
New movements in the world, Ciel's doubt

After giving the order for the A-Laws to start I went to the main battle stations. This was definitely going to turn into a battle given that the opposition was unlikely to surrender without a fight.

After eliminating the White Fang South America Chapter along with thirty-five other Terrorist and Criminal Groups I now only needed to remove the corrupt nobility parts of Area 6. Thankfully most of the heaviest corruption had been concentrated in Area 6 Capital in Brazil where the Viceroy held court. Not to say that there weren´t some corrupt ones elsewhere on the continent but most of those had been small-time stuff like lower wages for Numbers or bribing officers to cover up crimes. I had left those guys to Smirnov with instruction to keep an eye on them and arrest them if necessary.

There had been some nasty ones though like that Baron Walden Macnair who had been hunting Numbers for sport and Margrave Augustus Rookwood a doctor who secretly dissected his patients to satisfy his bloodlust. Those had gotten a quick visit from Setsuna to make sure they would not be able to continue with their deeds. Now I was laying siege on the Viceroy-Palace in Rio de Janeiro where Viceroy Raven was holing up. (Brasilia the old capital had been bombed into the ground during the Invasion twenty-eight years ago so they changed back to Rio de Janeiro the first major city of Brazil which Britannia conquered.)

Sighing I think how the rest of the world will see my actions, I can just hope the number of assassins doesn't rise too much as even Mayuri doesn't need that many for his more bizzare experiments and that is saying something.

Standing on the main airship I moved with the A-laws to fly around the palace, looking at my airship I could not help but smile with pride as a flying monster that looks similar to the Helicarrier used by Shield during the first Avengers movie is underneath my feet, many missile launchers, laser canons, and many other 'toys' are on board and this will help me in dealing with mobility and field base of operations until I finish with some of my other projects. However, my good mood is spoiled when I look at the Viceroy's palace. Just looking at it puts a tick-mark in my forehead as the area was suffering so much due to the terrorists with bombings almost weekly and the palace is almost as opulent as the capital's palace!

This is a disgrace. Spending so much in luxuries while the people starve, if the emperor didn't give me permission to move I'd at least send a battalion to clean this place to get all these luxuries to help pay for the repairs of this Area to decent levels. It is one of the advantages of being in my position, no one can say s*** about any of my actions as long as the Emperor doesn't say anything against it, and uncle Charles only cares about the Ragnarok Project and his "the strong rule" stance so as long as I have the power to defeat my enemies he will simply declare my foes as weak and therefore useless to the empire.

While I was musing that, me and the A-Laws are now within firing range of the palace when I notice several Glasgows in position all around as well as multiple tanks as well. That was one of the reasons why I hated that cunt Katarea and her family. They sold the Glasgows to EVERYONE who had enough money to pay for them in the Empire which meant that there were Nobles who had dozens if not hundreds of "Security-Knightmares" which the ones opposing me were given that the Emperor had given a stand-down order to the normal Area 6 Military.

"Put me on a speaker." I said to the comunication officer on the bridge. He nodded and gave me the go signal. "Security-forces of Viceroy Raven, my name is Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britannia. I am here with the A-Laws to bring the current Viceroy and fellow corrupt nobles to Justice from the fact they collaborated with the terrorist organization White Fang and other transgressions like the taxes that went well beyond the established level, production and selling of Drugs and the illegal transfer of public funding for personal use, if you stand down we will not consider you enemies but if you remain resistant you will be classified as criminals and will be put down as such.

"Now, what will you all choose?"

I said, and unsurprisingly I saw that none of them decided to give up. Somewhat logical given that most of them were Mercenaries who were depending heavily on reputation so if they sold out their employer it meant no one would ever hire them again.

Regardless, this was all I needed as I turn the communicator to the ground forces that I prepared. 500 A-Law soldiers using the first and only currently working batch of power suits I had previously left done, they are the first 500 who passed the test to be members of the A-Laws and as such received the first batch of power suits.

I still will need some time to mass produce them but what I did until now should be enough.

"1st Battalion, your mission is simple. I want you to eliminate all tanks and other infantry fighters of the other side while we deal with the Knightmares using my air fleet's capacity. Remember, anyone who surrenders is to be imprisoned using the Y-Gun which you were all trained to use and the Viceroy and other nobles who hide in there are to be brought back alive. I also will be sending the six-wing helicopters to help you all so there is nothing to worry about, just remember that your lives are the most important and if the situation gets hard or you are close to dying you must ask for backup and escape if needed, medicinal spray is also on your person so if you get injured you must instantly use it.

