
The Tatsyu Chronicles

This is the story of a mysterious boy who finds out he can wield a special weapon known as the StarBlade. But with the discovery of a new power, comes the realization that someone else resides within his heart. Who is this other being? What is the StarBlade? Who truly is this mysterious boy? The story unfolds... I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Tatshiro · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 - Tatsyu

Hikaru woke to find himself in a very strange place, a place he has never been to, but yet felt surprisingly familiar. He gathered himself and sat up on what felt like a slightly warm metal surface. Most of his surroundings were completely dark and he could not see barely a foot in front of himself. Just then, he looked to his right and could see a small glimmer of light just a short distance from where he was sitting. He stood up and made his way over to the light to try and figure out what exactly he was looking at and hopefully where he is.

As he approached the small light, it was just floating there in the darkness; it shined a faint blue color. Hikaru reached out and put his hand it and all of the sudden, everything around him lit up and what he saw would forever be sketched in his mind. All around him were staircases leading in all different directions, random doors all around him with symbols on him. Even more confused now, Hikaru turned around and staring at him was another boy with white-silver hair that was just a bit spiky. He stood about as tall as Hikaru and had bright green eyes. He wore a long black pants with a blue swirl design on them and a opened up black button shirt with a similar design. Around his neck he wore a necklace with a star-shaped pendant on it.

The boy looked at Hikaru, put a small smirk on, and started laughing just a little bit. "Hey! What are you laughing at?" asked Hikaru. The boy smiled and said, "well Hikaru, you have such a dopey looking expression on your face, I just couldn't help myself." Hikaru flustered, then asked "who the heck do you think you are?" "I told you before, my name is Tatsyu", said the boy. Hikaru's eyes grew big as he was finally meeting the individual who was speaking to him from deep inside. "Ahh! So you are Tatsyu! Man, you really saved me back there when those monsters attacked", stated Hikaru. "Monsters? Oh you mean the Soulsippers! You must have one tasty soul if they are coming after you, but don't worry I am here to help you out!", said Tatsyu.

Hikaru smiled and said "I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust you, even though we just met. It's like you have always been with me or something. Who exactly are you, Tatsyu?" "I suppose I do owe you a bit of an explanation about who I am. But I am only going to give you the basics of now; my story has to wait until another time", said Tatsyu. Hikaru nodded as he sat down to listen to what Tatsyu had to say. "This is the short story of how I came to be and why you feel like I have always been with you", stated Tatsyu.

Tatsyu's backstory begins here…

My story goes back several years and takes place on a planet not your own. Hikaru, obviously you were born and raised here on Earth. But I was actually born on a planet called "Shiron". Of course, I have no memories of this planet, only that the name pops up in my head when I think about my birth place. I only have but one memory from when I was born, and I don't believe it is my own memory, as when I picture it, I am looking down at myself as a baby. The memory shows flames all around me and there are two other people there (I assume they were my parents), and they say one phrase and one phrase only, "Live Tatsyu". There is then a bright blue light all around me and then I see stars rushing all around me. It was a little while after that, after I had grown a bit, that I found myself waking up in this place we are now; a crazy maze of staircases and doors. I was confused for a long time as I had no idea where I was and who I was. I knew my name was Tatsyu based off the one memory I had, but I had no clue about anything else other than that. As my time continued, I explored the doors in the area and each one took me to a memory or scene of someone I did not recognize. I would see them playing with a pipe, pretending it was a sword, eating dinner with their parents, and playing some kind of game on a box.

After experiencing so many of these doors, I then started seeing things in what I call "real life". It was shortly after that, that I realized I was inside your heart Hikaru. This place that we are in now, is the very essence of your heart and feelings. I honestly do not know why, but somehow, I ended up being sent to your heart where I live now. Though it seems while I am in here, I don't require really anything to sustain myself. After seeing you play sword fighting, I thought that I would also try it, it seemed like fun. But I needed a sword of course, and then all of the sudden, the weapon you summoned during your fight earlier, appeared in my hand, and the name "StarBlade" popped up in my head. And just like you, I found myself surrounded by those creatures. As I readied the sword, the name "Soulsippers" appeared in my mind and I knew I had to defeat these creatures in order to protect you, and so I did. Different from yours, the Soulsippers here blinked out with I defeated them; I am guessing they weren't truly real and were only showing me what was to come.

Shortly after that is when I had a vision showing the Soulsippers appearing outside the dwelling you live in. I had to find a way to warn you, and that is when a small portal opened up near me, I jumped inside and realized I was basically floating above you as you slept. And that is when I started speaking to you and you know the rest of the story from there. That is who I am and how I came to be, of course, there is much about my origins that I have no clue about, but that is why I am teaming up with you, Hikaru. I am hoping you will help me learn about where I come from and maybe how I can become my own self.

Hikaru looked at Tatsyu, smiled, and said "In a sense, you are the other me. I will help you become your own person. Let's go on this journey together".