had big smiles on their faces, as if they can defeat Anon in just one second.

"I don't think we are here to fight..." Anon whispered in Fiona's ears.

"Umm... give me a second, ladies. I want to have a small chat with my butler. Come with me..." Fiona spoke as she exited the room with Anon.

"So, what did you two do? Explain yourselves now," Derein asked with an angry expression.

"Mom, she was bragging about her butler too much. So, I kind of asked her for a duel with him, but sister supported me as well," Anna spoke up with a guilty face.

"Hey, you don't have to drag me down with you. Mom, I didn't say anything about a physical duel with swords and stuff, I asked for a magic duel," Jenna spoke up.

"Okay, here is what you two will do once they come back in... you two will apologize for your behavior and cancel this duel. Do you understand, ladies?" Derein spoke as she looked at both of them with a very angry expression.

"We are sorry, Mother." Both of them apologized.

"Good..." Derein replied.

"...But we can't take back a duel." Anna spoke.


"Yes, mother. Sister is right. We can apologize if you want, but as warriors of the human kingdom, we won't take back our duels." Jenna added.

"You two idiots..." Derein spoke as she grabbed her temples.

'How do I tell them that the one they are asking for a fight will kill them before they even blink,' Derein thought with a worried expression.

Outside the room...

"What are you doing, Mr. Jule? I said you are going to fight them, means you are going to fight them... Why are you giving me excuses?" Fiona asked with a serious expression.

"They don't have an immortal arena here... if one of them or both of them died, how would you explain it?" Anon spoke.

Suddenly Fiona started thinking about it...

'He is right... if he killed even one of them. Everything will drop on me. I can't afford to attend more memorials...'

"Okay, we are going to deny the duel," Fiona spoke as she looked at Anon with an understanding look.

'Well, that was easy. Guess she is not a total stupid bitch...' Anon thought in his mind as both of them entered inside the room again.

"Queen Fiona, you are back. Please take a seat... my daughters may have something they want to say to you," Derein spoke as she smiled at Fiona.

"We are very sorry for our behavior, Queen Fiona." Both of Derein's daughters immediately apologized by slightly bowing down.

"Oh... Oh, okay. It means you are taking back the request of your duel, right?" Fiona asked with a smile.

"Yes..." Derein spoke.

"No..." Anna immediately spoke up.

"No..." Jenna added.

"What does that mean?" Fiona asked with a confused expression.

"We may have apologized to you, Queen Fiona, but as warriors of the human kingdom, we will not be able to take back the Duel's request," Anna spoke up.

"Oh... is that so? Well, according to my butler here... he can't have a duel with you guys because he thinks he will hurt you," Fiona replied with a smile.

"Ah... is that so?" Jenna spoke up as she looked at Anon with a smile.

"Yes, that's right. I was thinking just that," Derein spoke up as she tried to stop it from happening.

"Yeah, that or maybe he isn't man enough to duel with two ladies at once. Hahaha..." Anna spoke as she mocked Anon with a smile.

"What?" Fiona asked with a very serious expression.

"N-No, that's not what she wanted to say. She—"

"Let's do this..." Anon spoke up with a menacing smile on his face.

"Fuck..." Derein knew that her step-daughters have messed up.

"Umm... Hey, did you forget about the killing thing already ?" Fiona asked as she whispered into Anon's ears.

"Fuck killing, I will show her my balls and if I am man enough or not... isn't that what you wanted too ?" Anon asked Fiona.

"Okay, let's do this." Fiona spoke as she turned around with a big smile on her face.

"I accept your duel, ladies," Anon spoke with a menacing smile.

"HoHoHo... Mr. Butler finally accepted the duel," Jenna spoke as she laughed at Anon.

"Good, that's more like a man. Now, let's take this to the fighting grounds in the back," Anna spoke as she exited the room with Jenna and Fiona.


"I am so sorry, Sir Anon. These two idiotic girls... I can't do anything about them. Please be merciful on them and don't kill them," Derein requested.

