
The tale of a faraway boy

Stories to be told, a being above all

EyeofHoruss · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter nine: Journey restarting

Tweet, tweet, birds, singing, flying, colorful creatures all over the place, she shiny bright light above in the sky, the clouds flowing forward, kids running around having fun.

Luna's eyes open, she would see the ceiling.

She gets up from the bed, looking around, she'd look at Asra; I get up on my two feet then head to the door. Luna opens the door; ahead of her is a sofa, carpet, a TV, and the kitchen. "I wonder if Ari and Sindra are awake," I head to the door to the other room, slightly opening the door.

I'd see the cover on the floor and see Ari naked. In an instant, I close the door. Luna's face completely turns red; her mind filled up with perverted thoughts and guesses of what Ari and Sindra did. "Oh my god, I just learned something new. Not to enter rooms without permission or if they are asleep." - Luna.

A newspaper flies across the sky; the paper flows down to the domain's front door where the four threats live.

Luna hears the paper land near the door; she walks to the door opening it, a magazine where did it come from Luna wonders, I'd pick the paper, on the form is an assassination of a mother.


| Last night, an assassin from Outerspace

| Reason: below

| related to Sindra, since Sindra ran away, he will be punished for punishment

| Assassination of the mother

| You can be able to see photos of her body at every town news station.

Luna runs to Ari's room, "WAKE UP!!! It's IMPORTANT!" Screams Luna,

Ari wakes up, "Huh?" Ari says.

"IT'S FOR SINDRA!" Luna replies fast; Ari puts the cover over her, "Sindra, wake up." Ari tells Sindra, "I'll go over here." Luna tells Ari she'd head off to the living area

"What's with all the noise?" Asra asks, "A paper for Sindra arrived!" Luna replies

"I see; what is it about if you don't mind me asking." - Asra questions.

"It's sad... it's about the assassination of his mother. Also, was Sindra born with black and silver hair, and why is he buffed?" Luna asks and replies,

"Oh, I see, well I think he was born with black silver hair, which is cool while I'm here with black and blue, but it's okay, and about him slightly buffed, he works out a lot cause it will help him get stronger I think, weird question tho," Asra replies

"Sorry!" Luna says; Ari gets up, grabs her clothes, puts them on; Sindra gets off the bed and stretches his arm.

Ari heads off to the living area; Sindra would be following, "Here, Sindra!" Luna hands over the news to Sindra. He'd look down onto the paper; his eyes start to turn red, "What IS THIS?! IS THIS EVEN REAL?! TELL ME NOW!!! HOW DO I KNOW YOUR NOTHING MESSING AROUND?!!" Sindra starts yelling; he'd pick up Luna by the neck, "TELL ME THIS ISNT REAL!" Sindra yells.

"SINDRA CALM DOWN!" Ari tells Sindra; Asra goes to Sindra then punches him in the face moving Sindra entire jaw; Sindra drop kicks Asra, he'd grab Asra, then throw him through the wall, he'd fly to Asra, "CALM DOWN!" Asra screams.

Asra points a gun at Sindra, pulling the trigger. A little light in the weapon's hole appears a perfect beam shoots out the rifle, this beam moving to a point where it's beyond the concept of time, shoots right through Sindra eye, launching him far away at rapid speed.

While flying, Sindra looks down; he'd see that he is above the king's home council. Sindra would crash into the ground near a small house, "I need water now; that beam he shot it's making me dehydrated, I couldn't even react to it." Sindra says.

Luna, Ari run over to Asra, "Idiot, you alright?" Ari says, "We have to go get him." Luna says, "I'm sorry...I should have no attacked him; it's my fault." Asra replies, "Shush." Ari grabs Asra up then the three of them head off to find Sindra.

Sindra walks to the door of the small little house; he'd open the door like he is about to rob the place; opening the door widely, he'd see a room with yellow walls.

The floor made out of carpet, Sindra moves forward into the room, fully entering the place, the door behind him turns into atoms.

I'd look behind me and notice the door gone; I start to wonder where am I; Sindra walks around all the rooms look the same, all following a yellow pattern, above is a ceiling with a rectangle light giving off a loud buzz noise, Sindra continues to walk further more into this area, every room the same like its an endless house yet it's not a house.

Sindra moves up his arm; he'd notice slightly transparent arms below the movement; he pulls out a magical watch to check the time; no time would be flowing. "HELLO?! IS ANYBODY THERE?" Sindra screams out loud; an echo goes across each room, flowing through each room.

I start to move forward to another room, ahead of me would be another room; there is no stop to these endless rooms, no time flowing too; this place is weird, "Wait...is this my new home...please don't tell me I'm trapped here forever!" Sindra starts to panic.

"Star, somebody has entered the backroom," Celeste says; Sindra remembers that his mother is dead, "Mother...I failed; I'm a failure. I know you kept the truth from me, I know you didn't want to tell me I won't accomplish what I wanted, but you always cheered me up, I love you, and now you are not here, I don't even know if Gabi is still alive. I miss you so much, mom," Sindra falls onto the ground with tears rapidly falling.

"Mom, I swear if I were able to give up everything for you to be alive, I would, I would give up my life for you. I wish you never lied to me, but it's still okay; I want you more than anything right now. I do I MISS YOU, WHY!!!! WHY! WHY! WHY!!! NOW I'm the worst I'm the reason you died, I'm the reason so many people die, I CAN'T! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE!" Sindra cries screams, out loud filled up with anger, sadness, regret.

I start to cry more and more; my hand instantly goes through my heart; Sindra pulls out his heart, blood splatters everywhere on the floor, he begins to cry more and more in a beat he crushes his spirit, blood launches, but tho he still alive, "Why am I alive still...why." he'd pull out a small knife then stab it right in his eye, he pulls it out then continues to stab himself over and over, blood splattered all over the walls.

"Why... won't I die? How am I alive still" He continues to keep stabbing himself, but yet he still hasn't succeeded to kill himself, "WHY WON'T I JUST DIE ALREADY WHY!!!!!!!!!!" Sindra screams at the top of his lungs, crying more and more, "I...just want to die." Sindra says with sadness

"Hey there," Tanzin says in a delicate voice. "Why are you doing this? Don't hurt yourself!" she'd say; she puts her palm on Sindra forehead. "Heal." She quietly says every injury on Sindra's body heals in a negative second.

"Why...are you doing this? Why are you helping me?" Sindra asks with his eyes wide open with tears dropping.

"Cause I don't wanna see anybody hurt or sad!" Tanzin replies, "Now get up. I got to take you somewhere." she grabs Sindra. "Here we go!" Tanzin expresses.

Tanzin, walking with Sindra going through the endless rooms, "Just going to get stuff cleared up. We stay with each other at all times; there is stuff out there that is extremely strong. No betraying if you do we will not stop to end your life, and lastly, when we sleep, we all have to sleep next together.

"I just don't get it. You should have just let me die." Sindra quietly speaks.

"We are almost there, quiet. Also, you are too heavy for me to carry; your muscles are strong tho. I don't know how you are quite skinny and buffed at the same time and heavy; we here now." She'd grab Sindra and throw him down onto the ground.

"THE HELL?!" Sindra yells, he'd look in front of him, three boys, and two girls and Tanzin behind,

Sindra eyes, filled with shock; There Aura, it feels so strong...who are they, infinite rings of thoughts inside Sindra being said,

"Welcome to the backrooms; we are currently out of existence." Star saying with a grin.