
Fights amongst the family

"What !?" Luna asked loudly as she looked at Amarok seriously, Amarok only nodded to confirm what he said previously, "So you're telling me, that Arlen, is a fox ? And the fox had taken control over him ?" Luna repeated what Amarok had just to confirm, Amarok only nodded again in confirmation, "And where is he now ?" Luna asked preparing to leave the hospital at any moment, "About that, he escaped" Amarok admitted guiltily as he looked down, "How can a fox outpower a 3000 year old fire fox !?" Luna yelled again her voice a mixture of anger and curiosity, "He isn't just any fox, he's a void fox" Amarok confessed trying to calm down Luna, Luna's eyes flashed a black color for a brief moment, resulting in Amarok's eyes to flash black in an Amber orange color from the mating ritual, Luna kissed Amarok to calm him down, resulting in his eyes to return to their normal color, Amarok melted into the kiss but before he got the chance to do anything else Luna pulled back, "We'll fix this, and it doesn't matter how as long as you're by my side" Luna admitted as she gave Amarok another quick pec on the lips.

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Denzell was doing his homework when he heard the familiar sound of the door ring, Denzell stood up from the armchair that his father usually sat in and peeked through the eye hole in the door, Denzell saw that Arlen was waiting through the other side of the door, Denzell relaxed as he saw that it wasn't a homicidal murderer, but the voice deep inside him whispered faintly, do not trust, Denzell noted that deep inside him mind before unlocking the door and opening it, " 'Sup ?" Arlen asked as he entered the house like he owned the place, "My curiosity, what did dad talk to you about ?" Denzell asked as he began to feel a little light headed, "Something about my old family, why ?" Replied Arlen, but Denzell was too lightheaded to hear anything coming from Arlen, he felt himself blacking out, and he closed his eyes, and when they opened, he growled a thick growl, "Oh come on !" Said Arlen ae he threw his bag to the ground, Denzell grew some claws at the tip of his fingers and jumped at Arlen, Arlen of course dodged Denzell's attacked swiftly and looked back to where Denzell was, only to find all his clothes tossed to the ground, and a fox jumping at him ready to attack him, Denzell got on top of Arlen and pinned him to the ground, using his claws to go through his shoulders, "Not so fast mi hermano" Arlen said before the same ultra violet aura began surrounding him, it caused a small explosion knocking Denzell off of him, Arlen took that chance to transfer to his fox form, clothes were being shredded and then the same fox from earlier stood where Arlen was, Denzell growled a thick growl showing off his perfect white canines, Denzell took an offensive stance before attacking at Arlen, his paws thundering with speed, Arlen used his quick reaction timing to barely dodge the attack from Denzell by sliding off the floor, but Denzell didn't give him the opportunity to catch his breath as he attacked at him again, managing to knock him to the ground for the second time, "Uoy deckatta ym etam" Denzell spoke in the fox language angrily, "taht flowerew ? I saw yrgnuh orb, esh devresed ti, t'nod ouy wonk esh saw annog erahs ruo ecnetsixe ¿" replied Arlen in the same language as he struggled to get out of Denzell's grip, "teiuq!" Yelled Denzell as he got more angry, if possible, "Ho ! s'ehs yllaer rouy etam ¿ neht tahw a emahs s'ehs daed" Arlen said as he smirked mischievously, Denzell went in shock and stood still while still being on top of Arlen, Arlen took that moment when Denzell went into shock to his advantage, Arlen swiftly pushed Denzell off of him and got his claws out, he clawed at Denzell's neck knowing it will heal, Denzell fell to the floor being temporarily weakened, Arlen kept clawing at him and again and again until he was sure he was unconscious, Denzell transformed back to his human form both mentally and physically, and fell to the floor naked, Arlen took a breath in satisfaction before switching back to his human form, Arlen took Denzell's unconscious body and threw it over his shoulder, the same ultra violet aura began surrounding Arlen's body, covering his nakedness, the aura began to glow brighter and brighter, the door was suddenly open to reveal Amarok and Luna rushing through it, fire immediately began surrounding Amarok in the form of an aura, burning all the clothes he had on, Amarok charged a fire strike to Arlen, Arlen only smirked in Amarok's direction before the aura surrounding him grew brighter, almost blinding, that Amarok couldn't aim his fire strike well, Amarok and Luna covered their eyes from the brightness and suddenly it all stopped, and neither Arlen or Denzell were there.

Denzell opened his eyes to realise he wasn't in his house, Denzell looked around him to realise that he was in an unfamiliar area, he could tell he was somewhere deep in the woods, "Took you long enough" Stated a familiar voice from behind him, "Arlen ? What is this ?" Denzell asked as he began to panic, "No thank you ? You know it took me a lot to put these pants on you" Arlen stated as he walked into Denzell's line of sights, Denzell then realised he was half naked, "Relax I didn't rape you, I just need to get something out of you" said Arlen as he flashed his eyes the ultra violet color, "wohs flesrouy xof" said Arlen in the unfamous fox language, "What is this ? What are you saying?" Denzell asked as he struggled to get out from the ropes binding him to a tree, "Welp, guess I'll have to do this the hard way" Arlen said as his eyes glowed brighter in the ultra violet color, Arlen grew his claws back on his nails while Denzell was still watching, "Don't worry, this will only hurt for a moment" Arlen said before sinking a claw in Denzell's neck, careful not to hit any major nerves in Denzell's neck he moved his claw slowly, Denzell began screaming in agony, while Arlen only continued until he hit the a specific nerve in Denzell's neck, Denzell screamed even louder in pain, "Just wait for a moment" Arlen reassured as he focused his energy into communicating with Denzell's fox, Arlen then got his claw out of Denzell's neck once he noticed that Denzell's fox won't communicate with him, "I'm gonna disappear for a while, make yourself comfortable" Arlen said before he left the area where he binded Denzell, in a cabin, Denzell knew that screaming for help won't be an option, that would only anger Arlen, or whatever it is controlling him, so realising that the wound in his neck was already healing, knitting there selves back together, Denzell decided to discover what Arlen was talking about, he started asking himself questions, why did Arlen sink his claws in his neck ? How did his eyes glow ? And what did he say while his eyes were glowing ? And more importantly, out of everyone, why did he kidnap him ?.