"Don't worry, Derein. I won't kill my friend's daughters... since when do you think I became such a monster?" Anon asked with a surprised expression.

"Umm... last time, if I remember correctly... you held a huge scythe in your hands, and you swung it in a circular pattern. That ended up killing hundreds and thousands of zombies in one second. After that, you took lightning and rained it down on us like hell," Derein spoke up.

"Yeah, you don't need to remind me of those things. I remember them, and believe me, I won't do any of those things with your daughters," Anon spoke as he also left the room with Derein.

In the buffet hall...


"Everyone, Madam Jenna and Madam Anna have challenged the Elf butler for a duel. Let's go and watch," a man shouted as soon as he entered the room.


"Oh my God... I would love to watch that."

"Yeah, me too."

"Can't wait to see him getting beaten by two ladies at once."

"Hahaha... let's all go."

Everyone immediately started moving towards the training grounds.

Anon and both the sisters are standing inside the arena right now staring at each other.

"You don't find it unfair, do you, Mr. Butler? Fighting two against one?" Anna asked with a smile.

"I do," Anon answered.

"Oh, well we can fight you one by-" Before Anna could've completed her sentence, Anon interrupted her.

"Bring a hundred more pairs to stand a chance against me... who am I kidding....? Even a hundred won't be enough," Anon spoke as he looked at both of them.

"Y-You..." Anna tried to say something, but she couldn't because her mother was standing right behind her.

"You are over-confident and bluffing it," Jenna spoke as she looked at Anon.

"Maybe... Why don't you give it a try?" Anon spoke as he smiled at her.

"Woah... they are really fighting."

"Oh my god... he is going down bad."

"They are the best combination fighters I know in history."

"Yep, he is a goner."

Anon looked around and noticed that the audience has already arrived to look at the match.

'What is he trying to do? Why would he accept a duel against two people? Is he dumb or something?' Luna wondered as she looked at Anon with a curious look.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's start this... Take out your weapons..." Fiona Announced with a very loud voice.

"On the name of God, I call upon you... The Sacred Frost Staff," Jenna spoke as she summoned a big frost staff with a snowflake made out of ice on its top.

[Name: The Sacred Frost Staff]

[Rank: A]

[Blacksmith: Unknown]

[Description: This staff was made by an Unknown Blacksmith in the valleys of Northern mountains. It was built in ancient times and the wielder of this Staff will yield the power of the Snow Queen, itself.]

"On the Name of God, I call upon you... The 7th cursed sword of Flaming Phoenix," Anna spoke as a burning hot sword appeared in her hand.

[Name: The 7th cursed sword of the Flaming Phoenix]

[Rank: S]

[Blacksmith: Hodok]

[Description: A very Ancient and Master blacksmith named, The great Hodok made this weapon, but its power was too much for a single sword... that's why Hodok broke it into 7 swords and gave it to his seven friends.

It is said that the one who will collect all these swords and make them one again, will hold the power that will be unparalleled with any other sword in this world.]

"My, My... those are some beautiful things you have in your hands," Anon spoke as he opened his inventory and started searching around for something.

"What can be his weapon?" Jenna asked with a serious expression.

"I don't know, guess we will see it in just a moment," Anna replied.

"Ah, here you are..." Anon spoke as he pulled his hand out of his inventory.

"The fuck?"

"Is that a?"

Everyone was surprised when they saw what Anon has withdrawn from his inventory.

"That's a cigar, right?" Anna asked Jenna.

"Yes, unless it's some other magic artifact... I am perfectly sure, that is a cigar," Jenna replied.

"Oi, Are you kidding here? Where is your weapon, that you are going to use in the fight?" Anna asked with an angry expression.

Anon puts the cigar in between his lips and holds it with his left hand.


He snapped two of his fingers and used the spell fireball. Suddenly a small fireball appeared over Anon's middle finger.

