
The tale of a faraway boy

Stories to be told, a being above all

EyeofHoruss · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter eight: Reality

I always wondered if I can ever accomplish what I want. Ever since I fought Kaze, everything seems different I know I can never spread peace.

True reality. No matter what, there are foes stronger than me. I only have one choice ahead of me; whatever that map was that leads to the truth, I must go there. 

I hold so many bodies on my back; I have to carry each body, dead kids, older adults, no matter what, I will never get forgiven.

 I shouldn't have interfered with Kaze. I'm an idiot; I wonder what mom and Gabi would think of me, knowing mom; she would probably try to cheer me up.

If I do make it out alive, I know what I must do. Sindra saying in his mind, finally waking up to actual reality

"GET UP NOW!" yelling the Knight with anger, Sindra listening to the knight; he'd get up; the knight heads over to Sindra, cuffing his arms. Both Sindra and the Knight heads outside to the gladiator field; the center of the area is stairs and a platform; on top of the is a guillotine.

They arrive at the guillotine, with over 17 thousand people watching.

"GO TO HELL!", "DIE, ITS YOUR FAULT MY FAMILY DIE!" "You DON'T DESERVE TO BE ON THIS PLANET. YOU ARE SICK!", "If you were never to exist, THE CITY WOULD HAVE MADE IT!" people screaming, crying, yelling, some cheering and some quiet, all the hatred towards Sindra.

The knight puts Sindra head through the hole; near the audience above is 12 royal beings,

Wow, the 12 kings. A fantastic way to die, with the 12 kings of this world. Sindra says in his empty mind.


"Mother and Gabi is going to see me like this... well, this truly sucks," Sindra mumbles out loud. What should I do? Why am I even asking myself this? I'm going to die anyway, probably will go to hell. I should have just minded my own business and not fight Kaze, Sindra filling up his mind with regrets and questions.

"Luna, you in position?" Asra asks with a microphone made out of the metal element's magic.

"Yes, I'm in position. Tell me when to launch the arrow," Luna replies; she'd study her eye next to the guillotine; all I have to do is shoot next to it so Ari can jump in and get him, Luna. says in her head.

"EXECUTE!" Screams King ash.

"FIRE!" Asra says. Luna releases the arrow; it launches at hypersonic speed, it would hit the ground, an explosion happens, "Bingo." Luna says; Ari runs towards Sindra with all her pace; she'd instantly grab Sindra while passing by.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?! FIRE!!!" King ash screams! Bullets start shooting towards Ari, explosions appearing from shots; the audience all start to panic, people falling over the seats, pushing each other, people falling down the long walls into the arena. "What shall we do?!" King Arin says,

"Since Sindra got saved, we will kill his family," Ash replies.

While bullets and magic being fired, Ari would be holding Sindra, "Luna, Asra. I'm going to make a domain with a logo on it near the closest town; you both will be able to notice it," Ari tells them both, "Got it!" - Luna replies along with Asra.

Ari pulls out her staff, "Creation Magic, DOMAIN!" a domain starts to form out of bricks with a logo of a star; Ari enters the house, she'd head over to the room and put Sindra down on the bed, "It's going to be alright Sindra, just rest."

Asra and Luna arrive at the small house, "Damn, those people seem crazy!" Luna complains, "Well, it might be like that for a while whatever we do next." Asra replies.

3 hours after leaving the Arena

Sindra slowly starts to wake up; he rubs his eyes like he woke up from a great sleep.

Opening his eyes, he sees an arm rising down onto him; he pulls up his arm, trying to grab the hand. "Where am I..? Am I in heaven or hell or whatever is in the afterlife?" Sindra questioning.

"Sindra!" Ari gets up; she runs over to Sindra, hugging him tightly, "We have a future ahead of us; Sindra, everything will be alright now," Ari says to Sindra. Asra and Luna head over to see Sindra, "Sindra, hello lucky bastard." Asra expresses.

"Asra, Ari, and who is that?" Sindra asks, "Hi... I'm luna!" Luna answers Sindra's question. "Luna...? Arent you... the sister of a little boy..?" Sindra asks.

