
The System Begged Me For Help

Aria was the Goddess of beauty. She got killed by other gods and ended up at Li Ye's world, whose real name was Leon and he vaguely remembers the memories of all his past lives. She thought he was just an ordinary son of heaven and could take his luck by helping him defying his fate. She created a system with her authority to help Li Ye change his destiny and take his luck slowly. But Li Ye wanted to live an ordinary life, leaving no choice for Aria but to devour his soul and move on to the next son of haven. As she was trying to devour his soul, she found out that Li Ye was not someone she should have messed with. After witnessing Li Ye's power, she told him everything. Li Ye then wanting to experience the lives of his past self decided to help her. Leon then began his journey with his beautiful Goddess to know the secrets that the omniverse holds.

Pretom_Barua · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 15: Aria

"Congratulations, all of you have successfully passed the trials of the Flying Tiger Sect. Henceforth, you are all recognized as outer disciples of the sect," the sect master proclaimed.

A hand rose from the midst of the crowd, seeking attention.

"Is there something you wish to address?" inquired the sect master.

"Sect master, as outer disciples, what resources can we expect for our cultivation?" queried the disciple.

"As a disciple, the sect does not provide cultivation resources," clarified the sect master.

"Then how do we acquire the necessary resources for our cultivation?" pressed the disciple.

"To obtain pills or cultivation resources, you must utilize your contribution points at the Pill Hall. Engage in missions at the Activity Hall to earn these points. Additionally, there's a ranking system in place. Duel your fellow disciples to climb the ranks, and the top 10 will be rewarded with extra cultivation resources," explained the sect master to the attentive crowd.

Another voice broke through the silence, seeking guidance.

"How does one advance to become an inner disciple?" asked the disciple.

"Every three months, there will be a sect competition for outer disciples. Those who rank in the top five will ascend to become inner sect disciples. Furthermore, every six months, there's a competition for inner sect disciples to vie for the coveted title of core disciple," elucidated the sect master.

"If you have no further inquiries, I shall take my leave," announced the sect master, his gaze sweeping over the expectant faces of the crowd before focusing on Yanmei. "Come with me."

"What are your thoughts on becoming my disciple?" the sect master proposed to Yanmei, his voice tinged with both authority and anticipation.

"Forgive my rudeness but I can't accept your proposal," Yanmei said with determination. 

"Do not rush to decline. Consider the benefits I can provide," the sect master urged, his eyes gleaming with ambition.

"I cannot accept without my master's consent," Yanmei replied respectfully, her words a testament to her loyalty.

Yanmei turned to Li Ye, seeking his approval before making her decision, a gesture that caught the sect master off guard.

"Apologies, but my master does not support this arrangement," Yanmei informed the sect master, her words finalizing the decision and leaving the sect master to ponder the unexpected turn of events.

"Why does she need your approval?" the sect master questioned, confusion furrowing his brow as he struggled to comprehend the relationship between Yanmei and Li Ye.

"She seeks my approval as her master," Li Ye explained calmly, his demeanor betraying none of the tension brewing beneath the surface.

The sect master then asked, "What do mean as her master."

"She is my maid and I am her master." Li Ye replied with a lazy tone.

The sect master was stunned to hear that someone whose talent is higher than everyone in the whole kingdom and can compete with the prodigies of the empire is a maid and how can the master of such a maid be a talentless fool?

"You don't need to think much about this matter." Li Ye said while handing something to the sect master.

The sect master's inquiry hung in the air, a subtle challenge to Li Ye's unconventional arrangement.

"I am her master, and she is my maid," Li Ye responded languidly, his words carrying the weight of certainty.

The sect master's astonishment was palpable, his thoughts racing to reconcile the incongruity of a maid possessing talents surpassing all in the kingdom, while her master appeared devoid of such gifts.

Li Ye's nonchalant demeanor remained unchanged as he handed the sect master a letter, a silent rebuttal to the unspoken doubts. Within it lay the seal of the esteemed Li clan, a testament to Li Ye's standing despite outward appearances.

The sect master's disbelief melted into speechlessness as he absorbed the contents of the letter. How could one seemingly lacking in talent garner such favor from the most prestigious clan?

With a composed air, Li Ye voiced his request for both himself and his maid to be made core disciples, along with the provision of two separate courtyards.

The sect master's irritation flickered briefly, swiftly masked by deference to Li Ye's backing.

"I will see to it," he acquiesced, his tone belying a hint of annoyance.

"Master, why did you tell the sect master to arrange 2 courtyards?"

"As a maid shouldn't I be at your side all the time?" Yanmei asked confused as to why Li Ye asked for 2 courtyards.

"Didn't I tell you, you're my maid in name only? I made you my maid just so no one can harm you even if you offended them. Also, you need to focus on your cultivation, so you can become a martial arts grandmaster sooner." Li Ye replied to Yanmei.

Then they reached the courtyard.

Their arrival at the courtyard prompted Li Ye to inquire about Yanmei's consumption of the pills he provided, emphasizing the importance of diligence in her training.

"Did you finish all the pills that I gave you?" Li Ye asked Yanmei. 

"Yes, master"

"I know you're talented but don't skip your training."

With promises of further resources to aid her cultivation, Li Ye retreated into his courtyard, his disappointment at its modest size masked by his resolve.

"Now let's go to the soul space."

Entering the soul space, Li Ye was met with a sight that defied his expectations. His customary laziness gave way to stunned awe as his gaze met the woman standing before him, her ethereal presence captivating him in a moment of divine revelation.

As his gaze met hers, time itself seemed to pause, captivated by the ethereal sight before him. She stood a vision of divine elegance, her hair a cascade of molten silver that shimmered like strands of celestial silk under the moon's gentle caress. Her eyes, deep pools of sapphire, held within them the secrets of ancient galaxies, a mesmerizing gaze that drew him in with its cosmic allure.

Every line of her form was a testament to the sculptor's artistry, each curve crafted with a precision that bordered on the divine. Her presence seemed to fill the air with an intoxicating fragrance, a symphony of jasmine and starlight that danced on the breeze, leaving him breathless in its wake.