He slowly brought his middle finger up and lit the cigar with the fireball.

"He is showing you the middle finger..." Jenna spoke.

"You idiot... he is showing it to both of us." Anna replied.

"That... Cigar lighting style. I have seen it before..." Luna spoke as she tried to remember where she saw it.

"Yeah, me too...and believe me not on a Good man." Frank who was standing right besides Luna spoke.

"Huh...? What do you mean?" Luna asked with a confused expression.

"It's Sir, Anon's lighting style." Frank spoke with a tensed expression.

"Correct, now I remember... wait, how does he know it then?" Luna wondered.

'That guy is none other than Anon, himself. That motherfucker came back. I thought he died somewhere, but this fucker is still alive.' Frank thought in his mind with an unpleasant expression on his face.

"Start in....3.....2.....1... GO." Fiona Announced.

"Snow teleportation..." Jenna spoke, and suddenly many snowflakes appeared out of nowhere and covered both of their bodies.

As the snowflakes settled down, Anon noticed that both of the sisters disappeared from their positions and re-appeared behind Anon.

'He is done for.' Anna thought as she swung her sword with full strength.

"Yeah, as if..." Anon spoke as he puffed out smoke and his body also disappeared from his position.



Both of the sisters missed their attacks at the same time, but before they could've landed on the ground, Anon re-appeared over their heads.

He puts his right leg on Jenna's head and his left leg on Anna's head.

"He is above-" Before Anna could've warned Jenna, Anon came down at both of them with full force, and their faces collided with the ground very brutally.

Their noses broke instantly.


Derein immediately closed her eyes and turned her head towards the other direction.

"Oops... did I forget to tell you that, I don't give a fuck about Gender Equality?" Anon spoke as he slightly stepped down from their heads.


"Ugh, you fucking..." Anna stood up slowly from the ground, drank a healing potion, and recovered her broken nose.

"Sister, are you alright?" Jenna asked as she looked at Anna. Jenna's nose was also bleeding pretty badly.

"I am alright, Jen. Here you go. Drink? this."Anna spoke as she gave another healing potion to Jenna.

Jenna drank the healing potion, and her nose started healing immediately.

"Are you alright, ladies?" Anon asked with a smile as he puffed out smoke from his mouth.

"I told you, he is pretty brutal." Fiona was bragged to Derein.

"Yeah, he really is..." Derein spoke as she looked at Anon with a surprised expression.

'If he is beating my daughters like that, what would he do to his enemies? I can't even begin to imagine that...' Derein thought as she looked at Anna and Jenna.

"Come on, ladies. You have more than that in your bodies, don't you? Or aren't you women enough to fight me?" Anon mocked both of them with a smile.

"Jenna, do it." Anna shouted as she started running towards Anon.

"Yes, freezing lockdown." Jenna spoke as she cast the spell on Anon.

Suddenly, a layer of thick ice grabbed Anon's feet, making it impossible for him to move.

"I did it." Jenna spoke with a smile on her face.

"My, my... aren't you a creative one?" Suddenly, Anon's voice resounded from Jenna's back.

"Huh...?" She immediately turned around and noticed that Anon was standing behind her.

"Hi..." Anon spoke as he waved towards Jenna with a smile.

"How can you be here? I froze you." Jeena spoke in a stammering voice.

"Why don't you look at your frozen thing again, Luv?" Anon spoke as he pointed in the other direction.

Jenna slowly turned her head towards the place where she froze Anon, and as soon as she did, she was left shocked by what she saw.

"A-Anna...? How is that possible? I? remember; Ifroze? you. Jenna spoke as she looked at Anna's fully frozen body.

'You did, before you looked into my eyes and fell into my illusion...' Anon thought as he smiled and grabbed Jenna's hair from behind.

"Ahhh, leave my hairs... Ouch, ouch, it's hurting. Leave me." Jenna shouted as she tried to free herself from Anon's grasp.

