
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 16

"It's been two days but still we haven't got any satisfactory price." "Patience, Mr. Roy, patience." Mathew and Roy went in front of her bed where she was wide awake and looking for answer; where she was; what she was doing there; how did she end up there. They went to her and asked her what she was doing. She looked at them as if she doesn't know what she was doing. They understood right away that because of long term anesthesia she forgot what happened to her.

-Hello, young lady. How are you doing?

She didn't answer as she was still very much confused.

-I know that you're confused. But let me tell you now that you've gained your consciousness, you're being kept here and we're selling your blood for money.

-Why? Why are you doing this to me?

-Because you've sold to me. So I'll do as I want.

-Let me go. I want to go to mama. She'll be very scared. Please let me go.

She cried but no one listened. They tied her up in her bed and the doctor started to suck the blood out of her into the tubes. As the blood was flowing out of her body, she started to feel dizzy and sleepy. She looked around for help but noticed a boy lying next to her bed. The boy seemed very weak and wary even though he was sleeping. She got curious and asked the doctor about his age and got to know that he was one and a half decade younger than her. He also told her that the kid was brought here after killing his parents. She felt pity on him. She was going to ask the doctor something but Mathew came and said.

-What's all with the chitchat? Don't talk any nonsense. And you-

He said pointing towards Luna.

-Don't try to do something smart or you'll regret it later.

-Can I ask you what is that little kid doing here? What're you planning to do to him?

He laughed.

-What else? I'll sell his organs. Surely I didn't have to go through all the trouble just to keep him here for free. Of course I'll make money out him.

-Can I ask you for a favor? Can you not sell his organs? I'll give more of my blood. You can make money from it too.

-And why would I do that? Why would you care for him?

-It's not like that. It's just he's still too young to die and his organs aren't fully developed yet. So no customer of yours would want such organs, will they? Also he's too weak to handle this. What if his weakness affects your future plans?

-You've got a point. Alright then I'll take more from you.

-Can you also give him more food? He needs more nutrition right now to develop his organs.

He realized and nodded coldly and left. She thought that her plan to protect the kid from dying has been successful. Meanwhile her daily giving had come to end. She was being freed up and she comfortably lied herself in the bed and dozed off. After a while she felt someone's pushing, she opened her eyes weakly and she saw that boy looking at her. She sat up and moved her attention to him.

-Miss, do you know where am I?

-No but don't be afraid. I'm here if you need anything.

She saw him started to cry in fear and looking for something or maybe someone.

-Shh . . . . don't cry. It's alright.

-Where's mommy? Where's daddy? I miss them. I'm scared.

Hearing all the ruckus Mathew came down looking furious and growled furiously.

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