
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CH 21: Three Conditions...

Nobody knew what was the cause that made Kai like this. Whether It was because of seeing the Hero and his party or there was something in the record that upset him.

But everyone knew that only changing of expression on Kai's face has completely changed the atmosphere in entire garden.

There was now silence again in the garden but difference was that If previous silence was because of awkwardness.

This silence was chilling. It was like a predator was hiding and watching them ready to pounce on them at any second. They feared that If they made even a small mistake, they would found their neck inside a beast's mouth.

Both maids were now trembling and sweating, without understanding what was happening right now. Sebastian and Igor was also not much better, both were completely stiff.

But Igor had slightly moved his right hand near his sword on his waists, ready to strike any threat or even Kai If he dared to do something strange.

Only Diablo was just sitting on his chair like nothing happened, or maybe he was same as others but nobody was there no confirm that. But Diablo was observing Kai face-no his eyes.

From his eyes, Diablo could see many emotions that Kai was feeling right now. There was hatred, sadness, anger and many other emotions too but most important of them was a emotion of longing.

And If looked closely, Kai's eyes were slightly moistened like he was stopping his tears to come out.

It was like finally finding someone precious to him that he had lost long time ago. And when Diablo moved his gaze to the Orb to see towards whom those emotions were directed.

He saw that Kai's gaze was directed towards a member of Hero's party. The one who was wearing samurai-like light armor and had Katana on her hand, Ayaka.

While everyone were still stiff and nervous because of Kai, Diablo had found out the reason for the change in Kai. 

But now Diablo was even more confuse.

'Didn't Kai and Hero along with others summoned from different places than another?'

From the Intel they had collected about Hero and others, they all came from a world that has only one intellectual beings, humans, there and doesn't had any kind of Mana or any such power there.

This was told by Hero and others themselves, as they had been summoned in this world for three mouths. 

This also shows that how Hero and others even when they haven't ever know about Mana before, are so quickly able to use them and even making themselves so much stronger to confront an entire army of Demons and other species easily.

All in just three months, from this anyone could tell that each of them was highly talented in their own way.

Coming back to the point, Diablo knew that they were summoned from another world and Kai was summoned from Abyss, completely different places from each other. Since he himself summoned him.

So normally there should had been no case of them knowing each other.

'But then why is Kai experiencing such emotions towards one of the Hero's members?….. There must be something I am not aware of.'

Diablo could not understand this situation and he knew only by asking Kai himself could solve this mystery. But….

'.…How do I ask and Is It even right to ask about this?'

Diablo didn't knew how to ask about It and felt wrong for asking someone about them, If other party doesn't want to tell them.

'I'm not sure why but I somehow know that Kai would himself tell everything about this when time comes. For now I think I should call Kai for now.'

After thinking everything, Diablo called Kai. Since he himself had seen how everyone was getting effected by Kai.


But there was no sign of change in Kai. So Diablo called him again.



This time It looked like Kai had heard him, as he gave a long sigh like he was releasing all those emotions inside him and his eyes also ceased glowing.

Soon Kai's expression returned as before become cold and emotionless. Maybe knowing that he had caused trouble for others because of him, he bowed his head and apologized.

"I'm sorry for this, I had lost myself there. I hope you forgive me."

[You don't have to worry. Nobody got hurt after all.]

Diablo accepted Kai's apology. When others heard this, they came to their senses. Still couldn't completely understand that what had happened.

And the atmosphere in the garden also returned to before, like nothing happened.

[So…you might have already guessed through this record for what reason we summoned you. Now can you accept our request or not?]

When Diablo asked this, rather than answering immediately. Kai again looked towards the Orb, which was now showing that the Hero or Arthur was raising his glowing sword above him with both of his hands.

And then swinged It downward, producing such large light that the entire Orb was now shining with that light but Kai could still see with his eyes that whoever was engulfed by that light.

They were completely destroyed along with there armor and weapons they were holding or wearing without leaving any trace. And that light also kept moving forward and eliminating everyone in It's path.

And finally It reached to place where this video was being recorded from. And the Orb ceased to show anything and became dimmed, likely the end of the record.

Even when the record had ended, Kai still looked towards the now dimmed Orb. Maybe after making some kind of decision, Kai raised his gaze to Diablo and answered.

".….I will help you."

When Kai said this everyone except Diablo signed of relief, likely nervous for If Kai had rejected them.

[.…Well than Sebastian would tell you on brief about th-]

But before Diablo could finish, Kai raised three fingers in front of him and said.

"I will help you but I have three conditions that you have to fulfill."

As soon said this, everyone's attention was captured on Kai's raised fingers. But no one said anything to Kai because It was normal to compensate someone for their help.

Sebastian was already prepared that Kai might had a condition for his support but the only thing that worried him was that If Kai asked for any excessive condition.

However Diablo just nod after hearing Kai, likely ready to hear his conditions.

"First, you will completely support me. From weapons to information and my personal needs, you will provide all of them to me. Of course rather than being a freeloader, whenever there was any problem that required my help, I'll be there."

Diablo nod on this condition because this was natural for him. There was no way he was going to send Kai to fight against Hero and his members empty hand.

As for food and house like needs for Kai, he would have provided him all of these even without being asked by him. Even Sebastian was not against this, they had enough resources to satisfy this condition.

Seeing that Diablo had agreed to his first condition, he folded his index finger and told his second condition.

"Second, I will not be bound here. I will have full right to go anywhere and whenever I want."

Diablo again nod and agreed to this condition too. He had no intention to completely bound Kai here forever. And Sebastian also didn't found any trouble in this condition.

After seeing Diablo's nodding, Kai finally folded his middle finger and only one finger remained.

"And for my finally condition…."

When Kai said until here, a mischievous smile formed on Kai's lips like he was thinking of some mischief.

"You have to become my best friend."

As soon Kai said this everyone were stunned and opened their eyes wide from surprise. Even Diablo was so surprised from this condition that his small dot like eyes had became as large as a ball.


And Kai who saw this, almost laughed at It. Finding It funny and kind of cute to him.

Hello guys, I want to inform you all that our MC might had some strange common sense than others. Meaning he might found disgusting or weird things for us, Cute or likable for himself.

So don't be confuse when you saw anything like that.

Kyo_Kasanagicreators' thoughts