"My, my... you little annoying thing. Why don't you cast a spell to throw me? away?"Anon spoke as he pulled her hair even harder.

"D-Defrost..." Jenna spoke.




The ice block that held Anna started crackling and breaking down.


"Ouch!" Anna shouted as she fell down.

"Sister, save me from him." Jenna shouted from behind.

Anna immediately turned around and noticed that Jeena was being held by Anon from behind.

"Leave her, you fucking Elf." Anna shouted as she rushed towards Jenna, with her sword pointing directly at Anon.

As soon as Anna entered the stabbing range, she lifted her sword up and pointed it directly at Anon's face, but before she could've stabbed him, the view entirely changed before her eyes.

Anna immediately stopped her sword and noticed that the face she was about to stab wasn't Anon's face; it was her sister, Jenna's.

"N-No-No, Sister, it's me. Please don't do it." Jenna spoke with a very scared tone as she felt the sword's warmth on her forehead.

Anna stopped the sword just 2cm away from her face.

If only the illusion hadn't cleared up on time, she could've killed her sister today.

"Umm... ladies? Aren't you supposed to be fighting me? Why are you fighting amongst each? other?"Anon mocked him as he smiled towards both of them.

Both Jenna and Anna looked at Anon, and their foreheads started sweating.

"He is dangerous. Use that," Anna said as sweat started dripping from her forehead. She grabbed her sword tightly and took a step forward.

"I know..." Jenna replied as she started to cast some sort of spell, with a long, enchanting time.

"Well, if you guys aren't going to come here, I will come to you then." Anon spoke as he disappeared from his position and reappeared behind both of them.

"No, he is behind-" Before Anna could've warned Jenna, he swiftly grabbed both of their heads and smashed them together really hard.



Suddenly, both of them went unconscious and fell to the ground.

"Well, that was a good fight." Anon spoke as he smiled and looked at everyone.

"Wow, that was really brutal." Fiona spoke as she looked at the two unconscious girls.

"Fuck, he said he wouldn't beat them too much." Derein murmured as she looked at her daughters being carried out of the arena by servants.

"Oi, don't you dare smile after this."

"Yeah, first you killed our people, and now you dared to beat our princess in our presence? Do you think we are girls?"

"We won't just stand here peacefully; we will beat the crap out of you."

The audience of the noblemen immediately got angry and summoned their weapons.

"Hey, no, that was a duel. He won; we can't do anything about it." Luna spoke as she tried to stop everyone.

"No, that Elf just beat our princess so brutally; we can't stand here and do nothing. We will kill him."

"Yes, he has to die."

"Brothers and sisters, What are you waiting for? Let's charge."

Suddenly all of them started running towards Anon, but as soon as Anon noticed this, a psychopathic smile appeared on his face.

"Sometimes I fear myself." Anon spoke as he tossed his cigar aside and released his blood lust all over the castle.


Every single one of them who was running towards Anon immediately froze up at their locations as they felt a very scary aura coming out of Anon's body, as if death were coming towards them.

"The fuck!" "His bloodlust is too strong, even for me." Fiona spoke as she barely managed to withstand Anon's bloodlust.

Anon summoned a pair of two big black blades from his inventory and pointed them towards the noblemen.

"Those who want to walk out of here without a head tonight, please step forward." Anon spoke as the psychopathic smile on his face scared everyone.

"I ask again, Is there anyone here who wants to beat me because I defeated your princess in a duel?" Anon asked as he removed his bloodlust from the castle.

"I think... it was a fair match."

"Yeah, me too. I say it was an unfair match for him? instead. Ithink my driver is calling me. I will be back in a minute."

"My wife said that I have to come home early; I should get going."

"Me too, bye."

Everyone started running out of the castle as soon as they acknowledged that Anon was more powerful than all of them combined.

"What is happening here?" Faith's voice resounded from the back gate.

Anon immediately turned around and noticed that Faith and her soldiers were coming towards them at a very high speed.

