
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 31

Timpson and Kevin were standing outside Luna's house.

-Mr. Lee, are you sure you want to do this?

-Yes, I'm pretty sure of it. I can't delay this matter anymore. The later the more dangerous he becomes and I can't let that happen for the sake of their safety.

-But still it's a huge step against him. Shouldn't you at least inform them first?

-No, not now. I'll tell them later. Get the plan on the move please. I'm sure he'll be planning something else right now to catch her.


Suddenly Luna appears from their behind.

-What are you guys talking about? What plan?

-Oh, nothing.

Timpson looked at Kevin. Kevin eyed him not to tell her about the plan.

-By the way, why are you out of your bed right now? Don't you remember what the doctor said about you getting a lot of rest?

-Um, yes. I do remember. But I'm bored. So I decided to go out for a while to get some fresh air. That's all.

-You can't do that and you know it very well how dangerous it is for you.

-Such a spoiler! Humph!

-Now go straight to bed. I'll come after a while then we'll go out for walk, okay?

-Really? Yay!

She went away giggling. Kevin smiled at her childishness.

-Mr. Lee, don't you think she'll be hurt when she finds out about it?

-I don't know, Mr. Timpson. I'm just trying my best to keep them safe. You'll be shocked to hear it that when my family heard about her condition, they even told me to stay by her side and protect her until she's safe again.

-They must like her a lot.

-True. We're one as a family.

-Then why don't you take them to your Mansion? I mean it'll be much safer than being here alone.

-I tried to but got rejected. They want to stay with their freedom. They think of it as burden to my family.

-They're quite stubborn.

-We can't help it. They've been through a lot to behave like this. And it's all because of him. He always treated them harshly and beat them daily.

-I get it. Miss Olivia also loves you like her own son.

-Auntie always treated me equal as Luna. She always looked after me when my parents were out of town for business. I used to play with her all day long and stay with her in her house. She's like my second mother.

Suddenly a call interrupted their conversation. Timpson received the call and put it on the speaker.

-Sir shall we get on the move according to the plan?

Timpson looked at Kevin for the answer and Kevin nodded in agreement. Timpson mouthed him "Are you sure?" and Kevin nodded.

-Yes, get on the move right away.

He cut the call. He looked at Kevin once again who was busy in his own thoughts.