"Now go and show Viceroy Raven what the result of his folly is."

"Yes, my lord." The A-Law members said enthusiastically while wearing their dark suits.

I originally thought of using something else entirely but this prototype worked just as well after I examined the results of Mayuri and a few others and combined them to generate this type of power suit. It was the same type as the one used in Gantz, that same basic suit that was honestly very ugly but practical nonetheless.

It was a skin-tight black bodysuit with metallic cylinders around to serve as entrance points to the battery of the suit. Each one is attuned to the individual's body and can only be utilized by that specific user it was configured to. I had planned to make the suit as impenetrable as in the Gantz-series but there was unfortunately no material yet strong enough to fend off calibers from a Knightmare or Tank but atleast they could reflect normal rounds even from things like Shotguns or Machine-guns and when the suit is close to its limit it releases a warning sign to the others around allowing others to go to the rescue or to stay away depending on the situation. The other good aspect of this suit is that it works as pseudo-muscles, the amount of power someone using it can reach is about 25 times the normal amount they normally can(I still have room to improve as I want to reach 100 times), which means that if normally you can jump 30 centimeters high you now can jump over 7,5 meters high without any strain, if you count how much strength and agility it can also grant you get some terrifying army right there. Not that the phyiscal abilitys were very useful on the battlefield with Knightmares slowly replacing Infantry but for my Agents and Assassins the Suits would be worth pure Gold.

I also equipped them with a gun similar to the one used by Cable in Deadpool 2, it has the ability to launch energy shots with varied capacity with the main difference that it takes time to shoot the stronger shots. But I modified it to allow for normal caliber weapons as well and I also equipped the A-laws with my Y-guns, a gun that released three interconnected 'laser anchors'. These anchors are connected by a special rope that would take much more physical strength than any regular human could ever hope to have to tear apart and when the anchors hit someone they wrap around the target before firmly planting it to the ground and effectively stopping the target in place.

I had also equipped them with vibration swords that only activate when used by the specific user, so I guess you could say I went a tad bit overboard with my preparations. But, I really wanted something cool, and seeing 500 people who look just like the characters on Gantz before going to a fight is enough to be classified as VERY cool.

Regardless, as the hatches of the aircraft opened all of the A-Law infantry members that were wearing the power suit jumped out, none of them with a parachute despite being over 100 meters high. When they were close to hitting the ground their feet and back released a white smoke to propel them upward just enough to kill the fall and allow them to land without a hitch.

I sit back and see that they start running towards the armed group around the Viceroys palace, a fierce battle starts and I decide to look for a moment to see how a group of soldiers using my power suits compare against a trained group of armed men with a much greater number. One thing I noticed was that many of my A-Laws are still inexperienced, they don't know well how to fight or use their suits as of right now given that most of them are fresh recruits so they can't bring out their full potential. Yet, the battle is still going my way due to the fact that the enemy regular bullets can't bypass the suits defenses, there is also the fact that during combat the A-Laws are learning, their instincts combined well with the suits that make their physical capacities much greater and before long they begin to fight better and better. Still amateurs, no doubt, but as they loosen up and get used to the battlefield they improve right before my eyes, even if some started acting stupid after not dying from mulitple shots.

I then see that the enemy Knightmares began to move to rescue their Infantry, the guns of five knightmares focusing on a few A-laws and before long they were killed as they failed to evade in time. I see that this helped to make the others who were beginning to relax too much realize they also are in danger and they started fighting with much greater savagery and prudence, their effectiveness rising even more.

"Send in the six-wings, eliminate the resistance and also use the anti-vehicle missiles on the ship to destroy those knightmares." I ordered, and quickly enough both orders were followed.

If before the fight was on my side now it was simply a massacre. The missiles had a tracking capacity that made avoiding them nearly impossible for these Glasgows and destroying them beforehand was also unlikely as their speed was nothing to scoff at. But it was the six-wings that took the cake.

I just sent three such helicopters, they all are unmanned with ridiculously high speed and its main capacity is that they each had three machine guns capable of firing a total of 10 bullets per-second, all anti-tank types. To say that the battlefield was drenched in the enemy's blood was an understatement. But I did put a program to avoid anyone that was unarmed so those who gave up and threw their weapons down were left alive. From the enemy's 800 soldiers it only took me about 10 minutes to clean them out, and I didn't even need to send any of my knights to do so.

The casualties of the battle made for interesting Data. From the 800 enemy Infantry 732 were dead and the rest captured, all 82 Tanks were destroyed and the 51 Glasgows were also eliminated with only 12 ejecting in time. On my own side from my 500 A-Laws I had lost 32 in total and another 25 wounded, of my three six-wings two had been shot down by the enemies Anti-aircraft Guns mounted to the Palace and my Helicarrier had sustained no damage at all. Not bad for a first test-battle of the A-laws.