"My Queen, Are you alright? As soon as I felt that threatening? bloodlust, Iimmediately rushed towards you." Faith spoke as she grabbed Fiona's hand and helped her stand up properly.

"Nothing, Commander Faith. I just fell down when Mr. Jule released his bloodlust. Don't worry about me. You can go back." Fiona spoke as she smiled a bit.

"Mr. Jule?" Faith wondered as she looked towards the stage and noticed that Anon was standing right in the middle of it with two very large blades in his hands.

"I think we will take our leave now, Mrs. Derein. Thank you for your hospitality. Faith, prepare our carriages; we are leaving as soon as I come back from the washroom." Fiona ordered as she immediately left for the washroom.

"Soldiers prepare the carriages." Faith ordered all the soldiers.

"Yes, Ma'am." All the soldiers immediately accepted the orders and left the place at once.

"Why are you doing this?"You know this is the human kingdom; why would you release such a terrifying bloodlust in here?" Faith asked as she walked up to Anon.

"Why am I doing it?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"You are doing this because I broke up with you, right? I know I hurted your feelings, but you have to deal with them, Mr. Jule. You can't just come to the human kingdom and release your bloodlust over them." Faith spoke.

"I don't think you have any idea." Before Anon could've completed his sentence, Faith interrupted him again.

"I know and I have the idea what a broken heart feels like, Mr. Jule. But you have to pull it together; now let's go back to our kingdom and have a personal talk about this." Faith spoke as she patted Anon's shoulder and gave him a smile.

After this, she started walking towards the carriages.

'The fuck is she talking about? But this is the perfect moment. Derein is here, and Faith is here too.' Anon thought as he looked towards Derein and winked at her.

'What ? Ohhhhh... okay.' Derein immediately understood what Anon was trying to say and started walking towards them.

"Ahem, Faith, I have something to tell you." Anon spoke.

"What ?" Faith stopped and turned around to look at him.

Anon didn't say anything and just turned his head towards Derein.

Derein grabbed Anon's head with a smile on her face and kissed him on the lips.

Faith looked at both of them with a neutral expression, but on the inside, she felt many emotions at the same time: anger, love, hatred, guilt, and depression, but she didn't show it on her face. She maintained her normal face and kept looking at both of them.

"I will miss you... Bye, elf boy. It was the best time of my life; you fulfilled my husband's spot today." Derein spoke as she left immediately after this.

As soon as Derein left the spot, Anon turned his head to look at Faith.

"W-Wh-What was that?" Faith asked with a stammering voice.

"Well, Mrs. Faith, you have been thinking that I am still in love with you and my heart is still broken from our breakup." Anon spoke.

"No, I am not thinking that. That's the truth; your heart is still broken, and that's why you released that bloodlust a moment ago. What I don't understand is why a queen from the human kingdom would kiss you, and why would she say that you filled her dead husband's spot?

Tell me, Mr. Jule, are you a traitor to our kingdom? Are you with the? humans?"Faith spoke as anger took over all of her other emotions, and she pointed her sword at Anon.

'The stage of denial... I knew it. She wants to deny that I got over her so fast and got involved in sex with another female.' Anon thought as he smiled and looked at her.

"Tell me, Mr. Jule, are you with the humans? You are a traitor, right?" Faith asked again and again. Just to hear a yes from Anon because she couldn't make any other sense of this senerio

"Ahem... what is happening here?" Fiona spoke from behind as she noticed that her commander was pointing her sword at her butler.

"My Queen, this guy... he is a traitor. He kissed Queen Derein on the lips, and she also said that he filled her dead husband's spot in her physical relationship life." Faith spoke as tears started coming out of her eyes.

"Ah, now I understand. So, you were goofing around with Queen Derein when both of you got out at the same time from that room, right?" Fiona asked with a smile.

'Well, I didn't expect it to go this way, but as soon as it's working, Why change anything?' Anon thought.

