

Arlen punched a tree in frustration, making a hole in the tree as his anger growed, why didn't Denzell's fox respond to his calls ?, that'd the million dollar question that Arlen can't seem to figure out, Arlen calmed down as his eyes returned to their humans color, Arlen focused on his claws so he can return them to their normal human nails, "Sorry tree" Arlen said before focusing his powers on restoring the tree's original shape before he toke out his frustrations on it, suddenly Arlen had a major headache that made him drop to his knees and clutch his ears, he tried his best to not let out a scream so that his family won't found out where he is, "What are you doing to me !??" The sound of the human Arlen talked deep in his mind, Arlen's fox returned to the depth of his mind where his human was pulling him, "I'm impressed, I didn't know you could fight back so soon" Arlen's fox said before smirking, "Who are you ? And what are you doing to me ?" Arlen asked furiously wondering who's taking control of his body, "I'm you, but stronger, faster, wiser and a lot of other things" Arlen's fox said maintaining a calm voice, "So you're my soul?" Arlen asked his anger replaced with confusement, "No you idiot, I'm your spirit fox" Arlen's fox answered losing his calm just like that, "My spirit what ?" Arlen asked beyond confusement, "Fox, I take it you knew you're not fully human from a young age ?" Arlen's fox asked his voice filled with sarcasm, when Arlen's fox received no reply from Arlen, he continued, "You didn't know ? Did you ? Well, surprise ! You're not human, you're a fox, well I'm the fox here but you get the idea" Arlen's fox admitted, Arlen was speechless from what he had learnt, "But for now, I'm the one in control" Arlen's fox said before reforming to his original shape of a fox, and the same black fox was standing there, the fox lunged at Arlen and started clawing at him without any mercy, Arlen screamed in pain and agony from the clawing he received from his fox, when the fox was sure that Arlen won't fight back anymore he returned to his human shape, "I'll leave you at that" The fox said before exiting the mind stage and returning to the stage of reality.

Denzell was slowly piecing together what Arlen had said to him in another language, "wohs flesrouy xof is actually show yourself fox, but I wonder what Arlen means by 'fox' ", and Denzell remembered that he didn't recognise the events to him being in the woods, it was like someone else was in control of his body, I was, the voice that always instructed him said deep inside his mind, before Denzell could say anything to reply he wasn't in the cabin anymore, he was in another room, calling it white was an understatement, the whole room was painted with it, literally and you couldn't find another color except for white, Denzell looked around and noticed a person standing in the room, he looked exactly like him in shape, height, and everything else, "Don't be scared, I'll explain everything,from the beginning to the end" Denzell's fox reassured before starting to talk again, "15 years ago, Amarok Vulp and Luna Vulp has 2 kids, they named one Arlen and the other Denzell, but these kids were special, they were foxes, just like Amarok Vulp and Luna Vulp, They were both happy with their newborn kids, but that happiness didn't last, a group of people with a grudge against the Vulp family rose with the purpose of killing both of the newborns and the parents with them, but they only succeeded on kidnapping one newborn, Arlen Vulp" Denzell's fox explained making sure to stop at every detail to make sure Denzell got it, "Now I don't have that much time, Arlen's fox is in control, and his fox isn't happy because of all the unfairness he faced from the second he was born" Denzell's fox kept explaining, "But why did he kidnap us ?" Denzell asked trusting his fox with every cell of his body, "Because he doesn't want to feel any pain again, he wants us all to combine our strength into one fox, which will be deadly on both sides, but Arlen doesn't want to hurt us, he only wants to not be hurt again" Denzell's fox kept explaining making sure Denzell understood, "But our parent are foxes, so why did he kidnap out of our parents ?" Denzeok asked wanting to learn as much as possible, "We're the only ones with the same time as him, void, which is the most powerful fox type in the fox empire" Denzell's fox explained again, "Can you ... show me ?" Denzell asked nervously, Denzell's fox seemed to catch on with what he was saying and reformed to his fox form, which copied the color of the room, Denzell stared in awe at the furry fox that stood in the room, Denzell reached closer to the fox and slowly put his hand on the fox's cheek, which seemed to form a bond between the two, Denzell returned to the state of reality, he felt a new power within him, reaching out to him, so he accepted it all, now he knew what to do, Denzell let out a bloody curdling howl that echoed through the woods, the howls echoed and echoed until they found they're way to Amarok and Luna, and Arlen.

Arlen suddenly heard a blood curdling howl go through the woods, at first he thought it was a werewolf, but when he listened closer it was a fox howl, more specifically Denzell's howl, Arlen immediately sped up to where he heard the howl come from, the same cabin he left Denzell at, to find that door to the cabin was open, and the binds he had stored in it were torn apart, Arlen heard a light footstep coming from behind him, "You know a fox in control is more powerful than a fox and a human in control ?" Arlen asked knowing what had happened, "Let us see then" Denzell's voice came from behind him, Arlen immediately prepared for an attack, Denzell planned to punch Arlen from the back but Arlen had predicted it, Arlen dodged the attack coming from behind and grabbed Denzell's arm and threw him to the nearest tree, hearing a crack coming from Denzell's arm, "Want to go at it again ?" Arlen asked challenging Denzell, Denzell slowly got up from the ground letting out husky laugh as he cracked his arm back to place, "Try me" said Denzell's voice combined with his fox as his eyes glew the same ultra violet color that Arlen's glew, which caused a butterfly affect making Arlen's eye glow the same color, 'Suddenly, his power is much higher, I need to watch out' Arlen's fox thought, before Arlen could react Denzell sped up into Arlen, slamming into him and slamming him into the ground, "esaeleR ym rehtorb xof" Denzell demanded while being on top of Arlen, Areln let out a mocking laugh, "To think you actually have a choice in the matter" Arlen mocked before using his claws and diving them to Denzell's abdomen, Arlen then flipped Denzell so Arlen was on top of him, "Now that your fox is out .." Arlen said before sinking in his claws into Denzell's neck, Arlen found the opportunity and rushed in to take it, but before Arlen could take Denzell's fox to himself he was hit by a flame directed at him, Denzell looked to the source of the flame and found Amarok standing there, '2 versus 1, I can't win this, I have to retreat for now' Arlen said before transferring to his fox form, suddenly all of Arlen's bones started cracking, he started howling in pain from the cracked bones, and soon enough, he passed out.