
The Tatsyu Chronicles

This is the story of a mysterious boy who finds out he can wield a special weapon known as the StarBlade. But with the discovery of a new power, comes the realization that someone else resides within his heart. Who is this other being? What is the StarBlade? Who truly is this mysterious boy? The story unfolds... I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Tatshiro · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Boy

The sound of a hollow aluminum pole can be heard across the yard as young Hikaru Agano plays at his small home in the countryside. Hikaru is a mysterious boy with a wild imagination of a fantasy world where he fights monsters! Hikaru wields a hollow aluminum pole that measures around three and a half feet long, that he found lying in a nearby creek. He loves to fantasize about monsters and him wielding a sword to defeat his enemies.

One day he was near a structure in the yard and noticed three large spiders who had made a nest on the side of the building. Hikaru's imagination took off and he grabbed up his pole and faced the spiders. As his imagination soared, the spiders grew to a monstrous size and Hikaru himself jumped high into the air and came down with his sword in a brilliant light show, slaying the monsters! Off in the distance, a clasp of thunder resounded in the sky, bringing Hikaru back to reality. He decided at that point, it was probably time to head in for the night.

Later that evening, Hikaru laid in his room playing his favorite fantasy videogame. Fantasy videogames were one of the things that fueled Hikaru's imagination. After a while, he decided to call it a night and go to sleep; meanwhile the storm outside was still rolling through. Hikaru shut his eyes and started imagining crazy fantasy adventures and all of the sudden a voice came in his head from deep within. The voice said, "Hikaru, wake up", Hikaru, you are in danger". This voice wasn't part of Hikaru's imagination. Confused, Hikaru sat up in the bed and again, the voice kept speaking to him over and over with the same phrase.

A large thunder clasp roared outside and the voice much louder this time said "HIKARU, GET UP AND GO GRAB YOUR SWORD!". Shocked and confused, Hikaru responded "What sword? What do you mean?". The voice simply responded "the one you always use". Hikaru was frustrated and confused, but nonetheless, hopped up and ran outside. As he started running across the yard, rain and wind blowing in his face, mysterious creatures that looked like six-legged spiders, yellow and darkish in color popped up near him. In the distance, as the lightning flashed across the dark sky, he could see the pole stuck in the ground. "Strange", he thought, "I didn't leave it like that." As the mysterious creatures made their way towards Hikaru, he made it to the pole and pulled it out of the ground. It started glowing a bright green color... "Believe, Hikaru; believe in the StarBlade, and it will show itself", said the voice inside Hikaru. Still confused, Hikaru closed his eyes and thought only one thing: "StarBlade".

A bright light shot from the pole transforming it into a spectacular sword known as the StarBlade. The hilt of the StarBlade was green, blue, black, and red in color with a long grey blade. Protruding from the top of the blade was a half-star like shape consisting of three individual points. Hikaru was astonished as he stared at the blade. "Hikaru, admire the blade later, trouble is coming", said the voice. Hikaru snapped out of it and turned around and saw that he was surrounded by the strange creatures. "Fight", said the voice. Hikaru took a stance and just like he did many times in his imagination, he started fighting the creatures off. One by one, they would vanish in a cloud of dark smoke when he defeated them.

Only taking a few hits himself, he defeated them all, panting, as real sword fights were much more exhausting than the imaginative ones. Hikaru regained himself and asked the voice "what were those things?". The voice responded, "they are called "Soulsippers; they attack people and drain their souls to gain energy". "I see...also who the heck are you?", Hikaru finally asked. The voice laughed, "my name is Tatsyu, I dwell within your heart".

Completely overwhelmed by everything that had happened, Hikaru fell to the ground unconscious...