
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 39

Luna got furious at his sudden weird behavior while as much as confused.

-What the hell is wrong with you? First you wanted us to become friends and now you want to stay away from me. Are you joking with me right now? I telling you that I do not like this kind of joke.

-I'm not joking. What I'm telling you is true. I'm not liking you so please just stay away from me, alright?

-What the hell is with you? Why do I stay away from you? It's my house and it's my choice. You should've stayed away from me if you wanted to keep me away from you.

-I-it's not what I meant. I'm sorry for hurting you. But something's really troubling me so I wanted to stay alone but I couldn't but to come here. I wanted to come here, leaving everything behind. This place makes me feel home and it's very lively here. I get to spend beautiful afternoons with you guys and also I get to play with Luca. So I'm really sorry for being harsh.

-It's okay. Everybody gets through hard times like this once in a while. But what's troubling you? You know that you can share anything with me, right? After all we're friends and there's no lies and secret between friends. So you can tell me. I can promise you that it'll only be within you and me.

-I know but-

-It's okay; you can tell me whenever you feel right. I'm always free to listen. Don't stress and relax.

He nodded silently and went to play with Luca outside. But inside Luna's mind, she's still not very satisfied with his reaction. She was a kind of disappointed at him.

As the more days passed, their friendship became stronger than before. They would all hangouts often and Ash would drive them home.

One day

Luna asked Ash to become secretive about keeping the guards in front of her house. She said that it wasn't looking good for their image in that small town. Everyone from the town was very suspicious about it and their behaviors. Ash understood the matter and immediately ordered his men to go on the secret mode. Since then they were all protected by Ash's shadow guards. They weren't any more suspected in the town. Time was going very smoothly until Ash's sudden disappear. They all became very worried about him especially Luna. She tried every way to find him and tried to contact him but failed every time. She even wanted to ask one of his shadow guards but she couldn't find them anywhere. It was just like he disappeared without a trace. Luca made a fuss about it every day and Luna was going crazy from all her mixed feelings.

Everyone in the family got mentally disrupted all over again except for Kevin. He tried to bring everybody together and be strong but failed to do it every time he tried.

It's been one week since his disappearing and it seems like the family was breaking apart. All the happiness, all the love, all the laughter he gave them was bringing more pain to them than happiness. All the memories of him were tearing everyone. They were like this because of accepting him as their family members and the pain of thinking they were somehow responsible for his disappearing. The family was tearing apart.