In the end I just had to wait another 10 minutes to have the Viceroy and the rest of the Nobles in front of me, we all were in the middle of the battlefield that was covered in the stench of death while the A-Law members pulled them along.

"Do you know what you are doing?! You all are going to the court-martial for attacking a Viceroy, you hear? I am going to see you, all of you pay for this situation you are putting me into!" Raven yelled in hysteria while around him other nobles tried to intimidate, bribe, or plead for mercy. I look at all of them coldly before nodding to the cameramen who was more than a bit excited to do his job.

When I got the go sign I turned to the camera.

"Here is Prince Ciel, supreme commander of the A-Laws. I am sorry to disturb the normal programation of you all, I am here for a release of an important announcement. Just a few moments ago me and my organization raided the Viceroy Palace of Area 6 and arrested Viceroy Raven and several of his associates.

"Marqis Rabastan Lestrange, Count Thorfinn Rowle, Baron Amycus Carrow, Baroness Alecto Carrow and finally Viscount Evan Rosier. The evidence of your crimes has already been forwarded to the Emperor. You have been found guilty on the charges of Corruption, Betrayal of the Crown and in the case of two of you War-crimes due to selling restricted information to the EU. You are sentenced to death and will meet a firing-squad in the morning."

I looked at the fearful and seething people before me with disdain before nodding at my A-Laws to lead them to their cells onboard the Heli-carrier. Then I turned towards the shaking Viceroy.

"I guess you never really understood your position." I said while he curled up in fear at my gaze. "The position of Viceroy means the trust of the Emperor, the belief that this person can manage and make the Area prosper, to make the nation as a whole prosper and bring forth stability and possibilities for all citizens. Instead, you saw this as a chance to get more power and riches, your original goal is forgotten to instead get more luxuries while allowing the Empire as a whole suffer and bringing shame to the name of nobility everywhere.

"Just for your sheer incompetence you already deserve death, the fact you also sold intel on military bases to terrorist organizations and that you profited by the selling of drugs within your Area makes it worse. Now, do you have any last words?"

"M-My family, what will be of them?"

"Your two eldest sons who we already discovered were directly involved with the criminal activities you enjoyed, will be sent to the frontlines in Africa to serve in a suicide-squad until they either die or survive until the end of the war. The rest of your family will lose its position in court and nobility, becoming normal citizens with no influence, 75% of your riches will be used to repair the damage you caused in this area and your land will return into ownership of the Emperor" I explained.

Raven looks at me pleadingly.

"I, I am a Viceroy." he said, and before he could continue I nodded to two guard who put Raven on his knees. Reisi then moved forward with his sword drawn before with a quick slash Ravens head rolled onto the ground.

"You were a Viceroy, consider yourself fired." I said before turning to the television. "I am sorry if this scene was too strong for you all, it was not my intention to traumatize any of you, but I hope this helps make you all understand that corruption and betrayal will be met with quick and harsh punishment. This is necessary for a better future where those who deserve more and work for it can obtain their just rewards, if you also want to help me in this path, the path of cleaning this nation of ours of all of those who are stopping it from truly growing and becoming what we all dream it should be, then come and enlist in the A-Law or enter in Academic City. I do not discriminate over race, place of birth or origins, all that matters is yourself as a person.

"If you are strong, if you are determined, if you have what it takes to reach the peak, that is all that matters. In case you have the necessary talent, you can go to Academic City and from there receive a higher position inside the A-Laws, but even if you lack the talent to enter the city you can still enlist in the A-Laws and work your way up just as well, both paths are acceptable and both can get results. Also, I will be showing you all proof of what we are accomplishing, just look out and see how we work. The A-laws are the imperial order demanding justice and progress, and we will use all to reach our goal." As I finished that the cameraman cut the signal when I gave him a sign. This little speech was one that just came to my mind and I didn't really think it over too much as I was never that good at these. I just hope it was not that bad.


It has been five days since I did all that, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth that I had those begging for their lives and forgiveness to be executed, but it was needed regardless.

They were a cancer to the nation, with their execution I sent a message to those in power about what I was allowed to do, of how their petty titles and alliances didn't mean anything if I was the one going after them. I even know for a fact that many of them were connected to some of the princes, the most prominent was how a good half of them worked for Guinevere and therefore Schneizel to some degree, but I couldn't hesitate. (Though Rabastan Lestrange had been in the pocket of my Uncle Charles through Lucius Malfoy. I was already expecting for Lucius, Bellatrix and Rodolphus to eventually make a move against me so I had Qrow and Matsu keep an eye on them.)

