
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 5

"Hey darling, what happened to your---I mean those bunch of rubbish? Why is your house so silent?" Mitchell said in low tone, "They're gone. Olivia divorced me. Can you believe it she----that damn stupid useless wench dumped me and left me?" "Oh, then all of the problems are out of our reach now. So can we marry now? I can't wait anymore. Daddy said he'll get me married soon. And if I don't, you know what he can do, don't you? So let's get married, ok?" "No, Ella, not now." "Why not? Don't you want marry me?" Ella said in a crying tone. "No, it's not like that. I love you babe. But I need to take revenge on them for leaving me and dumping me. Who do they think they are? Don't you want to take revenge on what they've done to me?"

"Of course, darling. Wait I'll tell daddy to take care of it." She hurriedly took out her phone from her side bag and was going to call her dad but Mitchell snatched it and said, "It won't do. I need to take care of it myself."

"What are you going to do?" asked Ella as she was getting excited and curious. "They left in a hurry so I think they might've mistaken to take their personal photos." "So?" "So, I'll give Olivia a great mental pressure. I'll sell Luna to those illegal organ traders." "Do you know anyone from there?" "The plan is already on the move. I've gotten a great deal from the dealer's boss, Mathew Kim. He said----


-Boss, he's here.

-Who's here?

-The man who wants to sell his daughter to you.

-Let him come in.

-Okay boss.

That person went outside of the room and said brought him in. He was dragged to sit down on the floor.

-So you are that person who wants to sell his own daughter?


-There is nothing to be scared of. Don't be scared. So you are Mitchell Martin?


-Have you got any picture of her?


He said by handling him the picture of Luna.

-She's good and healthy. What's her name?

-Luna. Luna Martin.

-Beautiful. What amount do you want?

-Any amount will do.

-Since I've got big plans with her, I'll give you a large amount.

-Can I ask when will you take her?

-I move on my own schedule. You don't need to worry 'bout that. And also don't do anything ridiculous in the meantime or I'll make you pay.

-Got it.

Back to the present

Hearing the despicable plan, they just laughed and laughed until it was echoed through the whole house. "Wow, you're awesome. No wonder why I love you so much darling." "I love you too."