
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 40

Mitchell was once again sitting on the sofa and cursing in his breaths.

-Where the hell did that guy go?

-Darling, what happened? You should be happy now then why are you like this?

-Why am I like this? Don't you know?

-But didn't you say that you've talked with him and he promised to kill them? And by now he must've done his work.

-That fucking asshole didn't do it till now.

-But how do you know it for sure? You didn't even meet him ever since you locked the deal with him.

-I went out yesterday to get some good wine for our today's night and there I saw Luna and little boy walking down the streets. And I guess they were out for groceries and seemed to me that they were heading home. So if he had killed them, he'd have informed me by now that the work is done. And I know that I'm not that crazy enough to see ghosts roaming around in the streets. And it only explains that he didn't kill them. Because people like him don't hesitate to kill anybody not even their relatives or family.

-But why would he do that? I mean they're not his friends or partners so why?

-I don't know. I just know that he messed with me and he knows me clearly. And if he is protecting them or something, then if I make a move on them openly, he'll definitely kill me. So I need to hire someone else; who can kill them under his nose and also under the police's protection. I think you said that there were a few mafia kings, right?

-Oh, right. I can ask daddy to get his rival's address. I'm sure if you reach out to his rival, he'll be glad to accept the offer since it couldn't be done by him which only means he is connected to it somehow. And his rival must be looking for this chance to prove his might above him.

-No wonder why I like you. You just know my actual thoughts. I love you baby.

-Thank you darling. I love you too. Any ways I'll get going now. I'll inform daddy and come tomorrow with the address. Be prepared, darling. And also after all this is done, we'll have nice wedding and a sweet honeymoon in the Hawaii, alright?

-As you wish, my queen.

She giggled at his words, kissed him and left from there.

Next morning

-Darling…..are you ready? Look what I've got?

He came happily towards her and she giggled at his behavior.

-Daddy said that he's a bit tough to manage but once you manage him and earn his trust, you can get him done any work in the world. He can be pretty dangerous too compared to him.

-Good. That's someone I'm looking for all this time.

-Here is it. And be extra careful. Unlike him, he's short tempered. If you anger him by any chance, he won't hesitate to kill you. So, even if you anger him, just apologize with all you're might right away otherwise you'll have to pay it with your life and there's no one stooping it from happening.

-Like how?

-Like begging with your life, crying, get on his feet and you know the lowly-servants type apologize. Don't even think about your ego for the moment. It must be sincere.

-Okay, darling. I get it. Go home now and I'll be get going. Bye for now.

-Be careful. Don't think about your ego.