At the same time I also got some benefits. The House of Rosier was now extinct and the assets would be seized by the Emperor removing an Allied House from Guineveres political base permamently and House Carrow was now lead by 12 year old Flora Carrow who had already sent a Letter of Allegiance in thanks of me disposing of her and her sister Hestias abusive Aunt and Uncle.

That was why I could cope with the blood I shed. Their deaths mean the vengeance for the suffering of who knows how many who died due to their actions and the salvation of many more who would otherwise be used by them or other nobles in other areas who now would fear retribution and lessen their activities to a degree.

Sighing I took a candy bar and put it in my mouth, I just need to keep going and hope to be able to bring the world to the state I desire soon, a world where equal chances are given to all and everyone doesn't need to worry about violence. A peaceful future that I want to build step by step, a world cemented on education, healthy lives, and fair and equal starting points. A world that truly has what it takes to evolve to something greater than the shithole it is today with greed, pride, and vanity moving it forward.

"Master Ciel, the newly appointed Viceroy wants to speak with you." The ever trustworthy Kirumi said as she entered the room with a polite bow. Looking at her I nodded, but just as she was about to leave I could not help but ask.

"Kirumi, do you think what I did was good?" I said, surprising even myself at the question, but I had to ask it regardless. If I were to completely ignore my thoughts and worries I could become truly twisted on the inside.

Kirumi, by her part, didn't seem surprised by my question. She turned to me and with a gentle expression answered.

"No, you were not good. Executing others is never a 'good' thing." she said. "However, the fact that you did what you had to do by that point meant saving many others. Those people were causing so much suffering, uncaring of the damage they were doing and in many of their cases actively revelling in it. It was necessary and many people on this continent will thank you for it: Britannians and Numbers, Commoners and Nobles by the way.

She said that and I thought over her words, what she said was true as I also believe my actions were not ones people like Nunnally or Euphemia would ever really approve, but in the end, they served a good purpose.

"Now, when do you intend to go properly to sleep, young master? To my knowledge, you have been working nonstop for the last five days and even with the medicine you took to help your body recover it can't replace actual sleep and your power naps also don't do the job." She admonished me.

I winced before answering.

"I will take a good night sleep after this meeting, okay? I swear."

"Then it is fine. Now, let's go to the meeting at once before the new Viceroy does something that would trouble us more." She said as I followed her.

Well, at least whoever it is that is the one coming to be the Viceroy can't be worse than that rat Raven.


I was wrong, so very very wrong.

The prince in front of me is one of the most stupid beings I have ever had the displeasure to talk with, he is truly one of the princes I want to deal with the least whenever I can.

"Hey, if it isn't little Ciel. The fake prince decided to show his face after playing around so much, good for you runt." The shrill and annoying voice of Spandam Du Britannia, personally I think the Du stands for dumb but I can't say for sure.

I grimaced slightly at the sight of him. He was one of the Princes who deeply disapproved of me being given a position as potential successor in the Race for the Throne. The fact that I took Lelouch's position as Eleventh in succession (not my decision, the Emperor decided it by himself as a 'gift' or something along those lines, I was satisfied being on the lower forties but I suppose the leader of a powerful military and civil position can't be too low on the succession line if he is a prince) while Spandam was the only number Thirty-two angered him also.

This being is the exact example of why some believe humanity should be destroyed. Spandam was a downright annoying piece of crap who was a firm believer of the Emperors Darwinistic stance and while he was fanatically loyal to the Empire he was also one of the most ruthless people in it with little to no morals.

Well, at least I could count on him to keep Area 6 free of Terrorists and corrupt Nobles. Spandam himself also saw Terrorists and corrupt Nobles as a direct offense to his authority so he would make quick use of the Area 6's standing army when the darker elements of society tried to encroach back here. I guess in his vision only him can be an asshole to everyone and get away with it.

I suppose it could have been worse. But, looking at Spandan's face I can't help but want to snap his neck then and there. But, as I can't do that I might as well go for option number two.

"Spandam." I said while pulling him closer (he was seriously weak, I could pull him so easily I didn't even felt a thing) "You know what I did to Raven and the other nobles that made something stupid, you better understand that I can and WILL come back the moment you decides to be an idiot. Try and test me and we will see if Royal blood is truly the same as those of other humans.