"Yeah..." Anon spoke as he made an embarrassed face in front of Fiona.

"You are one naughty boy, huh? I knew you had charms, but for them to work on a queen like her? That's impressive, I have to say." Fiona spoke with a smile as she punched Anon slightly.

"Thanks," Anon replied with a smile.

"Don't worry, Faith. He is not a traitor; he is just a horny and naughty guy who has so many charms that even the Queen of humans couldn't resist him, and I can't deny it. He really has the charms.

Now, lower your sword and let's go back to our kingdom." Fiona spoke as she started walking towards the carriages.

"But... that bloodlust just a moment ago?" Faith asked.

"Well, that was Mr. Jule beating the crap out of some young ladies that challenged him for a duel." Fiona replied as she exited the castle from the back door.

"You should get your feelings together, Mrs. Faith. I know this isn't easy, but you have to do it." Anon spoke as he also left the castle with a smile on his face.

'Well, that's check, Mate. Now, just one moment, and she will walk into my bed on her own. The rat has been captured by my trap successfully.'

'H-He... got over me already? That's impossible. It can't be possible. H-He was dating me two days ago; I can't fucking accept this. H-He is mine, and no human bitch can take him away from me.' Faith thought as her anger and jealousy appeared on her face.

Anon helped Fiona get into her carriage, but as soon as he started walking inside the carriage, Fiona stopped him with her hand's gesture.

"What ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Well, the chief commander of my kingdom is crying, and she isn't in her right mind because you had sex with Queen Derein. I don't care if you guys had anything between you or not, but I don't want her like that, so you go and talk this out right now.

As soon as we reach back to our kingdom, I want a laughing and smiling Faith, not a gloomy and crying one. Do you understand? Now, go back because you are going to travel with her." Fiona ordered as she looked at Anon with a serious expression.

'Hehe... Bull's Eye. I thought I would have to wait until I reached the Elven Kingdom, but it seems like I will be having a sweet time on our journey.' Anon thought as he stepped down from the carriage and closed the gates.

He walked back to Faith's carriage and opened the door slowly.

"Who is it?" Faith asked with a normal face.

"Hello, Commander." Anon spoke as he walked inside the carriage and locked the door behind him.

"What the hell are you doing in my fucking carriage? Get out now, or I will throw you out." Faith spoke with a very angry expression.

"Well, I will get out if you want. But the Queen ordered me to go back in your carriage, Luv." Anon replied.


Faith immediately unsheathed her sword and pointed it directly at Anon's face.

"Don't you dare call me that, or I will fucking shove this sword down your throat." Faith threatened Anon as tears started coming out of her eyes.


Suddenly the carriage started moving, and due to its inertia, Faith lost her balance.


Her sword fell to the ground, and she fell down into Anon's lap.

"Hello..." Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at Faith.

"Don't touch me." Faith spoke as she tried to get up from Anon's lap, but suddenly another bump came up, and she fell back down into Anon's lap.

"That's not a very good thing to do to a man, you know." Anon spoke as he looked at Faith.

"Oh yeah, what about the thing you did to me?" Faith asked with a pout as she turned her face towards Anon.

"What did I do?" Anon asked with an innocent face.

"You cheated on me with another woman, and a human girl at that. You broke my trust." Faith spoke as she looked away immediately.

"Well, how can I cheat on you if we are not in a relationship anymore? Did you forget about what you said back then? The thing about getting killed for the kingdom and age gap? thing?"Anon asked with a teasing smile.

"You didn't even try to stop me when I was breaking up with you. You didn't even say one word when we were breaking up on that stupid crow of yours." Faith spoke with an angry expression.

"Well, first of all, that was a raven, and second of all, I don't say anything when we are going that fast in the air." Anon replied.

"You took the punishment with me? Why would you do that? Even after we broke up?" Faith asked.

"Well, it did some good for me. See, I have a sexy Elven girl with blue hair in my lap, and I had sex with a human queen. What else do I? need?"Anon spoke as he smiled towards Faith.

