
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 34

Kevin and you were playing with Luca when suddenly Timpson came and signaled Kevin to come out from there. He went outside as soon as he saw that Kevin nodded in his signal. Kevin knew what he wanted to talk about so he let him excused for a moment from them and went outside not long after Timpson went. They stood outside her house and talked about the ongoing plan.

-Mr. Lee, we've moved according to your plan and it seems like he went on hiding.

-Of course, he'd do that. He knew all along very well that if something bad were to happen like now to him, he might get himself involved with the police so he prepared a well hiding place for himself. Where is he now? Did you find anything else?

-Sorry to say but no. We've checked his house several times for clues but it seems like he was very careful when he was going on hiding himself. I must say he's very cunning man.

-Very true. He always had everything well-planned. And since it's a big step, of course he'll have to be careful and cunning otherwise he'll get caught.

-But Mr. Mitchell---

Timpson stopped when suddenly Luna came towards them and asked them.

-Mr. Timpson, what about papa? What are you guys talking about?

-Luna, go inside. It's not safe for you to be outside.

-Yes, miss Luna. What he said is true? Get inside.

-You guys are deliberately avoiding my questions, aren't you?

-Of course not. Why would we do such thing? Hurry up get inside the house.

-Then tell me what were you guys talking about? You were talking about papa, weren't you? Just tell me already, it's very frustrating. I want to know why he did that.

-What do you mean by "you want to know why he did that"? What did uncle do?

-Don't act like you don't know. I've continuously seeing you guys talking in secret for the past few days and also I know that he did it. Papa got me kidnapped and sold me to that Mathew.

-How'd you know?

-I overheard Mathew when he was talking with his other partner.

-You overheard them talking? What were they talking about?

-If I tell you then will you tell me what I want to know?

-Okay, I promise.

Timpson looked at Kevin while making questioned face but Kevin signaled him that it'll be alright.

-Now then Miss Luna, please tell us what they were talking about.

Timpson hurriedly started recording her as soon as she started talking.

She narrated everything she knew. She mentioned how they stated everyone as trash and how they wanted to use everyone to get their hands full with money. They wanted to sell everyone's organs and make money out of it and whoever wasn't fit to give them the organs, they'd have them killed. She also mentioned that she heard them talking about some guy chasing the partner guy. The chaser, they called him as the MAFIA KING.

Both of them got shocked to hear it.

-What did you say? TH-THE MAFIA KING but why?