He tried to play it off, but I just opened a video showing Mayuri during one of his experiments on a terrorist. Mayuri was trying to test a medicine to change the structure of the cells on a few tissues back to stem cells, the results were cancerous bubbles that started covering the body of the terrorist until he inflated all over and his heart was crushed inside the chest by other muscles.

And yep, Spandam's face is such that I doubt he would even want to go against me.

"Remember, the only one who can stop me is the Emperor and are you worthy enough for him to actually speak up in your defense if you were to do something stupid?" Spandan's face got even paler if that was even possible. "And remember, you must make the Area better for ALL its citizens, and that includes the Numbers."

"Humph, while I don´t understand why you care so much about those second-rate citizens you won´t have to worry about that. I don´t associate with those lesser then me and you know my stance on Terrorist-groups" Spandam grunted with a slightly offended look.

I could understand that, Spandam was a selfish and arrogant man but he saw no benefit in making money or putting down people for his own amusement like the now disposed corrupt Nobles here did. Still I would keep an eye on him, indirectly of course as his face made me want to punch his teeth in..


It has been a year since I managed to mostly settle the situation with Area 6. A report is on my table explaining how everything is going fine after I sent an agent (read Maki) to give Spandam a scare when I got reports about him trying to force a Shipwright named Tom into joining the Military. According to Maki Spandam pissed his pants when he woke up with a knife beside his head and a letter explaining that either he behaves or next time the knife would be considerably closer to his head.

The only thing I find a shame is that I forgot to ask Maki to take some pictures of the situation with the failure of a human being. It would actually sell for quite a bit as that asshole is quite hated. Really, there was a "Hate Spandam" Club in the Empire. Cousin Carine was the Chairman of that Club and I myself was Clubmember 17. (Emperor Charles was Clubmember number 3 funnily enough. I still got a kick out of that.)

I also have had to avoid Cornelia even more as she pestered me every time we saw one another about building her a Knightmare but I always shot her requests down, if I give her a new machine I believe she will start pestering me about making one for all of her squad and then to build it to the rest of the military as a way to make Britannia even greater, which would be terrible for Britannia. Don't get me wrong, I can see where she is coming from but the fact is that the chance of the military tech ending up in the hands of terrorists is 100% and I don't want to face my own Knightmares for as long as possible. Also, the Empire is already straining itself with the number of war fronts it has, if the military seeking new accomplishments got even more power they'd conquer more lands and all the new lands would have even more terrorists that would have a beef with me for producing the tech used to take their land away.

I wouldn't get new recruits from there, the number of people seeing me as a new opportunity for the Empire would lessen together with public support, the amount of work I'd have would increase with more Areas to oversee, and I'd have to waste even more time with all that.

Besides, I WAS already handing over large amounts of Military technology, from Knightmare designs of the Glasgow and Sutherland generation to give more diversity available for the different fighting styles of Pilots, to enhanced communication equipment, improved medical supplies and several improved Military Jeeps and Helicopters for troop-transport. All those things had been given to the Emperor as monthly payment for the justification to keep my city and Military-units.

The end result was Cornelia and mine relationship worsened a little, thanks to Euphie pointing the other stuff out it had not gotten to bad between us. Though with Cornelia now being in the South-African front together with Nonette it meant that Euphie spent most of her time in Academy City. Hopefully Corny would calm down after smashing some EU-soldiers apart.

On the matter of the A-laws things had been going rather okay. I had received another three-thousand recruits in the aftermath of the Area 6 campaign. This is great and all, but I couldn't afford everyone to get the power suits I had for the first batch as the price would be absurd so instead I spent time developing a way to make the armors cheaper and the final works in finishing the creation of my personal Knightmare (it is awesome) as well as managing to build my first few satelites.

It was not easy, this world had virtually no good space program to speak of as everyone was only focusing on building better and better war machines. However, my technological advancements still could allow me to do it. I now have a Tri-Diagram quantum computer in space that is only accessable by me and Matsu, it took me the better part of three months focusing almost exclusively in it to build and start working but now with it in place the speed of calculation of the city went up yet again thus the speed of the experiments raised yet again. Added to that the fact that I had also set up a few other satelites that are constantly obtaining intel from all over the world's surface and the fact I have hacking programs reading a large amount of everything related to the internet by using the Tri-Diagram satellite to identify and see any interesting intel that I might need and I have one of the best spy networks in the world.

However, this led to a new headache of mine. The discovery of just how many enemies I have at the lowest estimative. It is staggering, the sheer number of revolutionary and terrorist cells working to destabilize Britannia, it is honestly surprising that the Empire is even standing right now with how it is.