"Yea... Ari told me what yall were supposed to do." Luna quietly says 

"Let me guess; he didn't make it, I genuinely am horrible... made a promise and couldn't even keep it. IT'S ALL MY FAULT THEY ALL DIED EVERYBODY THERE DIED ALL CAUSE OF ME! THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!!!" Sindra cries out loud, layers of tears flowing down his cheek; he'd cry so much, blaming everything on himself.

Ari walks up to Sindra; she gets on the bed; she'd lean towards Sindra then hugs him tightly. "Sindra, it's alright. Stop. worrying please, it's going to be okay, I promise." Ari speaks to Sindra.

"Okay, guys, I think we should all head to sleep; we have a long day tomorrow," Asra recommends to everybody,

"Luna, Asra, there are two beds in the other room; I will sleep with Sindra; wait, Is it fine if I sleep with you, Sindra?" Ari asks

"Ehhhhh," Sindra replies; Ari slaps Sindra so hard like it felt like he got hit by a swatter.                       "OWWWW, FINE YOU CAN SLEEP WITH ME!" Sindra cries out loud, "Goodie!" she replies.

"Good night!" Luna says, "Yea, good night." Asra also says after Luna. Both head off to the other room to sleep; Luna runs to the bed, jumping onto it and throwing the cover over her; Asra heads over to the different mattress and puts the blanket over him.

"Asra, do you think Sindra will be alright?" Luna asks worriedly, "Yea, that idiot will be alright, no need to worry." Asa replies to Luna's question, "I see." she mumbles; Asra closes his eyes, slowly falling asleep. Luna faces the opposite side closing her eyes.

"Sindra, scoot over." Ari says, "Whyyyy???" Sindra asking, "JUST SCOOT OVER OR ELSE!" Ari yells at Sindra, "Fine...." Sindra scoots over closer to the wall.

Ari unclips her strap slowly; the strap falls to the floor; she would take off the top part of her shirt, she drops it onto the floor. Ari slowly takes off her bottom clothes; she would only have a bra and underwear.

Sindra closes his eyes slightly, peaking a tiny bit. Ari unclips her bra; it falls onto the ground; she'd take off her underwear, she would be fully naked. "I usually like to sleep naked, so please don't mind." Ari says, "Okay, I don't mind!" Sindra, replying to Ari.

She'd get into the bed with Sindra; she pulls the cover over her and Sindra. She'd pull Sindra closer; her leg would wrap over Sindra, "Lights off!" Ari commands, the lights suddenly turn off after Ari orders, "Good night," Sindra says; Ari smiles and closes her eyes,

Sindra closes his eye after Ari; both fall asleep.

Later that night

Knock knock, the door of the wooden house in the middle of nowhere getting knocked on, "Mom; somebody is knocking on the door," Gabi says, complaining, "Yes, dear, I know." Vannesa replies; Vannesa heads over to the door, "Who is it?" She asks, "Please... Help me!" A man says, acting hurt; she'd open the door widely, "Heh." The man smiles at Vannesa.

He'd pull out his knife and stab it right into her stomach; he pulls her close, stabbing the knife deeper. "GABI!!! RUN NOW!" She yells; Gabi gets up and grabs the spear; she throws it at the man, but the spear stops before it lands the chance to hit; the man would control the spear and launch it off to Gabi; she'd dodge the spear.

"MOM!!!" Gabi rushes, she'd clench her fist then try to punch the man, but an invisible force field would not let her land the hit. "GABI, NO, JUST RUN! PLEASE RUN I BEG YOU, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!" Vannesa screams; the man throws the mother to the wall straight into a sharp object; she'd spit out blood, bloody tears fall down her cheeks.

"Well, dear, no need to run!" the man says, "VECTA'S SMITE!" a nothingness/everything bolt hits the ground, pushing both the man and Gabi, "Faze MAGIC," Gabi screams out loud, she'd run behind her going through the wall. Gabi, please live on for a long time please see your brother Sindra one day and please, be safe. Vannesa states in her head. 

"Well ill let her leave off, but you... I'm finishing you off for sure!" The dreadful man says he would walk up to the mother with an evil grin on his face; in a second above infinite, he would be holding her heart, "Time to snack!" he'd open his mouth wide open, then shove the core inside him. "Mmmm, tasty," he says. After he would start to laugh, "time to head off," he walks to the door opening it, walking down the stairs, he'd look up above him then fly upward into the endless universe.