"You did that on purpose to make me jealous, right?" Faith asked with a serious expression.


"No, why would I want to make you feel jealous? Weren't you the one who said, Go and find another girl for? myself?"Anon asked.

"Well, I thought you would date her for at least 2 or 3 days, but look at you having sex with the Queen of those filthy humans that you just met.

How did she lure you in? Huh ? By showing her? body, Faith asked.

"Well, for one reason. She was quite sexy, and I am thinking of dating her." Anon replied.

"You bastard, you aren't going to the human kingdom one more time. Do you understand? me?"Faith asked as she looked at Anon with a serious expression.

"Why shouldn't I?"I have a proper girlfriend there who won't break up with me just after our first date. Hahaha..." Anon spoke as he laughed.

"Well, that bitch can go and fuck herself. I declare you my boyfriend from this moment on. Do you even know how much it hurt me when that human bitch kissed you in front of? me?"Faith said as she grabbed Anon's head and gave him a tight kiss on his lips.

'Ahh-Haa... plan phase 1 is successful.' Anon thought as he enjoyed his kiss througly.

He inserted his tongue into Faith's mouth and started hurling it around.

After a moment of kissing, both of them separated their lips and looked at each other with a smile.

"So, when are you going to tell her about the breakup?" Faith asked as her expressions turned serious again.

"Well, I will tell her. If you give me sex just like? her, Anon spoke up.

"You are a pervert... A naughty little pervert. Don't you dare look at any other lady now. I will fulfill every single one of your fantasies from now on. You know, that's one good thing about being a widow. I have experience to satisfy your cute little fantasies.

I am not like your academy girls, who don't even know how to give out a blowjob properly." Faith spoke as she smiled and looked at Anon.

On the other hand, Anon was surprised...

'Wow, she is more clever than I thought. That's like hitting two jackpots in a day.' Anon thought as a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, won't you show me your skills now?" Anon asked.

"No, not here. We go back to our kingdom; you come to my house, and I will give you the nights of your life. Anything you want in any way you want." Faith spoke as she slightly touched Anon's chest.

'Faith, once I get your morals to fall down to the depths of carnal desires, I guarantee you... you will never be able to walk away from my dick.'

Twelve carriages carrying the Elven Queen herself were moving through the silent forest that lay between the human kingdom and the Elven Kingdom.

Anon and Faith were sleeping inside their carriage peacefully, everything was going well, but suddenly, something happened.


A big explosion took place and the third carriage from the front suddenly burst into flames.


All the other carriages immediately came to a halt as the horses panicked and started running in random directions. Faith and Anon woke up abruptly from their deep sleep.

"What the fuck is happening? Why did we stop?" Anon asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"I think I heard an explosion," Faith said as she sat up.

"Yeah, me too," Anon replied as he also sat up.

"I should check-" Before Faith could say anything more, another explosion occurred.


This time the explosion was bigger and louder than the one that previously happened. This explosion took out the last two carriages that were right behind Anon and Faith's Carriage.

"We are under attack. I'm going to the Queen's carriage," Faith said with a serious expression, grabbing her sword and quickly exiting her carriage.

"Well, not a good time to fight but, I can kill some guys." Anon spoke as he also stood up and followed Faith. But as soon as he stepped down from the carriage, he saw something unexpected.

All the soldiers were standing in front of his carriage, forming a circle around several dead bodies that had perished in the explosion. Four of the dead were elven soldiers, they are severely burned and some of them were even missing most of the body parts, but the most shocking thing was that, the one body that was lying in the middle of all the other bodies was Fiona's body.

"Healers... heal her immediately." Faith shouted.

Two healers among the elven soldiers immediately stepped forward and began casting healing spells on Fiona's body.

Meanwhile, Faith forcefully opened Fiona's mouth and poured a special-grade healing potion down her throat.