But, considering how it is now I can venture to say that even without Lelouch's intervention during CANON the Holy Britania Empire would be destroyed from the inside within the next decade at the very most.

My mission to make sure the Empire doesn't implode is staggering, just one charismatic leader to the revolutionaries to follow and the Empire would crumble from the internal and external pressure. If it was up to me I'd have long since stopped the battle fronts from going further and instead focus on securing the Empires functionality, but considering Charles couldn't care less about the Empires stability when compared with his desire to complete the Ragnarok Project then the situation is what it is.

Even worse, I had Matsu compile the information and create lists about the various Terrorist Groups, Criminal Organizations and Revolutionary Armies scattered over the world and it was nasty. The worst thing was that they only seemed to be individual Groups at first glance, thanks to my hacking of private correspondence I knew that in almost EVERY group were atleast a few spies sending off Information to others to coordinate the efforts of the various groups secretly. The spies were unfortunately careful enough to never mention what Organization they belonged to so I had no evidence but I did suspect the Group called Peace Mark which Oiaguro Zevon would eventually join to be behind everything. Unfortunately even in canon the Groups background and membership had been extremly vague with most members having no idea about who actually led the Organization or what its goals were.

So for now I was planning to wait until Wizard was confirmed to have appeared and then I would grab Oiaguro and interrogate the living hell out of him.

Sigh, it is just so much freaking work. At least I managed to finally finish my personal Knightmare frame, with it now I doubt any regular troops could ever defeat me in combat.


"Ciel, we have come to kidnap you!" A cheerful voice said from the doorway that once was pristine but now had the clear imprint of a foot in it.

Looking at it I sighed as I was rushed and taken away from the table by a defeated-looking Slaine and a stoic Setsuna as Milly was in the background smiling with pride in her pretty face.

"This time you can't escape, you will be going with me and the others to do something you need right now!" Milly said.


"I don't think I am smelling bad enough to need a bath and I am not hungry, so what exactly do I need?" I asked in a deadpan. Normally I'd never act like this with those I don't like but the ones I see now are all friends so there is no real problem. Besides, it is just a little innocent joke.

"Regardless, I am taking you with me! Now come, the plane launches in twenty minutes!" Milly said.

Wait, plane? What does she mean by plane?

"Milly, I have work to do! I can't just ignore my responsibilities and-"

"Bla, bla, bla. You are starting to sound like an old man! That is it, we are definitly going now and your intake in it is not necessary! Now come, we have to get going." Milly said making a pose.

If it was not such a troublesome situation I would have laughed at her antics

Turning to my two 'captors' Setsuna didn't look fazed in the slightest about anything but Slaine had a look of shame in his face.

"I am sorry, my lord, but this is necessary." Was the only thing Slaine said before dragging me away.

I started struggling when I realized no one was going to let me continue my work, but when even Slaine and Reisi did not raise a finger to help me the result was as expected and I am now on a plane with Milly and a few others.

Looking to my sides I see two heads of green hair on either side of me as Monaca and Nina are both reclining their heads in my shoulders, as I spent so much time in the labs I actually spent a considerable amount of time with these two since we were younger. Both also had serious problems with social interactions as Nina was too shy while Monaca was...


A memory of Monaca laughing hysterically while testing her newest creation during combat with the rebels in Chile, her eyes were so happy when she saw her Monokuma soldiers kill them all. Monokumas were robotic bears that she build to help in extermination missions as they are no good for other things, except for cuteness as their dual colors and dual type of eyes are simply cute in my eyes, something she readily agrees.


Yeah, Monaca is just Monaca.

Regardless, I also notice Nunnally, Marrybell, Oldrin, Euphemia, Kallen, Ruby, Milly, Matsu, Chiffon, Slaine, Reisi, Setsuna, Nemu, Kirumi, Maki, and the Lockon brothers.

Before I could ask Milly yelled.

"Let's go! Next stop, a well-deserved vacation on the beach!"


In the Chinese Federation, a woman was pacing from one side to the other worriedly. It has almost been a full year since master Ribbons had given her the order to eliminate the pest known as prince Ciel, the so-called hero of the weak as many dubbed him, or the Emperor's guard dog by others. To Gyokuen he was a thorn in her side, someone who continued delaying her chance to obtain praises by master Ribbons by finishing this person.

Oh, if Gyokuen could she'd go to the Britanian Empire right then and there and strangle the brat barehanded. She felt like she was disappointing her master, that she was disappointing her GOD.

"I see that this is not a good time, I wonder if you'd prefer if I come back later." A male voice said from the door. Turning to it Gyokuen scowled as she honestly despised this snake-like being that her God had taken a liking to.

