
The Tale Of Latrana

MCRfox · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter One: Market Day

"Hey kid wake up you'll be late to market!"

The elder man called. I wish I could just sleep in today but I knew we had to get more supplies. I haven't gotten any sleep. I never do around this time of the year. Today marks the day I was orphaned and taken in by my uncle. Whenever I ask about them he tells me the same story. They were travelling by carriage when bandits came and stole their belongings. Then with no mercy they were killed in cold blood. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That happened seventeen years ago. I stumbled out of bed, putting my shoes on and walking towards my uncle.

"Finally you're awake, go to your aunt, she has everything you need."

He grunted. I nodded and walked over to my aunt. She had always told me she loved me like her own kid.

"Oh don't worry about your uncle dear, he's in a bit of a mood because he can't find his coin bag. Here's your list, and don't be late home this time like you normally always are, we have things to do today."

She told me, handing me a small list of things we needed. Bread, butter, milk, meat, sugar and carrots. I'm not sure why she wanted me to pick up carrots. We live on a farm and grow our own fruits and vegetables. I grabbed my coin bag and put it into my satchel. My uncle mumbled something about his coin purse having something important in it for today.

"I'll be back soon."

I called out as I opened the door. Stepping out into the midday breeze, I closed the door behind me and walked over to our farm's stables.

"Hey Neptune, are you ready to go out?"

I asked my horse. Neptune was my favourite horse that my uncle and aunt owned. I was given the horse when I was sixteen and they have become my trusty stead since then. Neptune was a beautiful horse, they were a lovely ash grey with hints of blue, which was especially visible in the sunlight. A true beauty. I saddled my horse and led them to the edge of the road before mounting them and riding off to the town known as wickerton.

We arrived soon after departing from our farm in Hackett. Wickerton was the closest main town to ours and the one we always went to for our weekly shop. We get most of our things locally but my aunt prefers the food, mainly the dairy, from wickerton. I handed Neptune off to the stable boy and paid the one gold fee for them to stay there while I looked around town. The town itself hadn't really changed since the last time I had been here. The old stone and wood houses looked like they'd aged by a thousand times faster than they should. Cracks in the stone and the wood being chipped added to the age of it. The market signs creaked in the wind. Even the stone road had cracks in it. It rarely ever rained here which was a shame, I loved the rain and the lack of rain meant the houses and roads were always dry. The crops here are watered by the river that runs under the town which I find very interesting. One day I'll find the entrance to the cave and explore the underground city. The beauty of this aged town is what I love about Wickerton. The vines climbing up the sides of the houses, flowers growing in between stalls and fields, birds nesting inside a broken chimney. It wasn't always this peaceful though. Since the last war seventeen years ago the high king's empire raids towns. Only the main towns such as Wickerton. They steal half of the town's wealth leaving barely enough for everyone. That's why the town works together to keep everyone fed. Quite admirable really. That's enough about that for now though, I have a job to do. I walked over to the first stall. The dairy stall.

"Hello mate, I need a pound of butter and two litres of milk please."

I told the kindly looking man behind the stall. He grunted before giving me what I needed.

"Eh that'll be… five coins kid."

He grumbled. I handed him the payment and put the items in the food basket. I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but I have been carrying this around since I left my farm. Next on the list, bread.

"Hey Tom, has it been a week already?"

A familiar voice called out. I turned to face my friend.

"Marco! My old friend, how've you been buddy?"

I asked, pulling him into our half hug.

"I've been good Tom, here for your bread I presume?"

He inquired holding up a freshly baked loaf. I nodded.

"Uncle sent me to get it." He nodded and passed me the loaf.

"Thanks man, send my compliments to your old man, he makes the best bread."

I tell him before slowly starting to walk away.

"I will Tommy, see you around! Same time next week alright?"

He laughed, waving me off. I laughed back, waving at him before walking off to the next stall.

"A pound of sugar Tom?"

The elderly woman asked.

"Yes please ma'am."

I responded. She chuckles.

"Oh such the young gentleman you've become."

I smiled while taking the bag of her.

"Say hi to your aunt for me, little one."

She whispered. I nodded and smiled before walking to the meat stall.

"Hi Barry, we need some of your famous beef."

I told the butcher.

"Alrighty Tom, famous beef joint coming right up!"

He had a gruff voice. Like a bear but more friendly.

"Don't forget, cook both sides for the best tasting beef"

He told me before handing me my parcel of meat.

"Thanks Barry, I'll remind my aunt when she cooks it."

I laughed. I carried my basket back to the stables after paying Barry what was owed. I carried my basket back towards the stables. The carrot stool, or well the vegetable stool, was on the other side of the stables. I saved it till last so I didn't need to go around in a big awkward circular L shape. I walked quickly to the stall and asked for six carrots. I use the alts of my coins to pay for it, handing the seller three gold. The meat cost six gold and I always get my bread and sugar for free thanks to my connections to the owners of the bakers and sugar stool. I get two gold a day meaning I'm left with fourteen gold when I go to town for the weekly shop. Normally I have the three gold to buy apples for Neptune, they love the apples here. I walk back over to the stables and pat my horse on the head.

"Sorry 'tune, no apples this time."

The horse whinnied and huffed. I can see I've made them upset. Even horses have emotions. The stable boy ran up to me, I thought I was in trouble.

"Sir! I need a piece of gold, please you must have one, they're here and we are one gold short, please they'll kill my uncle sir!" He blurted out. I put my hands up.

"I got nothing, kid. I'm sorry, stay here, I'll see what I can do about your gold." I told him, jogging over to my friend Marco.

"Marco! The stall boy needs a gold piece, you got any spare coin?"

I called. Marcos' eyes lit up in fear.

"They're here aren't they?"

He whimpered. He tossed a coin at me.

"Quickly, they don't mess around."

He stuttered. I thanked him and jogged back over to the boy. Who were they? The empire? I put my hand on the kid's shoulder and handed him the coin. He thanked me many times and ran back to his home where his father was. I hooked the basket onto my horse and made sure it was secured.

"Thomas Latrana. Here to cry to your mommy, tell her you're scared?"

A man snickered behind me. No not a man, a spoiled bratty boy. Chadwick. Soldier to the empire.

"Seeing a face like yours everyday would scare me."

I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. Villagers around me gasped in utter shock. I could hear Chad and his buddies breathing heavily. Probably out of embarrassment. At least hopefully that's the case.

"You have no right talking to me like that!"

He yelled. I turned to face him smirking.

"Unfortunately there's only one cure for your condition of ugly face." I snickered and quickly pulled a paper bag over his head. I took off running heading down the road I came from. I whistle for my stead and mount them while running. I look behind me once I've got Neptune into a steady gallop. All I see is a small figure shaking their fist at me. I laugh as I ride into my own village heading for home, heading back to uncle Maurice.