
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 14

The man growled and threw and broke everything; glass, files and everything that came into his sight. "Fuck".

-Boss, calm down. We found something. I think the killer is related somehow with the organ dealer, Mathew Kim.

-What'd you say?

-Yes boss. You heard right. The organ dealer, Mathew Kim.

-That jerk. Get more information 'bout him and make sure to find what exactly he does and also find his hideout.

-Ok boss.

-I want all of the information by tomorrow morning.

-Got it boss. We'll surely get all the information so that you can avenge our chairman sir's murder.

He nodded.

They went away shutting the door and leaving him alone in the dark room filled with scattered broken glass pieces and files and papers. He kept on venting his anger on those poor things. He mercilessly fought with them and at a point he sat in a dark corner beside a table where light can merely pass through. He calmed down but after few moments soft sobbing sounds were heard. He was crying but as much as quietly he can be.

"Where's he? Where's my son?" a lady asked the bodyguards outside the room in which he was in. She suddenly heard some soft sobbing sounds. She tried to get in but the guards didn't let her saying that the boss asked not to disturb him tonight. No one should enter. She got furious.

"Do you even know what you're talking 'bout and to whom you're talking to?" "Sorry for our rudeness but it's boss' order. We can't break it." "I said let me in. I'm his mother. I'll the rest of it. If anything happens, you won't be held responsible." Saying these she pushed the guards and went ahead opening the door of the dark room.

She searched for him and found him in a corner; sitting alone and crying quietly. She sat beside him and tried to comfort him.

-Why are you crying? Is crying going to solve everything and avenge your father's murder?

He stopped crying and hung up his head and said.

-Why are you here? Didn't I tell them not to let anyone enter tonight? That jerks.

-Don't curse them. They've done nothing wrong. All they did was to obey you but couldn't resist my power.

-Go now. I don't want to talk with you regarding this matter.

-Why? You're afraid that you won't be able to avenge your father's death properly? Don't get hyper. Be cool. Think before doing something. You'll surely catch the killer.

-But how? Every time I set a trap, he gets away. I was this much close to have his identity revealed but got failed with no leads on hand.

-Don't worry too much. Remember you're the mafia king. Pull yourself together. If you want, you can do anything. And you'll also catch the murderer.

He nodded and went with her to his bedroom and drifted to fast sleep.