
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 35

Timpson, Kevin and Luna were sitting all tensed up in the hall room. There was absolute silence and tension in the air. Suddenly Timpson broke the silence.

-Miss Luna, are you sure you heard it right? I mean it's not a matter of joke.

-Do I look I'm joking? And why would I joke about something so horrible?

-Mr. Timpson, I think she's telling the truth because knowing her for years, I know that she never lies.

Timpson nodded and turned his attention to Luna once again.

-Then Miss Luna, can you tell me how'd you heard it? Don't be offended, it's for making sure of the truth.

-Okay. As I've told you, I eavesdropped at them when they were talking in Mathew's private room.

-Well then. Now tell me what did you hear them talking about?

-They were just planning how to sell the organs in richer profits and about the usefulness of Luca and my organs. And the other partner of Mathew's also mentioned something about being chased by the mafia king.

-There are several mafia kings right now in the world. But which of them are you referring to? Do you know his name?

-Afraid not. But he said that the king was after him for of no reason he knew of. And to me, he seemed very scared as if the king will get him and tear him apart from limb to limb.

-Oh, I see. It seems like he knew what was coming for him, right?

-Absolutely right.

-Then I guess the rampage in Mathew's room was his doing.

-He must've been there to look for something and get it from them.

Kevin was sitting there silently and listening to them as they were nodding at each other's remarks about the situation. Kevin got flinched at the sudden question of Luna.

-By the way, Kevin, you still didn't tell me what you guys were talking about in secret.

-But will you really be able to handle yourself after what I'm going to tell you?

She nodded.

-Okay then you asked for it. Also don't blame for taking rash actions. We just found out that uncle was the sole one behind your kidnap. He sold you to Mathew in exchange for a low price but mainly for his inner peace. Mathew took the bait and took you. But later on when you got saved and uncle got to know it that Mathew's gang were murdered and also the police are involved in this case, he just knew that if he kept on going doing these things in broad daylight he'll get caught by the police sooner or later so he went on hiding. After we found out about it, we searched his house and got him on the wanted list.

Luna was silently listening to all this, hanging her head low. The silence broke when he suddenly spoke after a few moments.

-Luna, you okay?

-Of course, I'm alright. If he really didn't do it then why would he run about, isn't it? It only means that he did it. And he should be punished for what he did to us; to me. You did the right thing.

-But Miss Luna, won't you be upset about it? After all he's your dad.

-Why would I be? Which dad gets his own daughter sold for getting his own revenge and money?

-Well then, there seem to have nothing to worry about her getting upset. So we can get on the move with full force now, Mr. Timpson.