"Littlefinger, who gave you permission to enter my quarters." Gyokuen hissed. Petyr Baelish, another of the leaders of Peace Mark, had come to the Chinese Federation in 'business' as he was one of the strongest economical tyrants of the world with more money than entire nations by this point. It was nothing strange for him to move across all the major powers and his presence in the Imperial Palace is nothing new as well. However, that didn't mean Gyokuen was happy about his presence.

"Money, you'd be surprised by how many people are willing to look the other way in exchange of some." Baelish said happily. Gyokuen would make sure to find out whoever allowed this and skin that person alive before sending the said skin to the family together with the corpse. "Now, I suppose you are mad about your constant failure about killing that kid from Britannia. The Emperor's Guard Dog if memory serves me right."

"If you know, why ask?!" Gyokuen said disdainfully. She normally was infinitily more composed but her constant failures were grating on her immensely.

"Because, you finally have a chance." Baelish said, and looking at Gyokuen's face he knew he had her. "I just got word that he has arrived in Area 7 for vacation. He has minimal security and hasn´t any of his Knightmares with him, a true golden chance."

"I, I must go and inform my Al-Thamen to act. We must go and eliminate him at once before master Ribbons loses his faith in us."

"I would not do that if I were you, this is still Britanian territory and if someone identifies the ones to take the life of the prince as being Chinese the cold war between the Chinese Federation and Britania will intensify beyond what Lord Ribbons would like." Baelish said, his words were enough to make Gyokuen listen. "I have a suggestion, one that could do wonders to help stop your problem and even if it were to fail we would not lose anything at all."

"And what would that be?"

"A while ago I met an interesting boy, he was only around 15 to 16 at the time but he has an undeniable charisma to himself and wanted help in his little revolution to redefine his organization. Say, if he were to receive such help from you in exchange for eliminating the prince, something he'd do for free as far as I know, he not only would work as a scapegoat for the Emperor's ire he'd also create chaos for the entire empire which is also beneficial."

"I can see your point, very well I will go with your plan this time. Then, who is this kid you mentioned?"

"His name is Adam Taurus, the up and coming leader of the extremist faction of the White Fang."


Second Prince Schneizel was looking at a report in front of him as he sat in his new office in Norilsk with a slight twitch on his face as he barely surpressed his anger.

The siege of Norilsk should have been easy and for a man of his skills perfectly executed but like all man of great skill he had after so many successes underestimated his enemies.

In all the battles against Russians armies it had been somewhat straight forwards wave-attacks so when his troops besieged the City he had expected the same tactic from General Tormund Giantbane. That had been a mistake as Mance Ryder had used this battle to unleash his trump-card against Schneizel.

Unknown to him while his army advanced on Norilsk, Mance had sent two other Russian-armies led by General Gorn and a General called the Lord of Bones to attack Schneizels troops from behind and his left flank. Normally Schneizels scouts and spies in Russia would have informed him beforehand but here Mance had used his Trump: the remnants of the Soviet Unions KGB. Schneizels prized Network all over Russia had in a matter of days been gutted and his army had been blinded.

The result had been horrible for him. The two armies attack came completely surprising to him and while he was caught off-guard Tormunds army had attacked from the front in mass. Schneizels Infantry which had been in the rear had been almost completely slaughtered and his Glasgow and Tank battalions were heavily damaged too. His Sutherlands and Glasgows had in the end prevailed against the three armies but the losses had been horrifying and Schneizel was now forced to call for reinforcment from the Homeland to continue the conquest of Russia. Worst of all the Knight of Round Wall had been killed in the battle which made the Emperor very unhappy with Schneizel

Even worse, while the Lord of Bones and General Gorn had been killed with most of their armies the General Tormund had escaped with around two-hundred soldiers into Russias wilderness and Schneizels weakened army could not afford to send men after the General which infuriated him.

Schneizel was taking a cup of tea with slightly shaking hands. This next decision of his left his mouth tasting slightly bad but it was necessary to ensure his succession to the throne now that his reputation had taken a strong blow. He had to obtain the technology that could ensure victories again otherwise his position would be in question and with the blockade around it that made Schneizel only able to obtain the scraps made Schneizel have no other choice. Also, the current wave of pacification hitting Britania added to the elimination of some of his supporters made the decision more and more necessary.

He could only hope Cornelia didn't figure that one out, she might truly start a coup to attack him if she were to find his next action out as she was secretly almost as overprotective of their cousin as she was towards her little sister. It was even cute that she tried to play it off whenever it was put into question but it remained undeniable that she quite liked the kid since he was younger.


