
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 18

"Mr. Timpson, how's the search going? Did you find anything? Did you locate his base?" Kevin shoots his questions at him as soon as he entered in his office.

-Our fish has taken the bait. For his foolishness, my team successfully located Mathew's base.

-Then what to do now? Shall we go now?

-No. We'll leave tomorrow first thing in the morning. Get prepared and get a sound sleep.

Kevin nodded as he instructed him what to do.

-And also don't inform her early. When we get back from there, if we succeed you'll get to surprise her. I guess she'll love it.

-I got it. Seems like a good idea.

They discussed and planned everything along with Mr. Timpson's team. After an hour long discussion, they went away in their own ways.

Kevin was preparing for tomorrow's mission when suddenly Olivia appeared behind him. He got scared by her sudden appearance.

-Auntie? Do you need anything?

-No. I just came to see you. House feels empty without her.

-True. I truly miss her bubbly character. She always used to lighten our mood when everything was gloomy.

-By the way, what are you preparing for? Are you going anywhere? Did you get to know where she is? Please tell me Kevin.

-No, auntie. If I've known anything, I'd tell you about it.

-But honestly tell me do you really not know anything?

He hesitated at her question but later answered it smoothly as if nothing happened. But he still felt guilty about having to lie to her because he never has lied to her.

-Absolutely not. If I'd known, I would've run there as soon as possible to get her back and bring her to you.

She suspected him for a while but later when she realized that he's not lying, she kept quiet; spacing out; thinking. Kevin noticed it.


-Yes, Kevin?

-I won't be with you tomorrow from the morning and I don't know if I'll be late. But don't worry about me. If you need anything, just call them. They'll bring them to you. And also I've cooked food for tomorrow. You'll just need to microwave it and eat them on time.

-But where are you going?

-To an important mission. I need to succeed this time otherwise-

-Stop worrying too much. I believe you. You'll succeed.

She left.

Kevin said staring at the ceiling, "It's been four days since you got kidnapped. Luna, just hold on for a bit. I'll definitely rescue you tomorrow. You'll be very happy to see how much auntie has improved from her previous trauma. She no longer gets scared that much over small things. She's become strong." He said and smiled and drifted to sleep.