
The Tale Of Latrana

MCRfox · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Maurice, you need to get Thomas out of here!"

Jason yelled over the creaking and groaning from their farm houses burning walls.

"What about you and Avangeline? I can't leave you here!" Maurice yelled back. A burning piece of timber crashed down between the two brothers.

"Brother if you do not get my son out of here then the prophecy will never come true and Alexio will forever be a pain in our necks."

Maurice was defeated. He knew he had to get his Nephew out but he still hated the fact he had to leave his brother to find another way out.

"Ok I'll go! Promise me you'll live Jason!" Maurice called to his brother. Jason looked into his brother's eyes and nodded, determination in his eyes. With that Maurice grabbed the baby Thomas, cradling the small child in his arms. He ran through the building, dodging flames and heading to the exit. Thomas started bawling his eyes out. Maurice tried his best to comfort the little one but it seemed to be of no use. A roar of flames seared Maurice's eyebrows as he lept back just in time to see the entire floor before him engulfed in flame. The flames were blocking his exit. There was nowhere to turn. Nowhere to go. There was another sound. Not the crackling of flames or creaking of wood. A roar. A familiar roar.


He whispered. A great white and gold dragon crashed through the wall in front of Maurice. It's brilliant blue eyes glimmered in the flame light and it's pearlescent scales were almost blinding. The dragon opened its great mouth and bellowed at the flames, knocking down the reminder of the house's foundations and putting out the fire in the main body of the building. Jason and Avangeline were on the opposite side of the building, Avangeline pulling a chunk of wool off her husband. Jason looked at the dragon and ran towards his brother, limping from the injury he had sustained. Avangeline follows him, meeting the two brothers in front of the great dragon.

"Let's get out of here."

Jason told the others. Just like that the family and the dragon were gone


The brow of the furious king crinkled and his nostrils flared.

"What do you mean they're gone!"

He was so angry he slammed his fist into the table, leaving a large gaping hole.

"King Alexio, they've disappeared, no trace of them, I don't know how else to put it." The poor man spoke, his voice shaking from fear. The furious king grabbed the poor man up by the collar and slammed him into the wall.

"You had one job! Kill the baby! Kill them all! Kill them so the prophecy won't be true!"

With every word he took a deep breath and slammed the poor man again and again until blood poured from his face. He wailed in agony. Alexio grimaced and threw the man to the floor.

"Leave peasant, the blood will stain my robes, the next time you return it best be with good news or else I'll be killing you next time you step foot in here."

Alexio growled. He had a menacing tone for the short man he was. He stood at about five foot three. Shorter than almost all men. Yet more evil than all men. The poor man whimpered and scampered off, clutching his bleeding head in his hands.

"If you want a job done properly,"

he grumbled grabbing his scabbard,

"you've got to do it yourself."

He pulled on his armour and secured the scabbard to his waist. He grabbed his bow and arrows securing them in place.

"Time to go deer hunting."