"My prince, the three people you asked for have arrived." Kanon said with an impassive look on his face.

"Good, send them in."

After that Kanon bowed and moved outside, a few moments later three men entered the room. The first one used a black robe, black pants, and a black cloth in his head to only leave his eyes in view. The second was a man wearing a ragged jacket, had no shirt on, had medium length gray hair slicked back, and a scythe of all things on his back. The final was the one that actualy looked more professional as he was actually wearing a proper black suit that did not match well with his wild red-like-blood hair.

"So, I have heard you have a job you want our merry band to fulfill." the red haired man said.

"I do." Schneizel admitted.

"If the job pays well enough we can go and do whatever you need us to, but we are not cheap." the cloaked male said.

"I understand, but don't worry as payment is ensured and as long as you can eliminate this person then I cal pay you three's combined weight in gold." Schneizel said, he had plundered an immense amount of gold and money during this war and got even more from the corrupt nobles that worked under him as bribes.

"Yes, we accept! Who do you want as sacrifice to Jashin?" the gray haired man with a schythe asked.

"My cousin, he is currently heading to Area 7 and I need him to die. You also have a secondary target in the form of his Knight Reisi a very dangerous man" Schneizel said as he looked at the three heads of the KPSA mercenaries, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Ali Al-Sacheez.

The three nodded with varied emotions. Hidan was joyful over being able to send a new soul to his God Jashin, Kakuzu was thinking if he could perhaps get more cash out of this, and Ali was thinking about what sort of chaos this action will cause, how it is possible even the wars worldwide could potentially escalate and how much fun he'd have during these wars. The three, however, didn't find it strange for a person to ask them to kill a family member, the royal family of any empire was never something peaceful to begin with and Schneizel's decision was normal.

This was just the sort of world this is.


"Old man, hey old man wake up already or I might kick your ass." A loud voice said inside a plane going to Hawaii. The person speakng is a tall (195 cm), handsome, and powerfully built young man, with light eyes. He has short, dark and unkempt hair, parts of his bangs shooting outwards in spikes, the hair and age being the main difference between him and the said 'old man' he was talking to.

With his loud voice all other passengers looked over only for the women to blush at the older gentleman, as he could only be one from the air around him alone, as he looked like the perfect 'dream man' for all the girls and women on the plane.

Awakening slowly he turned to look at his son and smiled tiredly.

"I am sorry for sleeping during your story, Joseph. I just had too much on my mind these last few months."

"Humph, you must not have slept well to get time to see the interview my cousin gave to the television in repeat." Joseph said tiredly. "You should take better care of your health as I don't want mother Erina to get single any time soon, beating up those who would try to approach her for no good reason by myself wouldn't be nearly as good as getting dirty with my girlfirend Suzzie."

The father's smiled faltered a bit before he sighed and accepted his son's words.

"Fine, I will take care of myself. But, you should remember that a gentleman shouldn't use such words as 'getting dirty', it is not correct."

"Hay, hay, Old Man Jonathan." Joseph said.

"It is father to you, young man." Jonathan said while pulling on his son's ear. It was honestly a funny sight to see someone as big as Joseph losing to a pull on the ear but it was the truth.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, I understand now let my ear go as I only have two and want to have this number years from now." Joseph said with slight tears in his eyes. Seeing this Jonathan let him go, Joseph held his ear in pain as Jonathan looked at him tiredly.

"Now, I understand your worries for my health but please don't say that you will beat anyone that comes as beating someone should always be the last option, also, I know that Erina is a strong-willed woman and anyone that actually interests her would not be a bad person. Also, if there is ever a need to beat someone you should also count on your younger brother."As Jonathan said that he turned to the third and final member from the Joestar Ducal family that were on their way to a vacation in Area 7.

Said younger brother was trying to pretend he had nothing to do with his family but seeing the two turning to him he lowered his trademark visored ornamented cap, torn at the back and blending with his hair. However, with his build similar to the other two he couldn't even hope others wouldn't see the resemblance.

"What a pain, just go and do what you want. I will continue with my nap as we still have hours before arriving or crashing if your luck in flying continues constant brother."

"That was just three times this happened and you know it Jotaro!" Joseph yelled before starting to fight with his younger brother.

Jonathan smiled through it all as he tried to ignore the emptiness he felt in never having even seen his older brother's only child. But, if the Emperor refused then Jonathan couldn't do anything due to the delicate position the Joestar family has been through and just hope he could one day meet his beloved older brother's last mark in the world, Prince Ciel Phantomhive Zi Britania.