
A walk through the woods

"Hey" Denzell greeted as he answered the ringing phone noting that the caller was Amarok, "Hey, me and your mom can't make it home tonight, I left pizza money on the dining room table" Amarok said hurriedly through the other side of the cell phone, "Why won't you be coming home ?" Denzell asked as worry began to cover his voice, "We got an injured case, most likely an animal attack, and guess who's the lucky one that got to deal with the injuries ?" Amarok said gesturing to Luna, "Mom" Denzell said as he sighed, "Alright, just be careful" Denzell said feeling worry for his parents, "I always am, kiddo, take care" Amarok said before hanging up the cell phone, "Mom and Dad won't be coming home" Denzell said to Arlen who was sprawled out on a couch near him, "What ? Why ?" Arlen said getting a sense of worry that he didn't even get for his previous parents, "Dad has an animal attack case and Mom got to deal with the injuries" Denzell stated wishing that his parent got a less lethal job, "Well, that's boring" Arlen said as he got up from the couch and put a coat on, "What are you doing ?" Denzell asked as he eyed Arlen, "Going on a walk, wanna come ?" Arlen asked as he put on some shoes, "This late at night !?" Denzell asked surprised that Arlen would even think about going on a walk again this hour, "It's only 9 PM dude" Arlen said as he rolled his eyes at Denzell's choice of words, "The night is still young" Arlen said before opening the door and exiting it, "Hey, wait up!" Denzell exclaimed as he hurried to find the closest coat, when Denzell did find one he took of after Arlen, Denzell could see the figure of Arlen slowly disappear in the woods that were near the house, "ARLEN !" Denzell yelled into the sky of night but unfortunately Arlen didn't hear him, Denzell's heart began beating faster as he recognised this woods were restricted, becasue of wolves.

Arlen's perspective :

The weather's nice at the woods, and it's quiet, it might be a little dark but collateral damage can't be avoided, for the first time in a long time, I'm feeling at peace, that was until I heard a faint growl coming from behind, I turned around and was faced with a huge jet black wolf, my first instinct was to run but all my senses were suddenly frozen, I couldn't move, maybe it was the rush of adrenaline, maybe it was something else, but the growling of the wolf only grew louder until it lunged on me, I was still frozen so I didn't have enough time to react to the wolf attacking me, the wolf attacked my chest with it's front paws, managing to lay me down to the forest floor, with it's front paws still at my chest it roared at me a loud roar, I tried to struggle beneath it's grip but it had surprising and unnatural strength that kept me pinned down, the wolf raised it's front paw and clawed at my chest, leaving a wound there, I screamed in pain hoping that anyone would hear, I closed my eyes hoping the end would come soon, is this the end of my life ? Heh, guess my previous family were right about me, no, I will not die so easily, I still have many places to go, many purposes to fill, I won't die so easily, I opened my eyes in shere determination and it felt like my eyes were burning, but the most weird thing is that I was seeing my surroundings from a thermal view, the wolf was ready to claw at my chest again until it saw me open my eyes, it was like it's surprised of something, the wolf kept staring at me until a loud gunshot was heard, causing me to blink, when I opened my eyes the wolf was gone, probably scared of the gunshot and I could see the world from a normal perspective, I jerked my head at the source of the gunshot to see Denzell holding a pistol to the air.

3rd perspective

"Oh my god, are you okay ? Did the wolf hurt your chest ?" Denzell panicked as he felt worry rush through him for Arlen, Arlen actually didn't feel any pain coming from his chest, he looked down at where the wolf had clawed to see there was no wound at all, just claw marks where the wolf ripped Arlen's shirt off, "I'm, okay ?" Arlen asked questioning himself, "Is the wolf actually that dumb to miss my chest ?" Arlen joked around trying to lighten the mood, Denzell rolled his eyes and was about to make a retore when flashlights striked through the woods, Denzell could make out that the flashlights were from his father's deputies, "Come on, we gotta go before we get caught" Denzell said hurriedly as he extended his hand towards Arlen, "Caught by who exactly ?" Arlen asked oblivious to the situation, "The police you dummy" Denzell stated in a 'duh' tone as he held his hand out even more, Arlen finally catched on and took Denzell's hand, Denzell almost lifted Arlen off the ground effortlessly, it made Arlen think back to the situation back at school, was he pretending to be weak ? Arlen thought before they both started running away from the scene.

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That night Arlen had a nightmare, he was drowning in the ocean, he kept trying to reach the surface but he failed and drowned under the ocean's cruel waves, Arlen kept trying to reach the surface but a strong wave hit him, sending him to the depths of the ocean in one seconds, Arlen wanted to try and reach the surface again but he saw a purple light in the bottom of the ocean, something about the purple light was alluring to Arlen, so instead of swimming to the surface, Arlen dived to the bottom of the ocean where the purple violet light was coming from, he found an area where the light was most circulated, so he dove to that area, and he saw something he didn't expect, he saw a body of an alive fox, but the fox wasn't moving, as if his hand had a mind of it's own it touched the fox's body, in a split second the fox's head jerked up to meet Arlen's eyes, Arlen saw the fox's eyes and it shone an ultra violet color, the light from the fox's eyes were so bright that it's the only thing Arlen could see, that was when Arlen woke up with sweating with his shirt stuck to his body breathing heavily.