
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 30

She went straight to her room to rest for a bit until they come back with the file. She sat on the bed and slide into her duvet. As soon as she lied down, she fell asleep. In her dreams, she was having the flashbacks of her those times with Harry.


"Ah, Harry. Don't spray water into me. I'm getting wet."

"So what? It's your punishment for disobeying me."

"I'm sorry, darling."

"Ugh, I can't win against you. You and your face, it makes me go crazy."

"I love you so much"

"I love you, too, baby."

"Look, Harry. The doctor said it's going to be a boy. You're going to be the world's handsome boy's father."

"True. Of course, I'll be. You should know who the father is! The one and only and the most famous and powerful mafia king."

"Stop joking around. He's going to be handsome because of my beauty for which you go crazy. Mph."

"Yes, yes. You're right. My wife is always right."

"Harry, look, just as I told you the boy's even more handsome than I imagined."

"He looks just like his mother."

"No. he looks totally like you. Like the most handsome man in the world."

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you all so tensed up? What happened?"

"Just take Ash and go away from here for a while. Evelyn will be waiting for you outside. She knows what to do."

"Harry, just tell me what happened? Why're you sending us all away?"

"Anna, baby, please don't ask any question now. Just go. Leave hurry."

"Dad, what's wrong? Why're you acting like this? Just tell us. Maybe we can help you?"

"No, Ash. You can help me right now by taking your mom with you to Evelyn and go far away from here. Also help me to take care of her. Now go."

"No, Harry-----"

Anna got up hurriedly and noticed that she was crying in her sleep. She cleaned her face and got out of her room. She asked one of her helpers.

-Did he take anything since morning?

-No, ma'am.

She went in front of his room. She knocked the door but got no response. She used the spare key and went inside of his room. She saw him still sleeping on his bed. She sat beside him and touched his forehead to caress it but felt it burning. She again checked it and got the same result. She called for his helpers.

-Didn't you notice that he was having this much fever?

-N-No, ma'am.

-I get it. You weren't supposed to. Now then call the doctor hurry.

In the meanwhile she heard him whispering something so she got close to him.

"Dad, where are you? I miss you. I love you. Dad!"

She also noticed that tears were flowing down his cheeks. She wiped it off and asked for wet towel to wipe his body to reduce the temperature. The doctor came prescribed some medicines. Anna brought them and fed it to him.

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