"C-Commander, it's not working. Our magic and the healing potions can't bring anyone back from death, Q-Queen's heart has stopped beating. She is dead." one of the healers said.

"N-No she is not dead, you have to use more complex skills. Use your best abilities on her. Do you understand me?" Faith ordered, gripping the healer's collar with an angry expression.

"They can't help. The dead can't be brought back to life with any healing spells or potions," Anon interjected from behind.

"H-He's right, Commander. We can't bring her back. Her heart has stopped," another healer explained.

"Noooooooooo... please," Faith shouted, falling to her knees and crying loudly over Fiona's lifeless body.

"Commander, please control your emotions. There are still enemies here; we can't risk it," a soldier advised, tapping Faith's shoulder gently.

"No, I have failed my duty. I couldn't protect her," Faith replied, continuing to cry over Fiona's body.

'Well, that's a mixed outcome for me. I lost a valuable addition to my collection, but on the bright side, I don't need to corrupt anyone else for Jessica to become the Princess.

I can still have Faith for the collection; I just need to console her like a good boyfriend, on this sorrow moment,' Anon thought as he walked toward Faith. But suddenly, he noticed something peculiar. He walked up to Faith and sat down, closely examining Fiona's body.

"That's odd. Her body is unscathed. If she died in the explosion, she should have some burn marks, but she doesn't have a single scratch. Does that mean only her heart stopped?" Anon thought, a realization dawning on him.

"Get away," Anon instructed, touching Fiona's chest and performing chest compressions.

Faith immediately stepped back without asking any questions. Anon repeated the process several times, following up with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

"M-Mr. Jule, what are you doing? Why are you kissing our Queen ? Are you disrespecting her at this moment?" a soldier asked with a shocked expression.

"Shut up, idiot. I'm giving her CPR," Anon said, continuing the process.

"A CPR...? What is—"

"Just let him do, what he is doing." Faith shouted.

"Y-Yes, Comman-"

"Haaaah...?!" Suddenly, Fiona opened her eyes and gasped for air.

"M-My Queen, are you alright?" Faith asked, grabbing Fiona's shoulders and shaking her gently.

"Give her a moment; let her body recover," Anon said, touching Faith's shoulder.

"Yes," Faith replied, stepping back.

"What happened? Is this heaven? No, you are still here; it can't be heaven. Am I in hell?" Fiona asked, looking at Anon.

"Don't worry; you're still on holy land, My Queen," Faith assured, bowing to her.

"How is this possible? You survived that explosion without a scratch but, still died? Can you explain this?" Anon asked, curiosity in his expression.

"I-I used a forbidden spell to save myself from the explosion. This spell had a 10% chance that I would die after using it. I wanted to try it because I would have died one way or another," Fiona explained.

"Well, you have some lousy luck. A 10% chance of death, and you still died," Anon said, standing up and scanning the area around him.

'I can't sense anything within a 1-kilometer radius. How did they attack the carriages ? Witchcraft ? Or something else ?' Anon wondered, searching for clues of the attackers.

"My luck isn't lousy. I've used it seven times before this. I'm a Queen, and people have tried to assassinate me in the past as well. What I don't understand is how you brought me back from the land of dead ?" Fiona said.

"You should rest for now; I'll explain later," Anon replied.

Faith helped Fiona walk inside another carriage.

"Please, lie down, my Queen," Faith suggested.

"No, I'm good," Fiona said.

"Mages, come here," Faith shouted.

"Yes, Commander," two mages rushed to the carriage.

"Cast a protective spell on this carriage. Not even a bug should get through your barrier," Faith ordered before leaving the carriage and closing the door.

"Yes, Ma'am," the mages replied, immediately casting defensive spells on the carriage.

Faith approached Anon and immediately bowed to him. Not only her, but the soldiers behind her also bowed to Anon.

"I don't know how you saved her, but we all are in your debt. Not just us, the entire Elven Kingdom is indebted to you, Sir Jule," Faith said.