
Blood on my claws

Next day at school was averagely

normal, until Arlen reached Math's class, Arlen's eyelids were so heavy that he had to sleep, but Arlen kept fighting off his tiredness, he kept his eyes open and listened to every word the teacher had to say, but still Arlen couldn't make anything out, it was like the teacher was talking in an ancient language, but Arlen made out a few of those words from the language, the heaviness of the eyelids returned to Arlen, and this time Arlen did his best until he had to blink one time, when Arlen opened his eyes every pair of eyes in the class were glaring at him, as if he did something wrong, Arlen looked around and everyone's expression was void, no happiness, no anger, nothing, suddenly the door to the class opened, everyone's eyes were still focusing on Arlen, so he was the only one to see who were the mysterious intruders, Arlen's face shifted into an expression of fear in a split second, they were his previous parents, "No, it can't be, you're not real" Arlen chanted hysterically as a layer of sweat began to cover his face, Arlen clutched his hair in his hands and kept chanting hoping that his the vision of his previous parents would go away, "You fag, you're an ungrateful scum who just wants attention, it would be better if you're dead, all fags like you deserve to burn in hell, what did you say ? YOU FAG !! we'll  take you the executioner right now ! At least you'll die not as a fag" Arlen remembered the words his previous parents said, "Please, don't kill me, I don't want to die" Arlen cried out as tears began running down his face remembering the terrifying experience he had while running away, Arlen looked up to see his parents were gone, the thing was, there wasn't any floor where they last were, just a void, and the voidness began to spread out across all of the classroom, Arlen quickly got up from his seat his eyelids still as heavy as a TV, Arlen went to the farest corner of the class from the void that ate up most of the class by now, but the void continued to spread out, Arlen clung into the wall hoping that it would somehow get him out of this hellhole, his classmates started disappearing into the void too and soon it was just him cling against the wall, Arlen tried to keep fighting off the heaviness of his eyelids until he was in a safe place, but it was getting so hard, it was like the more void spread our across the class the heavier his eyelids became, until he couldn't fight it anymore and gave in to sleeping, the next time Arlen opened his eyes, well, it wasn't Arlen anymore.

3rd perspective

'Click', Denzell clicked the pen for what seemed to be the hundredth time, he already knew all of the information in this class, how he knew ?, well certainly don't ask him, Denzell clicked the pen again thinking that if he clicked the pen enough, that his boreness would go away, but it didn't, so Denzell took a deep sigh and readjusted his seat before acting like he was paying attention, here in Riverside high school you have to learn how to pretend, it's necessary to survive in here, like yesterday, Denzell was pretending to be weak and skinny in the face of the bullies, why?, a deep voice in his head tells him to, and Denzell didn't think twice before obeying the voice, since he was a boy he trusted the mysterious voice and probably will until his dead, run, Denzell heard the voice in his head again, to say that Denzell was confused is an understatement, Run, the voice again said but this time in a much deeper tone that left no argument, but Denzell stayed in his seat in class not bothering to move, RUN !!,, the voice yelled in his head, Denzell covered his ear thinking that the voice will lower, forgetting its all in his head  RUN RUN RUN !!, the voice kept yelling in his head, it seemed like the voice was shouting in his ear, Denzell tried lower the voice in his head but it never was this loud so he didn't know what to do, RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN !!!!!, the voice yelled at it's loudest panically as if it was afraid of something, Denzell visibily flinched due to the loudness of the voice, it was like his ears were bleeding now, suddenly the fire alarm went off, "THIS IS NOT A DRILL, THERE'S A HOMICIDE IN THE SCHOOL THIS IS NOT A DRILL" The principle yelled through the PA, it all started making sense to Denzell now, too late, hide, the voice instructed much calmer but still fearful of something, all of the eyes jerked to the teacher awaiting an instruction, but as soon as the principle was done talking the teacher ran for her life outside the class, positively outside the school, that's when all hell went loose, screaming could be heard everywhere, students running for their lives, some of them taking objects to arm thereselves with, pretty soon everyone in the class was gone, spread out in all of the halls in school, hide, the voice instructed this time with fear clear in it's voice, Denzell obeyed the voice, he locked the door and barricaded it with a desk before hiding in one of the closets in the back of the class, stay, the voice instructed again and Denzell trusted the voice, so he stayed in the closet.

The perspective of Arlen's body :

I wasn't supposed to be awoken this soon, but his emotions found they're way to me, and now I could hear all of the heartbeats in the school, where everyone of them were hidden, or still running for their pathetic lives, I can even hear a police siren 2 miles away, guess they found the body I had hidden in the locker room, I looked down at my claws that were covered with the blood of the teen I had murdered, I hadn't been fed in a long time, and he was such a worthy meal, I hid the claws away so that there won't be anything suspicious, but there was still dried blood covering my hand, not my problem, as I was walking im the endless halls trying to find my brother, I noticed something in the mirror, my eyes were out, my true eyes that shone an ultra violet purple color, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, when I opened them my eyes returned to the normal brown of my human, I was lucky that no one was around me, but I can't repeat that mistake, I kept walking towards the class where the scent of my brother was coming from, I tried to open the door but it was locked, typical, I kicked the door so it'll open but it was barricaded, I rolled my eyes at my brother's predictiness, I extended one of my claws and placed it in the key hole below the door handle, I twisted it a little bit and the door was unlocked, I kicked the door again and the table that was barricading it flew to the other side of the room, I might've used my real strength but no matter, if I could get my brother then I truly would be unstoppable, of course I could get to my mother or father but my brother is the only one that shares my type, that would make both of us unstoppable, the most powerful foxes on earth.